The Best All-rounder

Chapter 891: 1 person battle


After Xia Xia rushed in, he was also changing positions quickly. Although the other party was not afraid of death, they had no idea when Xia Xia would appear by their side.


The Tianhan Sword was quickly harvested.

There is a blow from Hongfeng!

These people who were already injured were simply unable to withstand Xia Xia's attack.


In the summer with the bonus of Tianhan Sword.

The strength was originally strong to a top level.

Even if these people were completely victorious, Xia Xia could attack and die.

Now seriously injured.

even faster.

Everyone has fear. Although the people of the Xing family are not afraid of death, they also have fear. As long as the summer digs out their fears deeply, their determination to die will become death.

Xia Xia quickly entered the opponent.

Directly killed more than 20 people.

Then left.

"The people of the Xing family are really troublesome. Their reaction speed is too fast. No wonder the Sanzhu Sect managed to kill more than 20,000 people under such a good plan." Hongfeng said with emotion.

The people of the star family.

Everyone has many means.

Everyone's abilities are also very strong.

The biggest advantage of these people is that they are not afraid of death. For the glory of the Xing family, they can do anything.

And the response is also very fast.

Every time they raided in the summer, they responded quickly, and they quickly found a way to deal with it.


They are in groups of five, guarding each other.

Don't give any chance of sneak attack in summer.

"They are very tough, but they forgot one point. They are the main attackers. I am just defending. Although their formation is very suitable for defense, they are not suitable for main attack." Xia Xia is very casual said.

The way these people are now is indeed very suitable for defense.

But summer is the one who should be defended.

rather than them.

"There are more and more of them." Hongfeng said helplessly.

Now the members of the Three Bamboo Sect have withdrawn. All the people here are from the Xing family. The main attacking team of the Xing family is here. The team of a few thousand people was killed by the head of the Three Bamboo Sect. It was killed by a sneak attack in the summer. part.

A total of more than a thousand people were killed.

But now.

On the opposite side, there are tens of thousands of people.

More and more people fight.

And here in summer.

There is only summer left.

Against tens of thousands of masters.

Moreover, there are tens of thousands of masters who are not afraid of death, so this will become very difficult.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect once again hit Xingwangmu's attack.


The law of the sun.

The Law of the Stars.

The law of water!

Summer's attack was also played at the same time, keeping those people fixed there.


The blow of Xingwangmu is still very terrifying for the people here.

Especially in the summer when those people are under control.



Because the opponent's people were too concentrated, this blow also directly hit their crowd, killing at least 2,000 people, and all the others were also injured to varying degrees. starter

"Diffuse, all disperse, the people behind don't come over first, all go to support the teams on both sides, here we are enough to kill Xia." An elder shouted loudly.

at this time.

There are still a steady stream of people coming from behind. If they continue to come like this, the next attack will come.

They will only kill more people.

Such a dense team.

They can't do the most damage either.

Eight thousand people.

The team of 10,000 people suddenly became 8,000 people.


The people behind also began to gather into the encirclement.

"Damn." Xingwangmu saw that his attack had directly killed so many of his own people.

He was also very angry.

"It seems that you only have the ability to kill your own men." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said with great disdain.


When Xingwangmu first started, he always wanted to kill him and Xia Xia.

But now.

Both of them are fine.

Instead, he killed more than 3,000 of his own people.

A lot of people were also injured.


He himself weakened his team.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/


Now he has more than 8,000 people here, enough to kill Xia Xia: "I will kill you with my own hands, and my people will kill Xia Xia, eight thousand to one, unless he is a Venerable, otherwise he is dead. "



Eight thousand people.

And they are all 8,000 powerful people.

deal with a person.

Of course it was within reach.

"First, you can't kill me; second, your people can't kill him either!!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said very casually.

one person.

The main team of the anti-star family.

A lot of loose cultivators in the periphery also flew over to watch the fun.

Because it's a loose cultivator.

So neither side is in trouble.

They all understand.

This battle.

no matter what the result is.

Xia Xia's position in the eighth party has been established. As long as Xia Xia doesn't die, he will also be able to walk sideways in the eighth party in the future.

"Summer, today is your day of death." An elder shouted loudly.

Xia Tian stood there, observing the physical condition of the people in front of him.

Hongfeng also started the analysis immediately: "There are 8,261 people in total, more than 300 people are incapacitated, more than 3,000 people are seriously injured, more than 4,000 people are slightly injured, and there are about 200 people who are not injured."

Combat analysis.

This is Hongfeng's own job.

He must do his best to assist to solve all Xia's worries.

"Xia Si, are you confident?" Xia Tian asked.

"Master, as long as it's not an expert at the venerable level, or if we don't move in one place, none of these people can break my defense." Xia said confidently.

"I have the strongest attack, and Xia Si has the strongest defense, so who are we afraid of?" Hongfeng asked.

"Don't worry, at any time, you must show the enemy's weakness. Don't let the enemy think that they have nothing to do with me. In that case, they will continue to think of other ways and think more to deal with. My way, so the play still has to be played well." Xia Xia clenched the Tianhan sword in his hand and pointed directly at the eight thousand people of the Xing family in front of him: "I haven't played well for a long time, and today, I will sweep you all away. These eight thousand people are fine."

With one enemy eight thousand.

The spirit of the emperor!

In an instant, it swept across the eight thousand people in front of him.


Everyone who was fighting was stunned: "What a strong momentum!!"

"Impossible, how could he have such a strong aura." Xingwangmu said in surprise.

"This is summer!!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect smiled slightly.

"In this kind of momentum, there are endless ways of emperors, what kind of identity is he!!" Tianshuang Palace Master also frowned.


On the Tianhan Sword in Xia Tian's hand, ice flowers appeared: "Feel the world of ice!!"

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