The Best All-rounder

Chapter 930: 4 masters arrive

When Xia Xia heard the words of the White Dragon King, he also understood that the White Dragon King has been here all the time. It should be to protect something, so he has never been able to leave, but now that he has an agreement with Xia Xia, he has to leave, and he will pay him here. For his subordinates and son.

Anyway, under normal circumstances, no one will come here.

Even if someone comes over.

His men are enough to get it done.

He is leaving with Summer now.

It can be regarded as an excuse for his subordinates.

Otherwise, it is not a very good thing for a boss to run out and leave his subordinates here.

"Let's go!!" Xia Xia and the White Dragon King disappeared in place.

Inside the Golden Knife Gate.

"I have guarded your Golden Sword Gate for so many years, and this is the first time I have come to the Golden Sword Gate." The White Dragon King said with emotion.

He and Jindaomen are a natural barrier to each other, so he and Jindaomen are old acquaintances, but he really came to Jindaomen for the first time.

"My Golden Sword Sect has always welcomed you," Tie Xin said.

Although the White Dragon King had cast a shadow before, he also understood that the White Dragon King had difficulties, and now that this matter has passed, and now that the White Dragon King is a summer person, he can't say anything.

"Well, is the old man okay?" The White Dragon King asked apologetically.

He also understands.

What happened this time is that he did something wrong. Although he said it very hard before, it was his problem that he let the shadow pass.

"The old man is fine, there is no difference from before." Tie Xin said.

"I'm curious, what's the matter with the old man? Why is even the guards interested in the old man?" The White Dragon King asked inexplicably.

He was really very curious.

Why did Ying waste so much effort to grab it?

"He was the one who survived the Battle of Immortals." Tie Xin said.

"The Battle of the Immortals? Besides the Celestial Clan, there are people who survived the Battle of the Immortals? Doesn't that mean that your old man has lived for hundreds of millions of years?" said the White Dragon King in surprise.


"Yes, the old man has lived for so long, but he has always been in a sitting state, without saying a word or moving. He has been sitting like this for hundreds of millions of years." Tie Xin said.

"Being able to participate in the battle of immortals is already a very remarkable thing." The White Dragon King said with emotion.


A communication talisman flew over.

Tie Xin saw the contents of the communication talisman, and then got up: "Let's go, Baichuan is here, let's pick it up."


Summer has not seen him for a long time.

When he saw him before, he had seen Baichuan Yijian Broken Star, which left a deep impression on him.

Thirteen was also the first to fly out.

The disciples of the Golden Sword Sect had already welcomed Baichuan in.

"Baichuan!!" Thirteen's face was full of smiles.

Tie Xin bowed his hands to Baichuan.


Bai Chuan also nodded slightly.

"I knew you would come." Thirteen said with emotion.

"You called me, how could I not come, but you seem to be different." Bai Chuan glanced at Thirteen, and felt the difference between Thirteen now.

"Half a venerable, half a step away!" Thirteen said.

"So fast?" Bai Chuan was stunned, but he knew Thirteen very well.

I also know that Thirteen is the second-ranked person to be a quasi-venerable lord, but now, Thirteen actually said that he is approaching the realm of a half-step venerable.

"Thanks to summer." Thirteen said.

"It seems that the recent legends about the two of you are all true." Baichuan has recently heard a lot of news about Xia Xia and Shi Shi, and various blockbusters have appeared one by one.

Even he was very surprised.

It can be said.

Thirteen and Xia Xia turned the Eighth Party upside down.

"It should be true." Thirteen said.

"Well, I'm also happy for you. Your master's conclusion to you back then hit you hard. Now it seems that you've also fought for yourself." Baichuan and Shisan have a very deep friendship.

"By the way, I want to tell you about this time." Thirteen said.

"Tell me, there is a very difficult person to deal with, now Tie Xin is here, and there is also a White Dragon King, who can be described as difficult to deal with by you, it should be Tianwei Sibatian, one of the three mountains and nine caves and ten scattered immortals. One." Baichuan usually has very few words to others, but he still has more words with Thirteen, as if he regards Thirteen as his younger brother.

His analysis is also very accurate.

People like him can naturally guess who the opponent that may appear in this situation is.

"God guard, shadow!!" Thirteen said.

"You guys are really capable of making trouble, and you even directly attacked the guards." Baichuan shook his head.

"This time, it's not that we provoke the other party, but the other party stole Tie Xin's grandfather, and then we robbed Tie Xin's grandfather back and killed tens of thousands of Ying's subordinates. Xia Xia analyzed that the other party might retaliate, so I asked you to come here. ” Thirteen explained.

"Tie Xin's grandfather?" Bai Chuan was taken aback.

"I have participated in the battle of immortals and have been sitting until now!!" Tie Xin said simply.

Oh! !

Bai Chuan understood what was going on.

"The others are here too, let's go take a look!!" Tie Xin said.


"How many helpers did you find?" Baichuan asked.

"Counting you, there are six Venerables." Thirteen said.

"Six Venerables, you are going to kill Ying." Baichuan understood what they were going to do.

"If there is a chance, kill him." Thirteen said.

"It's not that easy to kill him, he's a divine guard, let's not talk about how many means he has, the power of his bloodline should be enough to be reborn, it's useless to kill such a person, he can only leave behind troubles, If possible, let the Tianshuang Palace Master come forward to talk!!" Baichuan said.

"No, the Temple Master Tianshuang entered an ancient cave mansion, and I don't know when he will be able to come out. When he waits, the Golden Sword Gate will be destroyed." Thirteen said.


Baichuan nodded slightly: "Then there is no other way."


Three figures appeared in front of them.

"Master Tiger, White Hammer, Sky King!!" Tie Xin bowed to the three of The others also bowed to the three of them.

The three nodded slightly.

"Tie Xin, why did you gather so many of us here?" White Hammer asked directly.

Tie Xin also told the whole story.

"If you say that, it's true that the guards are too much. We people are really going to come forward this time." Tiger Lord nodded slightly.

"Thirteen, I heard that you killed the owner of the flywheel?" Sky King asked.

"Fortunately, he finally broke it himself!" Thirteen smiled.

"By the way, let me introduce you to everyone, this is summer!!" Tie Xin said.


When they heard the name, everyone looked at Xia Xia.

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