The Best All-rounder

Chapter 910: flames soaring

Just when the two sides wanted to fight.


The planet they were on was ablaze with endless flames.


When they saw these flames, everyone was stunned.

"Mad, these lunatics!!" Tianshuang Palace Master scolded angrily.

"It must be that the people of the Xing family are constantly attacking the star's body with their own lives. They have been attacking the same point with their own bodies and lives. In this case, the star will be destroyed by them." The head of the Three Bamboo Sect said.

The people of the Xing family obviously already knew that their owner had died.


They started with the most direct suicide attack, wanting to perish with everyone on this planet.

They don't care who did it.

To be buried with their head.

This is the child of the star family.

They use their lives to guard the dignity of the star family.

"Go, go to other stars!!" Xia Xia said.

call out! !

at this time.

A huge figure rose into the sky.

Endless flames followed into the sky.

at the same time.

The bodies of those in the Xing family were also burnt to pieces.


When he saw this figure, Xia Xia was also stunned. He didn't expect that Yinghuo had been hiding on this star.


It was exactly the point that the star family attacked.

The people of the Xing family originally attacked a point and destroyed the star.

But they hit Yinghuo directly.


All eyes were on the huge figure in the sky.

"It's almost a complete form. If it wasn't for someone from the Xing family, it would definitely evolve to a complete form." Di Bo said with emotion.

"What you just told me..."

"It's the memory I just unblocked. I don't know how much Shenwu has unblocked, but I have unblocked these." Di Bo explained.

"Well, no wonder he wants to kill you." Xia Xia looked at Yinghuo in the sky: "Last time Yinghuo said it was not the time, but this time it should be time!"

"It shouldn't be. What Yinghuo needs is evolution. It has not fully evolved yet. It must not be caught by these people. Otherwise, he will have no chance to evolve. The master of Tianshuang definitely does not want it to evolve successfully. Yes, because once it evolves successfully, the three of us will..."

"I understand, the choice of the Tianshuang Palace Master is very simple now, either to stop the evolution of the firefly, or to kill the two of you, right!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, the three gods have been hiding in the dark, and I don't know when they will come out, but whether it is to prevent the evolution of the firefly, or to kill the two of us, it doesn't seem to be too difficult." The Tianshuang Palace Master is the biggest winner.

Although the Xing family withdrew from the stage of the battle, in fact, the head of the Xing family was also one of his potential enemies at the beginning.

So now that the Xingjia Patriarch is out, he also has one less enemy.

at the very beginning.

He hoped that the head of the Xing family and the head of the Three Bamboo Sect would lose both, and then kill Xia Xia and the other two. In that case, he would truly win.

But he didn't expect it.

Summer is such a big change.

Disrupted all his plans.

Let all his plans fail.


It is still under his control.


Tianshuang Palace Master flew to Xia Xia in an instant.


The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect and Zhu Yi and Zhu Er were all blocking Xia Xia's face.

"Xia Xia, you know, you can't stop me, and I have already caught your weakness. As a person, your biggest weakness is being soft-hearted and worrying about friends. In this case, I can not deal with you, but I will kill these people around you, including everyone from the Three Bamboo Sect, in front of you, and kill them one by one." Tianshuang Palace Master threatened.

"Come here if you have the ability!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said very rudely.

He admitted that the Heavenly Frost Palace Master was slightly stronger than him.

But even if it is stronger, he will not be much worse than the Tianshuang Palace Master.

It is not easy for the Tianshuang Palace Master to kill people in front of him, and there are so many masters here. Although they are not the opponents of the Tianshuang Palace Master, but together, they are very terrifying.

"Xiamen, what do you think?" The Tianshuang Palace Master ignored the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect and looked at Xia Xia.

He seemed to be telling Summer.

There are still three gods who haven't started. If the three gods do, then they can't stop them.

The strength of the three gods.

But very powerful.

Xia Xia also frowned. If the three gods joined the battle, one person could block them on their side. If three people were together, then death would appear on their side. If one person died, the second and third would appear. one, the fourth.


Xia Xia took a few steps forward and walked in front of the head of the Three Bamboo Sect.

"I'm afraid of what he will do, I can block him." The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said very confidently.


Xia Tian nodded slightly, and then took out the big amp.

Seeing his actions, the Palace Master Tianshuang suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Don't you want treasure? Now I'll tell you that the key to unlock the treasure is the firefly in the sky, but the firefly is not powerful enough to open the treasure, but as long as everyone gathers the surrounding fire elements together , flow to Firefly, Firefly can evolve again, and the real treasure can be opened at that time, and now everyone who works hard to help Firefly evolve will have the opportunity to enter the treasure." Xia Xia shouted loudly.

"You're courting death!!" heard Xia Xia's words.

The face of the Tianshuang Palace Master was also cold.

Three figures came out from three different directions.


The location of those three people was already known in the summer just now.


When the three figures came out, Thirteen and the other four also killed one of them.

The five people of Shenwei killed another person.

Bamboo One and Bamboo Er attacked the third person.

"Do you think I'm stupid? When I refused your cooperation, I had already guessed that you would definitely ask other helpers, and the eighth party, only the three gods are qualified to invite you out in person~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect said directly.

He was not at all surprised that these three people appeared here.

The law of the day.


Summer also threw his own flames into the sky.

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect has ordered his subordinates to use the power of their own laws to throw the fire element here to the fireflies in the sky.

Seeing so much power being thrown up.

Although those loose cultivators were a little hesitant, they were also worried that they would not have the chance to enter the treasure if they did not throw the fire element on it.

for a while.

The flames are soaring! ! !


Ps: add one more

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