The Best All-rounder

Chapter 988: The power of the Earth Spirit Seal

This is a semi-innate divine soldier. Back then, the weapon of the earth spirit was powerful and could attack with pure power. Although his current strength cannot be fully exerted, as long as he can exert a little strength.

Summer is also enough.

He has a lot of tools now.

But they're all for raids.

The ability to fight head-on is very small.

If the power of the Earth Spirit Seal is very powerful, then he will also have the ability to fight head-on in the future.

"Now my power of law is less than 100,000 points. If my power of law can reach 100,000 points, then with the addition of my Tianhan sword, my overall strength has entered the quasi-venerable level. The realm is now, it is a real confrontation with the quasi-venerable, not the kind of sneak attack." Although Xia Xia had also killed a lot of quasi-venerable people before.

But it all depends on cooperating with others, and sneak attacks.

Once he has truly entered the realm of a quasi-venerable person, then he can be considered a real foothold in a place like Shenzhou.

Thirteen that year.

He is only a quasi-venerable person, but he is already a famous master in China.

Wherever you go, others have to give face.

Even if you can't beat it, you can run away.

"Hey, boy, let's talk about you." A vicious man came over from the front.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"You came out of the poisonous fog jungle, right?" the man asked.

"Yeah!" Summer nodded slightly.

"I heard that there are all kinds of treasures inside, and some people have made a fortune inside, right?" the man asked again.

"That's what happened, but a lot of people died inside, so I came out." Xia Xia wanted to remind these people, don't go in casually, there is no benefit in it now, only death.

Going in rashly will only be a death sentence.


Honesty is still very important now.

"Looking at your timid appearance, how can there be no danger?" The man turned and left after saying that.

Summer is also planning to go to the city.

Available soon.

The man came over again and stopped Xia Xia directly: "Boy, I'll give you a chance now, you can mix with our boss, give you a fairy crystal a day, and take us into the poisonous jungle!!"


They also know that there are dangers in the poisonous jungle. If they find someone who has gone in to lead the way, there will be more opportunities.

As for a piece of immortal crystal, it is simply a begging.

"I'm not going, it's too dangerous inside." Xia Xia wanted to find an excuse to leave.

"Don't be shameless, do you know who our boss is?" the man shouted angrily.

Obviously trying to deter summer.

"Oh? Who is your boss?" Xia Tian asked.

"Our boss is Poison Fang, the eldest disciple of Poison Python, have you heard of Poison Python? That is a famous master of the eighth party in China, a quasi-venerable one, are you offended?" The man said very proudly .

He is picking up people.

And when it comes to people, even the boss's master brought it up.

at the very beginning.

Xia Xia also wanted to dissuade them from going into that kind of place, but now, he felt that that kind of place was the most suitable for these dead people.

"What does it have to do with me?" Xia Tian asked.

"Stinky boy, I think you are toasting and not eating and drinking." The man also went straight to Summer.

He seems to want to use violence to make Xia surrender.

"Warning, don't come to mess with me." Xia Xia said directly.

"Warn me? You deserve it too?" The man looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

He thinks that he has been out for so long, and he can be regarded as a person with some eyesight. The person in front of him looks weak and weak, and he does not have the domineering power of a strong man at all, and the person who runs out of it can have What a deal.

As long as he repairs the other party properly now, the other party will naturally become honest.


The man punched.

But his fist just arrived in front of Xia Xia.

He received a heavy punch in the face.

Flesh and blood flew.

His entire face was dented.

"You dare to hit me, you dare to hit me, you are dead, you are dead." The man also hurriedly ran back.


A group of fifty people came over.

The man at the head looked at Xia Xia coldly: "Brother, which way are you on?"

He obviously wanted to inquire about the origin of summer.

It's a habit.

If the other party says any backer, then he will naturally not dare to mess around, but if the other party's backer is not as big as his, then he will blackmail the other party, and if the other party has no backer, dare to move his people , he will never be polite.

"Which way is easy to go, I'll follow which way." Xia Xia responded.

"You dare to play with me!!" Tooth's face turned cold.

"It's best not to provoke me, otherwise I can do anything." Xia Xia said.

"Looking for death!!" The fangs also rushed up directly.

When he saw the fangs rushing up, Xia Xia also looked blankly at the fifty people in front of him: "I will give you ten seconds to escape, and after ten seconds, those who are still here must die!! "

Ha ha ha ha!

Fang Fang laughed directly: "Do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like this, my master is a poisonous python."

He also reported directly to his home.

I just want to deter summer.


Summer ignored him.

The surrounding subordinates also all laughed, as if they heard a big joke, someone dared to talk to their boss like this.

Really looking for death.

"There are still three seconds!" Xia Xia said quietly.


Hearing Xia Xia's words, Fang Fang's eyes turned completely cold.

Just now he thought that the other party was talking ruthlessly.

He didn't care either.

But now.

He has already said who his master is, but the other party dares to check.

The people behind also showed their weapons, as if they were going to scare Xia to death.

No nonsense in summer.

A wave of the right hand.

Earth Spirit Seal!


The moment the local spirit seal appeared.

The power of instant extinction appeared.

Everything The fifty people in front of Xia Xia disappeared directly into the sky.

"You use the Earth Spirit Seal to deal with these garbage?" The corners of Ying's mouth were twitching.

"What's wrong? I also want to try the power of the Earth Spirit Seal." Xia Xia said.

"Don't let Senior Earth Spirit know, or he will definitely be **** off." Ying reminded.


Black lines on a face in summer.

"This is the treasure that he suppressed the Quartet in the past. With a wave of his hand, all kinds of mountains, rivers and rivers were all smashed. Even the Celestial Clan people were killed in one shot. Those Celestial Clan guards, the existence of one shot to death, the master of the venerable level, in the It was also instantly destroyed in front of it, and as a result, you are now using it to take pictures of these garbage, and you can't measure the power of the Earth Spirit Seal." Ying also felt very speechless.

"It doesn't matter, his master should come to take revenge. When I started it just now, I deliberately slowed down the rhythm, just to let him issue a message. His master is said to be a quasi-venerable person, you can try it."

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