The Best All-rounder

Chapter 945: Don't pretend to be thirteen

Although the current shadow has begun to get injured, and it seems that the situation is not very good, but after unblocking the fifth stage, his overall strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

Now he.

When looking at the crowd.

It was as if they had seen death.


The five didn't talk nonsense either.

Killed directly to the shadow.


Their attack hit Ying's body.

Shadow also directly blocked their attacks with his body abruptly.


Shadow's growth this time is not only an increase in strength, but also a lot of defense.

"You and I are no longer on the same level." Shadow's attacks were fired at the same time.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The five were beaten out by him one by one.

The powerful impact also seems to be able to destroy everything.

The five of them were also churning with blood.

"Is this the gap between us and him?" Hu Ye said in surprise.

Their attacks were actually unable to inflict damage to Shadow.

That's insane.

"I said, if you don't kill me first, then your methods are all jokes in front of me. You can fool them, but you can't fool me." Xia Xia said directly.


Hearing Xia Xia's words, the five of them also lit up.

They really didn't understand what was going on.

But when they heard Xia's words at this time, they all understood.

This thing doesn't seem to be that simple.


Shadow is also instantly killing the summer.


Qiansi Beast once again blocked Shadow's attack.

"Why are you in such a hurry to kill me? Are you worried that I will tell them, is this just a trick?" Xia Xia's face showed a playful look.

cheated again.

Now these five people understand.

They were deceived again.

These so-called top players are very powerful, but not to the point where they are completely unable to fight.

If it wasn't for what Xia Xia said, I'm afraid they would never understand it for the rest of their lives.


The White Dragon King blocked the second attack.

The other masters also took the opportunity to stand in front of Xia Xia.

They also all understand that as long as the summer is here, then nothing will happen to them, so they must not let the summer have an accident.


Xia Xia's purpose of using himself as a bait from the very beginning was very simple, to protect the people here, because Ying is really capable of sneak attacking and killing one of them. In a Venerable, there will be death.

He used himself as bait.

That shadow will give up attacking those few people, and want to kill Xia Xia wholeheartedly.

"They are Venerables, how could the attack not work at all, it's just that you gathered all your defensive power on your skin, in fact, your body was also hit by their power, but you forcibly Hold back, appear calm on the surface, and your skin's recovery speed is faster than their eyes can see, so it will cause them a kind of situation, no matter how they attack, they can't bring you anything. It hurts." Summer said lightly.


Summer saw through him again.

Shadow is really depressed right now.

He didn't dare to unblock his power or use his methods casually before, because he was worried that Xia Xia would see through all his methods, but he just wanted to kill Xia Xia, and as a result, all these skills and trump cards were used.

at last.

Still seen through by summer.

If it weren't for the summer here, the fighting spirit of these people on the scene would have been defeated by him long ago.

Those who came to help have long since left.

Because when they see that their attack can't work, it's useless to stay, and even Tie Xin will give up.

But just because of a summer.

Let all his plans fail.

All his tricks turned into jokes.

"It seems that the so-called top experts only have some real strength, plus some tricks that only they know to fool us. If it wasn't for the summer, even I would have to give up, in order to avoid casualties, I'll even let you all leave." Tie Xin said with emotion.

"Yeah, if we don't know, we are really powerless, thinking that we have done our best, and will leave a shadow in our hearts for a lifetime, but from now on, your peaks will no longer be so mysterious. "White Hammer also raised the weapon in his hand.

"I was curious before. It's also Venerable, why the gap is so big, it turns out to be bluffing." Tiger Lord said with great disdain.

"Then what are you doing, you're done with him." Sky King also rushed up.


He also thinks his attacks are useless, so he doesn't even have the desire to attack.

But now.

When he knew his attack was still useful, he no longer had any scruples.



when his attack went down.

Shadow did not pretend like before, but diddge.

When you see him dodging.

Everyone understands that Xia Xia is right, his defense is not invincible, but he is more tolerant.

"Going Don't pretend to be forceful, pretend to be struck by lightning!!" Xia Xia's face showed a sarcastic look.

"Xiamen, I have never been so eager to kill a person, I promise, I will kill you in the most brutal way!!" At this time, Ying also began to threaten Xia.

"I can guarantee that you don't have that chance, and no matter what means you use, I can see right through it." Xia Xia responded.

"Look? I'll gouge out your eyes and see what's the difference between your eyes and other people's eyes." Ying said.

"Come on, I'm waiting for you!!" Xia Xia said directly.


Shadow is also killed again.

have to say.

After unblocking the fifth stage of power, his attack is very powerful. If the other few people confront him head-on, the power of the five people together will be knocked away by him, so the five people are also learning to be smart at this time.

They started counter-raids.

From the beginning of the war to the present.

They have played tens of thousands of rounds.

Just started.

In fact, the shadows have always been the main attack, and they are in a state of defense.

But just after the Tianquan of the summer came out.

They just started to really fight back.

The fight between the two sides has also entered a white-hot.

The battle on Thirteen's side was also very fierce. Those outsiders of the divine guard had been chasing him, but Thirteen had been beheading the Shadow Clan people.

Baichuan has completely suppressed it with one enemy and two.

Just started.

The strength of these two men is strong.

There are many means, causing a lot of trouble to Baichuan.

But with the passage of time, Baichuan also showed his true strength.

"Ying, don't you understand? You have already lost, and you are completely defeated. The myth of your invincibility as a divine guard will be ended here."

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