The Best All-rounder

Chapter 913: Firefly Evolution

Shenzhou is such a place. One second ago, everyone was still fighting for life and death, refusing to give in to each other, and no one was soft-hearted, but the next second, when everyone found that fighting would only hurt both sides, and no one could gain any benefits.

They will give up fighting.

work together.

Tianshuang Palace Master is like this now.

Since he can't take down the people in Xia Xia, he can't stop the evolution of Firefly.

Then we can only cooperate with them in summer.


Three drops of blood essence fell on Yinghuo's body.

For a moment.

Ghosting survives.

It was as if the soul of the firefly had returned to its body.


At this moment, endless flames appeared around.

These flames engulfed Firefly's entire body.

"This is the flame world you want. If you have the guts, just come in." Yinghuo's voice appeared.


in front of the crowd.

A flaming void appeared.

The void is filled with darkness.

No one knows what's in the dark.

But now the people here are all bright.

"Rush!!" The first loose cultivator rushed in.

Then the second, the third.

One after another, the loose cultivators rushed inside.

disappeared in place.

that's it.

A large number of people around rushed there.

at the same time.

Yinghuo's eyes turned to the master of the Tianshuang Palace, Di Bo and Shenwu: "I didn't expect that there were so many outstanding people back then, and in the end, only the three of you were left."

"Survival of the fittest, this is an unchanging rule. Originally, I thought that I was the only one left, but unfortunately, they found a good helper." Tianshuang Palace Master said without concealment.

The good helper he said was naturally summer.

If it weren't for summer, there would not be three people here, but only him.

"Fate is like this, you can't force it." Yinghuo said with emotion.

"I never believe in fate, I only believe that what I work hard with my own hands must belong to me." Tianshuang Palace Master said.

"Good luck!" Yinghuo's body moved.

Three rays of light fell directly on the three of them.

Then the three disappeared.


The purpose of coming here in the summer is very simple, to help Shenwu and Dibo find themselves. Now that he has done it, they can already find themselves after being sent to the place where they were by Yinghuo.

The head of the Three Bamboo Sect's head was on Yinghuo's body.

"How could such a powerful aura be beaten."

have no choice!

It was when he wanted to catch Firefly before.

But now.

When he faced Yinghuo, he had a real sense of powerlessness.

"It seems that we failed." Qiongying said helplessly.


Xia Tian took a step forward: "Senior Yinghuo, I don't know, is there any benefit for us?"

"I thought you wouldn't want me anymore!!" Yinghuo said with emotion.

"I don't care, but the people next to me have been running around with me for so long, protecting my brothers, I can't let them go home empty-handed." Xia Xia said directly.

He is such a person.

Since he has cooperated with the Three Bamboo Sect and the Shenwei people.

Then he must help these people to obtain certain benefits.

"They want to take me back, but this is impossible, you know, they are not my opponents at all." Yinghuo said.

"Of course I know that," Xia Xia said.

"Okay, I will send you into the crack of time and space. In one minute, what you can find is up to you. There are two people of the same family as me. Go try your luck." Yinghuo said.

"Thank you, Senior Firefly!!" Xia Xia bowed slightly.

At this time, the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect and the people of Shenwei also shined.

They are also very grateful for the summer.

It's the summer that got them all.

"Remember, one minute, don't wait for a second, you can only take it away by breaking the space-time treasure chest inside. If you can't break it, you can't take it out." Yinghuo reminded.


Everyone nodded slightly.

black hole.

A black hole appeared in front of several people.


Everyone flew in directly.


When he entered in the summer, his eyes instantly looked around.

For others, these time-space treasure chests can only be luck, but not for Xia Xia: "People of the guards, you go to the front left and attack the black treasure box first."

"Okay!" Qiong Ying didn't talk nonsense, and directly attacked the space-time treasure chest to the left.

"People of the Three Bamboo Sect, you attack the golden treasure chest in the front right." Xia Xia shouted.

"Okay!" The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect also started to attack.

"Quxi, you attack the skeleton treasure chest in front of you."

"No problem!" Qu Xi also started directly.

Summer is a wave of the right hand.

"Hongfeng, let's start our performance." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

As the saying goes, the golden sword is in hand, and I have it in the world.

Since these time-space treasure chests cannot be taken away directly, he will quickly cut them open and take the contents away. One minute is enough for him to open many time-space treasure chests.

This time.

He is developed.


Others don't have space-time treasure chests.

The surface of the space-time treasure chest is the power of space.

Therefore, except for the Venerable, no one can quickly break the space-time treasure chest.

Even Venerable, it takes nearly twenty seconds! !

"Firefly!!" When the leader of the Three Bamboo Sect broke open the space-time treasure chest, his eyes lit up.

He didn't expect it.

Really firefly.

Black bamboo appeared at this moment.

Directly bind the firefly.



The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect put away the firefly.

Although this firefly is not as powerful as the other, it has reached the level of a venerable person, for him.

of great use.

"Firefly!!" On Qiong Ying's side, there was also an excited look on his face.

They have done their job.


A cover appeared in his hand, directly covering the firefly in it.


Both sides put away the fireflies at the same time.


There are only thirty seconds left.

"Attack casually, try your luck!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

They didn't hesitate in the slightest within thirty seconds, if they were lucky, they could break two space-time treasure chests, and if they were unlucky, they could break one.

But these were all surprises.

Because they have completed their mission this time.

It was done for them in the summer.

Everyone is in a good mood now.

Quxi has been attacking a treasure chest.

She's attacking alone, so it's a lot slower.

that's it.

She did not dare to stop at all.

Fifty-five seconds.

Qu Xi opened the treasure chest. When she saw the contents of the treasure chest, her face was full of excitement: "Famous weapon, ghost sickle!!"

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