The Best All-rounder

Chapter 885: Battle of the Broken Stars

Inside the team of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"The reputation of the Tianshuang Palace Master really works. Such a perfect plan can be stabilized by relying on his reputation." The leader of the Sanzhu Sect also said helplessly.

He also admitted.

The summer plan is really perfect.

He successfully controlled the Xing family's team.

If it wasn't for the accident of the Tianshuang Palace Master, then they would have been pressing the Xing family to fight.


There is no if in this world.

The Heavenly Frost Palace Master is here.

That's how his reputation works.

At this time, the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also felt very sorry.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings.

Such a great opportunity.

Just missed it.

"Don't worry, there will be surprises on the Shenwei side. If the Tianshuang Palace Master thinks that he can control the five people of the Shenwei, this is a big mistake. Since the death of Xingwangtong and Xingwangyu After that, apart from Xingwangmu, no one in the Xing family could control those five people." Xia Xia was also very clear about the strength comparison of these people.

Xingwangtong and Xingwangyu are definitely the strongest.

These two are also able to fight head-on with the guards.


Both of them are dead.

Qiongying is an invincible existence below the Venerable.

If the five of them were killed, it would be very terrifying.

"Then let's watch their performance." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect then said: "By the way, my people have withdrawn."


Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Did you see that star?"

"Is that fireball?" asked the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"Yes, that's the one." Xia Xia looked at the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect: "Can it be broken?"

"Yes!!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said confidently.

"Break it!!" Summer said.

"That's a good way. That position is right at the back of their team. The gravity of this star is relatively high. If the star is broken, it will fall directly." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said excitedly.

"Yes, but you want your withdrawn subordinates to go to the back of our team, and at the same time quickly notify the people behind and all the loose cultivators, telling them that only by working together can we stop the attack of the Xing family. There will definitely be revenge attacks, and only when everyone defends together can they not be hurt at all, and the Xing Family will not let them go because they are loose cultivators." Xia Xia reminded.

"It's still as comprehensive as you think." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said excitedly.

at the same time!

His body began to rise rapidly.

His eyes turned to the fireball.


A black bamboo appeared in the right hand.

A black light enveloped everything around him.

The power of the world instantly gathered towards the black bamboo in his hand: "I haven't done such a thing for a long time."

Broken Star!

It is the ability that people of their level have.

But who would go to Broken Star to play when they have nothing to do?

Even when fighting.

They will also respond according to the on-site environment and changes.


The endless black light also appeared for the first time.


Inside the star's team.

Xingwangmu and Tianshuang Palace Master got up instantly.

They are all too familiar.

This is the world blow of the Venerable.

"It's the guy from the Three Bamboo Sect. Could it be that he shot directly?" Xingwangmu frowned. In his opinion, this kind of thing should not be done. Although the Sanzhu Sect leader is powerful, no matter what, This is not their battlefield.

How could the Venerable come up and do it.

This is too detrimental to their identities.

And come up to consume yourself.

Then how will he face the venerable Xing family? When he **** the treasure next, what else would he use to **** it?

So no matter what.

In their opinion, none of the venerable masters should start now.

"No, his goal is not us!!" The Tianshuang Palace Master also discovered the problem immediately.

He found.

The target of the Three Bamboo Sect leader's attack was not them.

It's the fireballs on their heads!

"It's there, it's bad, it's the rear of our team." Xingwangmu's face changed: "Go on, let the team in the rear advance at full speed!!"


The attack of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect was also directly fired.

He's been accumulating energy for so long.

hit the blow.

Completely possesses the ability of Fragment Star.

This attack.

The power is extremely powerful.

The fireball in the sky also smashed down immediately.

The Xing family's team was ordered to move forward rapidly, so they could escape the lethal force.

But the loose cultivators in the back were all miserable.

They originally gave face to the Tianshuang Palace Master, and they followed the Xing family's team forward, which was considered to have resolved their grievances with the Xing family.

Ke Xing's family escaped like this, completely ignoring them.

Look at the fireballs and bolides in the sky.

The people in front were also frantically cursing.

The Law of the Stars!

Xia Xia also saw the opportunity and directly used the law of the stars. Although it is far away from here, and the power of the law here is very mixed, there is still no law power that can be spread from the attack path of the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect just now. He is the Let your own law of the stars hit along this line.

Countless flaming meteors become even more terrifying when they encounter the Law of the! !

"Oops!!" The Temple Master Tianshuang saw the situation behind him, and he finally understood what the leader of the Sanzhu Sect meant: "We've been tricked again."

"What's wrong?" Xingwangmu still didn't understand what happened.

"Their purpose is not to kill your people, but to scare your people away. At that time, your order was urgent, and your people would definitely run away as soon as possible. In this case, the loose cultivators behind will be left alone. , Now that they have suffered such a devastating attack, they will not hold grudges against the Three Bamboo Sect, they will only think that you have plotted against them and abandoned them!!" Tianshuang Palace Master fully reacted.

"Do you look down on these loose cultivators too much? What if they think so? They still dare to attack my team? Be honest." Xingwangmu didn't care about these loose cultivators.

In his opinion.

These loose cultivators are just a mob.

Someone is making trouble.

Just kill the leader.

The people who had followed behind had already made him very uncomfortable.

Now he has to take care of the emotions of these people.

This is not what he wants to see.


The Palace Master Tianshuang sighed and did not persuade Xingwangmu.

Xingwangmu also saw that the attitude of the Tianshuang Palace Master was not very good, and then flew directly: "He attacked my team, then I will attack the team behind him in the same way."

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