The Best All-rounder

Chapter 947: Golden Sword Gate was destroyed

For a moment.

An incomparably powerful force erupted from Shadow's body.


Everything around it started to shatter.

All the bodies shattered instantly.

The ground began to crumble.


The mountain gate of Jindaomen began to smash.


"It seems that the Golden Sword Gate can't keep it this time." Hu Ye looked at Tie Xin.

everything around.

All have been shattered.

The current Golden Sword Gate has also been turned into ruins.

"I expected this moment to happen, but the Golden Sword Gate was destroyed. I can find a way to rebuild it. If everyone died, there would be no chance." Tie Xin said with emotion.


He has everything ready.

Including his own death here.

"Your territory has also suffered." Xia Xia glanced at the White Dragon King and said.

"It doesn't matter, I cultivate those plants below to do this kind of thing." The White Dragon King responded confidently.

those plants.

Can handle some mishaps.


Shadow's body turned blood red completely, and a powerful phantom appeared behind him.

The figure of an ancient demon clan.

at the same time.

Shadow's right hand gripped, and everything around him began to shatter.

The space is full of explosions.

"Back up!!" Summer shouted loudly.

The four of them also retreated together.

Very fast.


Space burst.

"So strong!!" The expressions of the four also changed.

The fight between ShadowClan and the Guardian candidate has also become very violent.


The Ying Clan is absolutely loyal to Ying, so their morale is also very high, and the candidates for the guard and the outsiders of the guard have all seen the strength of Ying, and they are incomparably envious and admired.


They also all want to make meritorious deeds and become a divine guard in the future.


All will be desperately worth it.

"Summer!" Ying also shouted loudly.

"It seems that after you unblocked the beast, you were not controlled by the beast, but completely controlled this power." Xia Xia praised.

"No matter what you see through, under absolute power, everything is useless. I had scruples before and didn't want to use this ability, but now it's different. Now that I have used this power, then I will have no scruples, and I will let you understand how big the gap is between you and me." Ying also shouted loudly.

at the same time.

The powerful sound waves rushed directly to the summer.


Summer's body was washed away.

Open your mouth.

Unleashed unrelenting power.

"How to fight with such power?" Sky King's eyes turned to Xia Tian.

He wanted to know.


How to deal with the shadow of the unsealed beast.

Shadow now.

It was no longer the same level as before. The previous shadow had already made them difficult to deal with for a long time, and the current shadow was even more powerful to a very terrifying level.

overall strength.

increased several times.

"It's troublesome, the current shadow, whether attacking or defending, has reached a very terrifying level." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"Just here, everything within a radius of billions of miles has been smashed, and even spread to a wider area. I am afraid that the humans and immortal beasts passing by here, as well as the demon clan, except those in the canyon, have been killed in an instant. Now." Xia Xia understood that the fairies in the canyon were protected by plants, and there would be no problem for the time being.

But those on the road outside were attacked like this.

But very scary.

Even the people of the Shadow Clan, thousands of people were killed by the shadow's attack just now, and others were also injured.

The people on the Golden Blade Gate side also suffered some injuries.

"If it goes on like this, we will lose." Hongfeng said.


Xia Xia took a step forward: "Yes, in this state, you can indeed be called one of the strongest beings among the opponents I have encountered temporarily, and you are in control of Immortal Master Haoyue who fought against me back then. In the case of the power of the mountain, it is a level."

The masters I met in the summer.

[The Queen Mother's strength] is greater than [Haoyue Immortal Master (the power to control Fangcunshan)] is greater than [Monkey King] is greater than [Haoyue Immortal Master (normal strength)] is greater than [Da Niu Wang] is greater than [Three Bamboo Sect Leader, Tie Xin, Tian Frost Hall Master Baichuan, etc.] is greater than [Xingwangmu].


"It's said outside that Immortal Master Haoyue apologized to you back then because you had a big backer, but I'm curious, is your backer bigger than me?" Ying looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

That's right.

His backer is the entire Shenwei.

Shenwei is an existence that even the people of the Celestial Clan are not afraid of.

A truly top-notch existence.

"Actually, I lost that battle." Xia Tian smiled slightly.

Said very calmly.

"It's useless, Xia Xia, you can't deter me with someone else's reputation." Ying thought that Xia Xia wanted to use someone else's reputation to intimidate him.

But in fact.

Summer is about wanting to delay time.

He has seen it.

It is impossible for Ying's current power to last forever, so as long as he delays for a while, Ying's power will gradually Do you really think I am relying on someone else's reputation? A slight smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "It seems that you still don't understand. "

"Understand what? In the face of absolute power, all your means are just jokes!!" After Ying finished speaking, the blood-colored hook in his right hand suddenly burst.

The powerful force was injected directly into the blood-colored hook.

this attack.

It has surpassed Qiansi Beast's strongest defense.


Even if there is a thousand silk beast defense in summer, it can't stop this blow.

"Be careful!!" The other four also hurriedly shouted.

They all started rushing towards summer.

"Don't come here!!" Summer shouted loudly.


Shadow is also not polite.

He didn't care what Xia Xia meant. In his opinion, Xia Xian didn't let those few people come over. It was very likely that he was very confident in his Qiansi beast defense, but Ying had already seen it clearly.

Although the Qiansi beast is an emperor-grade Qiansi beast.

But the level is not very high, so it definitely can't withstand his attacks.

Although there are some famous tools in summer.

But his next attack.

These defenses can already be breached.

The other four were also very nervous at this time.

They all understand.

If they are not allowed to come over in the summer, then there must be some means.


at this time.

Summer shout out.

The eyes of the four of them lit up, and then they went directly to the direction of the shadow.

Shadow's attack has also hit Xia Xia.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】


The powerful attack power was blocked by Xia Xia's hand.

"Is this your strongest blow?" Xia Xia looked at Ying blankly.

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