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Chapter 883: summer countermeasures

"It must be very interesting that the venerable fell, but the general venerable has a very high bloodline concentration. Except me, everyone else should be able to resurrect." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said with emotion.

"Isn't your blood concentration also very high?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect is also a person with a very high blood concentration.

And he was resurrected before.

"Bloodline resurrection is not invincible. I have already been resurrected once, and within 10,000 years, I will not be able to resurrect a second time, so if this matter is not important, I will never come out casually." Sanzhujiao The bishop sighed with emotion.

Bloodline resurrection is indeed limited.

This was seen from Baijiaxing in the summer.

Baijiaxing is such a person.

He is also a person with enough blood to be resurrected.


He was tricked by the boss of the Flywheel House, and in the end he didn't even have the chance to be resurrected.

"Baijiaxing is dying." Xia Xia said lightly.

"I heard about it," said the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"It seems that there are people from you in Baixing." Xia Xia said with emotion.

Because not many people know this core secret temporarily.

"That's natural. In places like Baixing, there are not only people from our Three Bamboo Sect, but also people from other forces." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect explained.

Xia Xia remembered now that it was time for him to use the reputation of Baijiaxing to intimidate the Tianshuang Palace Master.

At that time, he said several people's names.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master didn't care too much.

It's because the Tianshuang Palace Master has seen through the people that Xia Xia said.

Although Xia said four people.

But the only person who might actually come forward for Xia Xia is the one who is the master of the Golden Sword Sect, Tie Xin, and one Tie Xin really can't do anything to him.

The remaining Dongbatian will definitely not take revenge for the summer; the Xiantian Monkey King can't just leave there.


At that time, the Heavenly Frost Palace Master was so tough.

Fortunately, Xia Tian has that tattoo on his body.

If it wasn't for that tattoo.

He really might be beheaded by the Heavenly Frost Palace Master.

"Hundreds of stars can die, do you think that their bloodline power will definitely be resurrected?" Xia Xia asked.

"You really dare to think about it." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect found out.

Summer's thoughts are always different from others.

many things.

It's no longer anyone who dares to think about it.

It's that no one has thought about it, but summer can.

"The reason why Baijiaxing died is because he was in a sealed state, and the owner of the Flywheel House drained his power little by little. To kill a person with the power of blood, as long as he uses up his power, it is a little bit, and if the average consumption is used, this person can be killed, right?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, you are right, Venerables with high bloodline purity can be resurrected even if they are killed by a fire group with an explosion, but if the power in the dantian is flowing, it cannot be resurrected. Of course, this Dantian power is flowing. , there cannot be a strong burst point, otherwise the power of bloodline will instinctively help this person die and resurrect, so the method you said can indeed kill a Venerable with high bloodline concentration, but it is very difficult, a Venerable, no matter what No matter what kind of strong enemy you encounter, it is impossible to wait there honestly and wait for the opponent to drain your strength a little bit." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect nodded.

Sure enough.

No matter what kind of person.

will die.

Even people with high blood concentration are the same.

"In this case, as long as we give us time, we can use the world king to absorb all the power in the opponent's dantian. In this case, even if the opponent is a Venerable with a high bloodline concentration, he will surely die and cannot be reborn." Hongfeng Analysis Road.


"Although it's difficult, it's true." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

"By the way, the cultivation methods of the people from the Sanzhu Sect that you asked me to investigate are not suitable for us for the time being. Of course, this may be because their cultivation methods are flawed, so they are not suitable. If it is the complete cultivation method of ancient times , that should also be useful to us." Hongfeng explained.

"I don't have much time left, and I must try every means to improve my strength." Xia Xia also understands that the five-year appointment is getting closer and closer to him. In other words, five years will soon pass, especially for some people who are in seclusion and cultivation, they may close their eyes and open their eyes, and five years will pass.

So he must cherish every opportunity.

"The situation is not very good, those loose cultivators are too troublesome." The head of the Three Bamboo Sect frowned.

His people are now losing a lot.

"Don't worry, your people should have already acted, and the guards have also acted. Their actions will soon be effective. The biggest way to deal with loose cultivators is to destroy their beliefs. They think about profit, not throwing it away. My own life." Xia Xia had already prepared for it.

At the star's house.

"Palace Master Tianshuang, you are really amazing. We are now completely suppressing the Three Bamboo Sect, and there is good news ahead." The Xing Family Patriarch said very excitedly.

Ever since the Heavenly Frost Palace Master joined his team.

Not only did his team recover their morale.

And more loose cultivators are willing to believe them.

This time, the crusade against the Three Bamboo Sect.

There are a large number of loose cultivators on his We are all subordinates of the Celestial Clan, and it is normal to help each other. Now that I know what's going on here, I naturally want to help, but it's a pity This time it's your mission. It's not convenient for me to send too many subordinates here. Otherwise, I'll let my subordinates come together and kill these people very easily. "The Palace Master Tianshuang said very aggressively.

"I won't say more about my thanks. If the Tianshuang Palace Master has any orders in the future, I will never give up." The Xing Family Patriarch also said very gratefully.

Now he also wants to curry favor with the Heavenly Frost Palace Master.

After all, the Heavenly Frost Palace Master is very powerful. With him here, he can also complete the task better.

Moreover, if he wants to enter the ranks of the top ten masters of the eighth party, he also needs the help of the Tianshuang Palace Master.

"Well, don't worry, if you can help me, I will definitely help, do your best, it just so happens that Baijiaxing has had an accident, and there is also a vacancy for the eighth party's top ten masters. I can leave it to you, as long as your task can be done this time. When it's done, I will definitely help you." said Tianshuang Palace Master.


When I heard this.

The owner of the Xing family should not be too excited.

He dreams of wanting to be one of the top ten masters.

Now Tianshuang Palace Master has taken the initiative to say that he is willing to help.

Of course he was extremely happy.

At this time, he also took out some storage equipment: "A little thought."

The Palace Master Tianshuang was not polite, and put it away directly: "Come on, come on."

Just when the head of the Xing family was immersed in a bright future, an elder ran in.

"Patriarch, it's not good!!"

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