The Best All-rounder

Chapter 964: Bug reappearance

That's right!

They are six people.

The outcome of the vote is likely to be three to three.

If this is the case, who will call the shots?

This is a very troublesome thing.

"There is a way. If we are in a three-to-three situation, we will send a message to Xia Xia and let him call the shots, how about that?" White Hammer asked.

He has always wanted to pull summer to join the team.

Although Summer did not agree.

But he still hopes that the Liberty League is related to the summer.

"Of course it's fine." Everyone nodded.

that's it.

The free alliance of the six of them was thus established. Next, they were going to the place chosen by the Monkey King.

Night falls.

Among the earth spirit clan.

"You really don't have the ability to dig holes." Qu Xi said helplessly.

Summer had dug a hole and brought him in.

Moreover, the opponent's formation was quietly changed by him, and it was not destroyed.

No one would have thought of it at all.

Someone can get in here.

"There are quite a few people from the Earth Spirit Clan." Xia Xia glanced at it. Although it was late at night, the Earth Spirit Family people were walking back and forth, as if everyone was busy with something.

"This is true. According to my investigation, there are 100,000 people of the Earth Spirit clan stationed in the city all the year round, and even more people outside, and everyone is working hard for cultivation, but the Earth Spirit clan has never been able to. There are some top geniuses, so there are not too strong masters in charge, there is only one master, the power of the law should be around 140,000, and it is already the kind that has reached the limit of cultivation, and there is not much life left." Qu. Xi still investigated a lot of news.

However, in her own opinion, the information she investigated did not have much effect.

Of course.

Summer doesn't think so.

Summer thinks.

As long as it is information, it must have its own use.

"What is that patriarch busy with every day?" Xia Xia asked.

"He is not busy now, he is cultivating in his room every day, and he doesn't come out. As I said before, his lifespan is almost at the limit, so now the people of the Earth Spirit clan listen to his son. Commander, there is almost no need for him to come forward." Qu Xi said.

"Go, go see this old man." Xia Xia said.


Qu Xi nodded slightly.


In the summer, they entered the residence of the patriarch of the earth spirit clan little by little.

"Is he cultivating?" Qu Xi saw the patriarch of the Diling family sitting there cross-legged.

"No, he's already dead." Xia Xia frowned.

at this time.

He saw a scene.

A very familiar scene.


The body of the Earth Spirit Patriarch was obviously eaten up by the kind of worm that was in Grandpa Tie Xin before, but now, there is not a single worm around here. Normally, this kind of worm can spread and has a very strong infection. If other people approached here, they would also be swallowed by insects, but obviously, the other people of the Earth Spirit Clan were not infected.

"Dead?" Qu Xi walked over and began to check the patriarch of the earth spirit clan.

"He is now a shell, and the inside has been eaten up." Xia Xia was puzzled that Ying had already been killed by him, so whose ability is this?

"This is not Ying's ability. According to what I learned from Ying recently, the bugs on Grandpa Tie Xin's body were not created by Ying," Hong Feng reminded.


Xia Xia always believed that the worm in Grandpa Tie Xin was used by Shadow to raid.


This is actually not the ability of the shadow.

"The situation at that time was just a coincidence. If there was no such thing as this bug, maybe Grandpa Tie Xin would have been taken away silently, and we would not have gone there, and the shadows would not have been discovered, let alone taken away. We took it back and killed Ying." Hongfeng said.

That's right.

If it hadn't been for bugs.

That summer, he would never go to see his grandfather with Tie Xin.

He would never find out that his grandfather was taken away.

There will be no subsequent battle.

"But why haven't the bugs spread?" What Xia Xia is most puzzled about is why the bugs didn't spread. Before that bug, even he could invade instantly.


The people of the Earth Spirit clan should have been recruited long ago.

"I don't know about this, but there is something wrong with the posture of the patriarch of the Earth Spirit Clan. Look where his hand seems to be pointing!!" Hong Feng reminded.


Summer's eyes looked over.


The patriarch of the Earth Spirit clan, who was sitting cross-legged, pointed his finger on his head.

Summer is also looking up.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Nothing is seen.

"It seems there are traces!!" Hong Feng said.

Summer is also the first time to jump up to check: "No trace."

"Don't you think this place is too clean? Normally, even if there is a dust removal formation, there should be a layer of immortal power attached to it, but here immortal power It is a millimeter weaker than other places, although it is only one millimeter, but it is obvious that someone was here before, so it destroyed the balance of immortal energy here!!" Hongfeng's analysis ability is also getting stronger and stronger.

A few simple words, let Xia Xia admire him.

"You have grown a lot." Xia Xia praised.

"That's natural. If my growth rate is not fast enough, how can I match you?" Hongfeng said directly.

"That is to say, when the patriarch of the earth spirit clan was recruited, he had already discovered that there was someone above, but he seemed to have no ability to act at that time." Xia Xia understood.

"If it's just a person, it's useless for him to remind him, because by the time his hand comes down, the person will have already run away. I suspect that there is still a problem." Hongfeng believes that the position of his finger is definitely not simple. .


Xia Tian's eyes also carefully inspected everything.

"The formation is on!!" Xia Xia suddenly discovered that there were some floating fairy energy on the formation.

Watch as normal.

Can't see anything at all.

But if you look carefully with his eyes, you will find it.

These floating fairy energy formed two words: "Earth Spirit!!"

"I've been looking for so long? Just these two useless words?" Xia Xia naturally knew that they belonged to the Earth Spirit family, so there was almost no difference between seeing these two words and not seeing them.

"It shouldn't be that simple. If it's just to express these two words, there is no need for him to come up with so many tricks." Hongfeng believes that this matter is definitely not that simple.


Xia Xia continued to observe the two words "Earth Spirit".


He discovered that the word "Earth Spirit" was arranged in numbers.

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