The Best All-rounder

Chapter 903: Borrowing the power of the moon

The people of the Xing family are now looking at the summer on their heads, and a sense of powerlessness is sweeping over them. Even if they meet the Venerable, they will not have such a sense of powerlessness, but at this time, when they face the summer, they feel very powerless.

They do everything they can.

Even various calculations summer.

can last.

Summer is still standing on their heads.

They can only look up to summer.

"Impossible, he absolutely can't be fine. His thousand silk beast defense has been attacked by us, and it must be useless." The people of the Xing family shouted, although they are desperate now.

But they are still comforting themselves.

think they still have a chance.


They can no longer see the threads of summer.

summer now.

There is no Qiansi beast defense.

No matter how strong it was that summer, the defense was at its limit.

The four wounds on his body are very obvious.

Everyone could see clearly.


it's here.

The moon they saw was already negligible.

Because there are flames everywhere.

full of light.


No one else noticed.

But at this moment.

Summer's hands are raised high.

The law of the moon is connected to the great moon in the sky.

Endless power instantly connected to his Realm King Jue Dantian.

at the same time.

His body's recovery rate began to increase.

The four wounds on his body are recovering quickly.

Very fast.

less than a few seconds.

His wounds disappeared.

"What's going on?" Everyone around looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

They all saw this scene.

The wound has healed.

Healed in their presence.

"His body is weird, kill him!!" The people of the Xing family directly attacked Xia Xia.



at the same time.

Endless ice seals appeared in an instant, and these ice seals seemed to devour everything and destroy everything.


at the same time.

Thousands of stars smashed down directly.

Xia Xia also rushed down like this. A master of the Xing Family directly attacked Xia Xia's power. In his opinion, as long as he catches Xia Xia's blow, other people can instantly kill him and support him.

But when he fought with Xia Xia's attack, a powerful force instantly swept through his body.

drop it!

His body was instantly smashed into the ground.

"How is it possible, how could he have such terrifying power? Could it be his full blow? But I didn't see him accumulating power at all." The master of the Xing family felt as if his whole body was falling apart.

The Law of Light!

Endless light shrouded.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

One after another, figures fell from above, smashing deeply into the ground.

When they come into contact with the power of summer.

All of them felt an incomparably powerful force, which directly broke all their bones, and they didn't even have the strength to resist.


Because there is a law of light.

The law of the sun and the role of Tianhan sword.

They don't even have a chance to resist again.

"No wonder the general is so powerful!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.

He finally saw the shadow of the general in Xia Xia's body.

That one can sweep all over the place.

Unstoppable look.

When a general is strong, he becomes strong.

Especially during the full moon, no matter what kind of opponent he encounters, he can fight with one.




The battle in Xia Xia became violent. The Tianhan Sword in his hand was completely used by him as a hammer. One rushed up from below, and he smashed one down. Those people from the Xing family were smashed by him one by one. go down.

"What's going on?" The loose cultivators around were all dumbfounded.

None of them understood what was going on.

I don't understand either.

Why has the attacking style of summer changed so much.

The previous summer was a sneak attack.

in various feints.

But now in the summer, just stand on it and smash one by one.

Hit with a sword.

He can accurately see everyone's weaknesses, so the people he hits are weak points.

"Let's rush together, don't give him a chance!!" The people from the Xing family below are also dozens of people rushing together.

Some of them were smashed down by summer.

Another part of the attack hit Xia Xia.

"Without Qiansi Beast, it was a success." When their attack hit Xia Xia, they didn't see Qiansi Beast.

from their perspective.

Without Qiansi beast.

Their attack will be successful.


at this time.

They suddenly found out.

His own attack on Xia Xia was invalid.

It didn't do any harm to summer.

summer now.

No injuries.

"How is that possible?" Before the Xing family had time to react, his body was smashed down by Xia Xia.

He was ineffective against Summer's attack, but Summer's attack against him was effective.

Same scene.

Happened to others too.


All their attacks were blocked.

Didn't do any harm to summer.

boom! boom!

That's it for summer.

He beat them all down with his most violent attack.

"Everyone, be careful, he may have a fairy armor on his body, which is a kind of fairy armor that cannot be seen through. Break the armor first!!" The people from the Xing family shouted loudly.

Although it is very powerful to shoot like this again and again in summer.

But they didn't kill them directly.

Just kill.


The situation here is very bad now.

Kill them in summer.

It's just a matter of time.

The balance of battle has been completely tilted towards the summer side.


The Tianhan Sword in Xia Xia's hand flew out of ten thousand sword beams.

This kind of sword glow is a group attack.

The power is not very large, and it is usually difficult to hurt these masters of the Xing family, but now it is different. Among these masters of the Xing family, a large number of people have been seriously injured.

When Jianguang hits him, he often kills the Xing family directly.

Even if not dead.

Some of them are more serious injuries.

Others escaped fatal injuries.

But still hurt.


Xia Tian didn't need to do anything else at all, as long as he smashed and released his sword glow.

at this time.

A light flashed.


The light crossed Xia Xia's directly left a long bloodstain on Xia Xia's body.

"Success." The people in the Xing family were all excited.

at the same time.

A large number of star families get together.

They are in groups of ten.

Nine of them poured all their strength and life into the tenth's sword.

Then the tenth person killed Xia Xia.

This is their means of attack.

"The methods of the Xing family are really endless." Xia Xia's wounds healed directly.

The damage the opponent had done to him just now.

Not worth mentioning at all.

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