The Best All-rounder

Chapter 926: Shadow's identity

"By the way, do you know the identity of that divine guard?" Xia Xia looked at Tie Xin.

Tie Xin is a well-informed person.

"His name is Ying, and he is a very cruel person. Before he joined Shenwei, he challenged the people of the Celestial Clan and killed countless people. Whether it was a monster clan, an immortal beast, or a human being, he had a history of massacres. , this person can even be said to be a little perverted, and for some reason, he joined the guard, and since joining the guard, his killing has finally stopped, and there has been no major incident!" Tie Xin explained.

According to him.

Shenwei can be considered to have done some good things for Shenzhou.

Let a big slaughter man turn his back to the right.

"This time, he went around from behind instead of attacking the Golden Sword Gate. It can be seen from this that they don't seem to want to make things worse, and when I chased, they wanted to kill me. Killed, but when they saw me getting out, they didn't pursue me," Xia Xia said.


"Normally speaking, they would not dare to openly attack my Golden Sword Gate. My Golden Sword Gate and Shenwei have no grievances. In order to rob my grandfather, they directly attacked my mountain gate. Small, and if this kind of thing spreads out, it will make people outside feel insecure, and they will even unite to deal with Shenwei, which is a very troublesome thing for Shenwei." Tie Xin analyzed.

he thinks.

Shenwei also didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

"I have also heard about this shadow. It is said that he is from the Shadow Clan. People of their family usually do not appear in China and do not contact anyone outside, so the people of China know very little about the Shadow Clan. This allows them to make attacks that others have never seen before, and use methods that others cannot defend against, so sneak attacks are very useful." Thirteen said.

"Well, I have fought with them before, and those shadows are like real shadows. When they defeated them, they had no blood, no organs in their bodies, no dantian, nothing, but everyone existed independently. They have a lot of attack methods, and even have a soul attack." Xia Xia also played against those shadows for a while.

I still know a little bit about those shadows.

"The candidate for the divine guard has stopped." Xia Xia was considered to have seen a lot of divine guards.

Especially the candidates for Shenwei.

There are only three candidates for Shenwei for the time being.

He saw it all.

The first is the eagle.

The second is Wenshan Zhongda.

The third is the person in front of this time, King Iron Spirit!

This Iron Spirit King is also the number one candidate among the three candidates for divine guards.

It is said.

He did the task and never failed.


If there is an accident with Shenwei in the future, he will become Shenwei directly.

In second place is Monyama Nakata.

However, because the summer helped Qiongying bring back the firefly, Qiongying's current ranking is also catching up with Wenshan Zhongda.

They are the candidates for the guard.

Usually difficult to have any tasks.

But as long as the task is accepted.

They must do it at all costs.

"King Tie Ling's biggest characteristic is strength, and the law he cultivates is also the law of power, but if you simply think that you can block his attack by breaking the power of his law, then you are wrong. , many people died on this point." Thirteen also knew a lot about the practitioners outside.

After Xia Xia drew the image of the other party, he could easily know the identity of the other party.

know each other's information.

"King Tie Ling is very powerful. I once suffered a small loss from him and was raided once." Tie Xin obviously fought against King Tie Ling once.

And even a venerable like him suffers.

It can be seen from this.

Just how extraordinary this Iron Spirit King is.

"So, this person is a little troublesome. Let's avoid him. If he finds out, we will be exposed." Xia Tian didn't want to expose himself at this time.

Their purpose is to bring back Tie Xin's grandfather.

that's it.

They followed for three days.

The other outsiders of the guards also disappeared.

"Those shadows are divided into two teams, we can start." Xia Tian reminded.

"What do we do?" Tie Xin asked.

"The team with few people has more than 100 people. Our goal is to kill those 100 people. Of course, I want a few people to lead the team." Xia Xia said directly.


The two nodded slightly.

"By the way, you must be quick, and you can't let them use any means to communicate their death." Xia Xia reminded.

But apparently he was overthinking it.

With the strength of the three of them, plus Xia Si.

More than a hundred ShadowClan people.

When they didn't even respond.

was killed.


All three of their leaders were caught.

Summer is no nonsense.

The three shadows were directly included in all kinds of things.

If they have souls, Xia Xia will directly take them into his sea of ​​consciousness. Although the method is very cruel, no one can withstand the interrogation of his sea of ​​consciousness.

But these ShadowClan people have no soul.

So he used everything to interrogate these people.

"Hongfeng is handed over to you." Xia Xia said.

Less than ten minutes.

"It's done." Hong Feng said.

"So soon?" Xia Tian was taken aback.

"The loss of all things is too serious. They still want to use their own power to attack all things, and they are directly involved in the control of all things." Hongfeng said.

Xia Xia looked at the two of them: "It's done, they are going to take the old man back to the Shadow Clan's place on the eighth side. The purpose of the UU reading team staying here is to investigate my news."

"It seems that they are still very afraid of you." Thirteen said with emotion.

"The matter brought by the fire group is not small, and they dare not underestimate me, but I have mastered their means of communication. I will use their method to communicate the next day, and the other party will not have any doubts. But according to what they heard, King Tie Ling and three outsiders received an important mission." Xia Xia looked at Tie Xin.

"What mission?" Tie Xin asked in confusion.

"The task of King Iron Spirit is, if you come out, he will deal with you and block you. The task of the other three outsiders is that if you come out, they will attack the Golden Knife Gate and attack those who rushed back to the Golden Knife Gate. Golden Sword Sect disciple, kill Wushe!" Xia Xia explained.


Tie Xin snorted heavily: "It's too much to deceive people."

"Don't be in a hurry to get angry, let's get things done first, and after we get things done, we'll go back and clean them up. Since they want to kill your people, then we'll get rid of them."

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