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Chapter 868: do you dare to touch me

Very cold!

The words of the Tianshuang Palace Master were very cold.

"Palace Master Tianshuang, you are also a person of status. You should know very well that since everyone is here for the same thing, it is for those who are capable. Although you are powerful, but treasures are such things. , and whoever is strong, must belong to whoever is." Qiong Ying said.

He is also a guardian of the gods.

It's not that anyone can be threatened.

He joined Shenwei because he no longer wanted to be oppressed by others.

Neither can the guards.

Not to mention the Heavenly Frost Palace Master.

It can be said.

The people of the Shenwei are the toughest in this situation, because they have a real Shenwei behind them.

The first rule of Shenwei is that there is no need to run away from anyone's threat.

"Very good, the combination of Shenwei and Xia Xia." There was a special look on the face of the Tianshuang Palace Master.

have to say.

Whether it's Shenwei or Summer, it's a very troublesome existence.

They are not easy to clean up.

"I don't think you should tell me this question either." Xia Xia looked at the Tianshuang Palace Master in front of him: "Do you dare to touch me?"


Summer's words are very simple.

But very arrogant.

Even more domineering than what Qiongying said.

Qiong Ying is not afraid of any threat because he has a divine guard as his backing.

Can be summer.

But he said this directly.

The Palace Master Tianshuang also frowned.

If it is an ordinary person.

Naturally, they are not afraid of summer. Even some people who have been famous for a long time, they don't care about summer, because in their eyes, summer's realm is not as high as theirs. When they really work hard, they can win summer.

But only those who really stand at the top.

Only then did I know that summer is not easy to mess with.

Especially the Heavenly Frost Palace Master.

He had seen with his own eyes that the people around Xia Xia were all kinds of people.

There is no need to say more about the sect master of the Golden Sword Gate.

There is no need to say more about Baichuan behind Thirteen.

But the Monkey King.

Can he be provoked?

From the fighting situation at that time, we can see the relationship between Xia Xia and the Monkey King.

And the battle at Fangcunshan.

That battle.

It was what made him truly fearful.

Even that person took the initiative to apologize, what does this mean?

Maybe the people below don't understand what this means, but he, the owner of the eighth party, can't help but know.

"You're forcing me to kill someone to silence me." Tianshuang Palace Master said coldly.


As long as he kills and silences him, no one will know that he did it. At that time, even if those people are not easy to mess with, no one will find him.


Summer said this.

It was to make him kill.


Qiongying is also very surprised now.

Because Xia Xia spoke to the Tianshuang Palace Master like that, the Tianshuang Palace Master did not refute it.

It's not the first time he sees Xia threatening others.

It can be said.

Xia Tian threatens all ruthless people.

Although he is not afraid of the threat of the Tianshuang Palace Master, he does not dare to threaten such an existence as the Tianshuang Palace Master.

"Do you think you can kill all of us here?" Xia Tian asked.


The strength of the Tianshuang Palace Master is very strong, but the strength of these people is not weak.

They have so many people here.

If you want to escape with all your heart, even the Lord of the Tianshuang Palace, it is impossible to keep everyone.

"Let's put it this way, Xia Xia, you can't stop me. I must kill both of them. Only by killing both of them can the eighth party be calmed down." said Tianshuang Palace Master.

What he said was very righteous.

For the eighth party.

He just started.

"Really? Come on, I really don't believe it. The two of them can cause chaos in the eighth party. How many people are there in the eighth party? Have you counted? Ten billions? Hundreds of billions, or trillions? ' asked Summer.


There are many people in the eighth party.

And human reproduction is very fast. First release https://https://

It's not so easy to make so many people mess up.

The Eighth Party is still very large. Even if there is any real big news or treasure in such a big place, it will take at least a thousand or ten thousand years to spread it.


Few things can completely mess up an eighth party.

"That's right, say something directly, lest we investigate it ourselves. Maybe if you persuade us, we will give up protecting those two people." Qiong Ying also said directly.

he said so.

It was just to let the Tianshuang Palace Master reveal the secrets inside.

They all understand.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master must be in possession of a huge secret.

As for what the secret is.

Only the Heavenly Frost Palace Master knows.

The current Shenwu and Dibo do not know.

But if these two people continue to live, they will know sooner or later.

"Do you think it's possible?" Tianshuang Palace Master asked.

"Since it's impossible, then there's nothing to talk about. You've already revealed your cards today. If we don't show your cards, it's like we are so easy to bully. If you want to play, we'll play with you. ." Xia Xia also understands that in a head-on confrontation, although there are many people, they are definitely not the opponents of the Tianshuang Palace Master.

But he bet.

The Palace Master Tianshuang did not dare to do anything here.

Of course.

It's a gamble.

As long as it is gambling.

There will be winners and losers.

Once lost.

The result was also terrifying.

"Although the net won't necessarily break, the fish won't necessarily die." Qiong Ying waved his right hand.

His subordinates were instantly scattered in several different directions.

They didn't mean to do it.

Instead, you plan to run Summer, your decision today will kill billions, tens of billions, or even hundreds of billions of people. " said Tianshuang Palace Master.

"Don't make me say so powerful, I really don't have that great ability in summer, I can kill so many people, if one day in the future, the eighth party really turns into a sea of ​​blood, it can only be said to be from Shenzhou Change, the trend and development of human beings, not what I do in summer can change." Summer never thought that he could change the world.

The opposite of.

this world.

I am changing myself little by little.


As long as the world is still developing.

Then, many unforeseen things are destined to happen.

"Very well, remember what you said today, I will not move you this time, but don't think that you are safe. From now on, as long as you show your flaws, I will kill you all without hesitation." Tianshuang Palace Master After speaking, the body began to gradually disappear.


He was still threatening these people in the end.

Of course.

Everyone also understands.

The Tianshuang Palace Master is not talking empty words this time.

But he really intends to do it, but he is not directly launching the final battle now.

"I'm waiting for you at any time, but you must be quick next time, don't let me stop you." Xia Xia responded.

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