The Best All-rounder

Chapter 899: with full force

Xia Xia threw him out just to give him a chance to escape. Now the people of the Xing family are completely shameless, and they have no bottom line for doing things. They can really do everything now.

But the master of the Star Palace did not run away.

He just stood there.


The two captains of the Xing Family captured him directly, but he did not resist.

Dantian was directly sealed.


Summer gave up the offense and fell directly on the perimeter.

"Xia Xia, I really didn't expect that you could arrange a traitor in our Xing Family, but this is nothing, after all, he is a person who has only just returned." above the head.

Xia Xia looked at the commander blankly: "He is not a traitor, we just knew each other before, I admire him very much, he has spent hundreds of thousands of years and gone through countless hardships in order to be able to return to Xing's home. , How many times have he struggled between life and death, but he definitely did not expect that the Xing family he returned was a despicable and shameless person who had no bottom line in doing things, and even directly captured his Xing family!!"

He actually said these words to the Hall Master of the Star Palace.

He wanted to ask the Hall Master of the Star Palace, why is this so troublesome.


Just now, the Palace Master of the Star Palace can escape.

But he himself did not choose to leave.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's the old rules, you open two holes in yourself, I'll let him go." The commander said directly.

He didn't care how difficult it was for this Xing family to come back.

For them.

Can die for the star family.

It's also an honor.

"You ask him first, if I open two holes for myself, will he let him go?" Xia Xia asked directly.

He understands.

The Lord of the Star Palace is now in a state of losing himself.

He is now.

I don't know what kind of star family he is loyal to.

Even if the star family let him go.

Where should he go?

He has become a traitor to the Xing family, will the Xing family still have a place for him?

Even if he hurt Xia Xia for Xingjia.

Will the star family remember him?

with it.

He might as well die here.

at this time.

He also moved his right hand, ready to cut himself off.


The commander of the Xing family directly interrupted his weapon: "This is your value. You can win Xia Xia injury for the Xing family. It is your glory. Do you want to give up this glory yourself?"

"Glory?" The Palace Master of the Star Palace shook his head with a wry smile: "I am the sinner of the Xing Family."



The commander of the Xing Family directly blocked the voice of the Hall Master of the Star Palace.

"Xia Tian, ​​have you thought about it? If you want him to live, give yourself a second." The commander looked at Xia Xia and asked.

The scattered cultivators around were also looking at Xia Xia at this time.

They seem to be used to the shamelessness of the Xing family.

The Xing family has long since lost their bottom line, and now they can really do everything.


No matter what happens next.

They were not surprised.

But summer is different.

In summer, be a man of loyalty.

And also about credit.

I gave myself twice for the hag.

Deeply shocked everyone.

"Okay, deal, I want this person's life. From now on, he will no longer belong to your Xing Family. Of course, maybe, he will become your Xing Family's future savior, someone who can change your Xing Family's destiny. ." Xia Tian didn't talk nonsense, and raised his right hand directly.


His body was pierced again.

at this time.

His body also took two steps back: "You can throw him to the loose cultivator over there!!"

"Of course, we can still trust your promise, Mr. Xia." The commander of the Xing Family glanced at the Hall Master of the Xing Palace: "From now on, you are no longer a member of the Xing Family, and you cannot return to the Xing Family for the rest of your life. "

The Hall Master of the Star Palace was thrown out like trash by him.

The hag also caught the master of the Star Palace.

She originally wanted to go up and help.

But Tianshu stopped her.

And tell her that summer has now dominated the war, and she will only become a burden to summer if she goes up now.

So she never went out.


She unlocked the seal of Dantian, the master of the Star Palace.


A large mouthful of blood spurted from the mouth of the Star Palace Hall Master, and then fell down.

"He's hurt?" The hag hurriedly checked.

"No need to check, his heart is dead!!" Tianshu said.

At this time, the commander of the opposite Xing family also raised his hand: "It's still a little short."


There is no nonsense in the summer, and he gave himself another blow.

A fourth blood hole appeared on his body.

clear and distinct.

The first two blood holes had not recovered. When these two blood holes appeared, a chain reaction was triggered, and blood flowed out continuously at this time.



Those people from the opposite star's house saw such a scene.

They all killed them too.

In the summer, there are gaps all over the body at this time.

That commander also seized this opportunity and wanted to completely destroy Xia Xia.

"Xiamen, this time you're dead." The commander's statistics had already hit Xia's face. In his opinion, no matter what methods Xia Xia had next, they couldn't stop his attack.


at this time.

Countless silk threads appeared, directly wrapping that commander and summer.

A huge ball appeared in front of everyone.

The attacks of those outside were all blocked by these filaments.

"Thousands of Silk Beasts!!" Those people were taken aback.

After fighting with Xia for so long, they discovered the existence of Qiansi beast.

at the same time.

The threads around him gradually dissipated.

The body of the commander just now fell on the ground.

No one knew what happened in the ball just now, but what they saw was that Xia Xia beheaded the commander.


Those in the star family were also surprised.

At this point they feel.

The strength of summer is so bottomless! !

"Come on, people from the Xing family, I have already prepared for Xia Xia, but I don't know if you are ready to die." Xia Xia flicked his right hand, and the Tianhan sword pointed at the people of the Xing family in front of him.


He turned on the fire.

Together with Xia Si, sweep these people in front of you.

"Kill him, he has been seriously injured, and his means have been completely exposed. Next, he has no ability and can only wait to die." The last commander shouted.

At the beginning, there was a total of one and three commanders.

But now.

An elder has died.

Two of the three commanders died.

There is only one commander left for the personnel in command here.

In his opinion.

Summer has come to an end.

But actually.

Now is the real summer.

A summer where you can start killing the Quartet, a summer where you can charge head-on.

"Xia Si, rush in with me and let them know that we are not to be messed with."

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