The Best All-rounder

Chapter 897: despicable

Xia Xia's face turned completely cold: "What do you mean by Xingjia? You lured me to your Xingjia before, and then shot at me. This time, you directly threatened me with my friends?"

There is no bottom line.

Stars do things.

It's really becoming more and more bottomless.

"Before we were thinking, why did an unknown hag suddenly become a quasi-exalted lord, and all along, no matter what kind of enemy the opponent is, she can solve it perfectly, until we investigated and found out that she is with you. It's related, it's your help that she can perform so well." The commander put on a look of seeing through everything.


All this was discovered by the Tianshuang Palace Master.

However, the Heavenly Frost Palace Master would definitely not come forward in such a matter.

Too bad for his reputation.


The Xing family didn't want to use the hag, after all, they also knew that this was not a glorious thing.

But the current performance of the summer is too bad, so they can only resort to this.

Although this will damage the reputation of their star family.

But as long as Xia Xia is killed and their Xing Family wins, they will be the king and the loser. They will kill anyone who dares to say anything in the future, and whoever will make irresponsible remarks for a dead person.

"Since you have brought her here, let's talk about what you want me to do." Xia Xia said straight to the point.

Now that the hag is in the other's hands, it is impossible for him to watch the hag die.

That is the other party dominates.


He just needs to listen to what the other party has to do now.

"We want you to die!!" said the commander.


When he heard these words, everyone around him scolded him.

"The Xing family is simply too despicable. Eight thousand people can fight so hard against one person, and now they are still using such rude methods."

"I admire Xing's family the most in terms of despicableness and shamelessness. I previously denied that I designed and framed Xia Xia. Now it seems that the previous things are true."

"I think back then, how high-spirited the Xing family was. The previous generation's battle with Baichuan was famous all over the world, but now, the Xing family is really not as good as the next generation."

The loose cultivators around are also people who have seen the big world. They all look down on the Xing family very much now. In their opinion, the current Xing family is really incomparable with the Xing family back then.

Xingjia's reputation outside has always been good.

Especially the beliefs of the star family.

It is the object that all forces are learning.

But now.

Although the children of the Xing family are doing well, the managers of the Xing family are getting worse and worse.

"It's impossible to want me to die. You know very well that I can't commit suicide directly. You arrested her, you must want to make her best value, let's make a price!!" Xia Xia said blankly. .

It is impossible to let him die directly.


But if the other party's conditions are not excessive, then he can still accept it.

"Happy, then use her life for your body to be penetrated, how about that?" the commander said directly.

He also understands.

Summer is the bottom line.


Can't kill the summer, but they can let the summer get injured first. As long as the summer is injured, the overall state of the summer will definitely decline.

By the time.

They can also kill the summer.


The loose cultivators around were also angrily scolding, but no matter how much they scolded, it was useless.

The Xing family would simply ignore them.

"The price is reasonable. You can just hand her over to the loose cultivators next to you. Since I exchanged his life with one blow, you can't touch her again after that." Xia Xia said directly.

"That's natural, but you have to take action against yourself first!!" said the commander of the Xing Family.

"In my summer, the most important thing is credit. Don't compare me with your Xing Family. I can't do it first. Your Xing Family has no credit value for me now." Xia Xia said directly.

"No, we don't trust you either!!" The commander of the Xing family said directly.


Xia Tian didn't talk nonsense, and slapped him directly.

Blood was flying.

A huge blood hole appeared on his body.

He's also really ruthless.

"Is it alright now?" Xia Tian asked directly.

Ha ha ha ha!

The commander on the opposite side laughed directly.

"It seems that we haven't promised you yet!!" The commander really started to cheat.

This time.

The loose cultivators around were all going to be angry, they couldn't stand it any longer, and they were all gearing up for it, as if they were about to do it directly.

The star's approach this time.

Makes the home look even more disrespectful.

"That's what your Xing family does?" Xia Xia looked at Xingwangmu beside him.

He didn't take any recovery pills, and his wounds were still so obvious.

"Do we need to explain to a little guy like you when we do things in the Xing family?" Xingwangmu also responded.

It would be fine if he didn't speak.


He said so.

The Xing family's reputation stinks to the point of rotten streets.


The head of the Xing family is already rotten, so the people below will all be corrupted.

"Okay, since you said that, I have nothing to say, once again, I will attack myself again, you can let me go, this time?" Xia Xia looked at the Xing Family Commander in front of him and said.

"Of course, you can attack!!" said the commander of the Xing family.

"Mr. Xia, don't mind me." The hag is also very uncomfortable now.

She is a loose cultivator. For so many years, when she is outside, she is intriguing with others.

When did someone die for her?

Now Xia Xia's actions made her, who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, couldn't help crying.

"Let people go first, I said, put them on the side of the loose cultivator, and I will do it, you can get closer to the loose cultivator." Xia Xia no longer believed in the people of the Xing family this time.


The leader of the Xing Family also took the ghost directly to the loose cultivator, and threw the ghost directly over, and the loose cultivators also hurriedly caught the ghost.


Xia Tian slapped himself on the body again.


A huge blood hole appeared on his body again.

twice in a row.

attack yourself.

It also made Xia's body almost fall down.


At this moment the commander killed the hag again.

"The one who blocks me is dead!" His speed was very fast, and the weapon in his hand was also directly killing him.

Full of lethality.

In his opinion.

No one in this group of loose cultivators would dare to block him, so he could capture the hag again and continue to use it to threaten Xia Xia.


Just as he thought.

Although those scattered repairers are very unhappy.

But still gave way.

Just as his attack was about to hit the hag.

A pair of big hands grabbed the big sword in his hand.

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