The Best All-rounder

Chapter 990: devastating battle


Xia Xia also began to retreat quickly. When he heard the power of the unsealing beast, he also understood what was going on. It must be the ability of the unsealing beast released by the ecstasy.

"What the **** is going on? Didn't I already let his son go? Why did he continue to do so much damage!" Xia Tian also asked very puzzled.

He was worried that there would be havoc.


He just let go of the soul-sucking son.

But now.

The soul hook actually released the unsealing beast.

This made him very puzzled.

"The biggest feature of Shenzhou is that you never know what will happen in the next second. This is Shenzhou. Find a safe place to hide first, wait and see, maybe what will happen." Ying reminded.

he guessed.

There must be something wrong with the soul-sucking son.


With his understanding of the soul hook, the soul hook will not release the unsealing beast.

Especially for the Celestial Clan people to release the Unblocking Beast.

Summer can only keep going back.

The previous attack was terrible.

With so many top players fighting, if he doesn't hide away, he doesn't know what will happen next.

"The destructive power is still increasing, how many people will die!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

"It's no longer a matter of how many people died. Tian Chou is a first-class Celestial Clan, and although he is only a second-class Celestial Clan to help, his status in the Celestial Clan is also very high. If there is no Tianlong, it is naturally nothing. But there is Tianlong, and I am worried about what accident will happen. If Tianlong really kills these two people, it will be a big trouble. At that time, the people of the Tianzu will put this account on the head of the guards, and the thousand-year catastrophe will soon be over. If there are so many things happening at this time, I am afraid that Shenzhou will face disaster again." Ying also felt that things were becoming more and more difficult.

Although he didn't think that Soul Hooker could kill a first-class Celestial Clan and a second-class Celestial Clan to join forces, Tianlong was simply an indeterminate factor.

There is a dragon.

A lot of things could happen.

No one could have predicted what would happen to the Fashen in the future.

whatever you want.

He must also be careful.


Summer sighed.

He didn't like to see a massacre of this level the last.


This killing occurs.

"Don't be so sentimental, in this world, many things can't be changed, even without you, some things can't be avoided, so what we can do is wait, look at the situation here first, and then wait for the result, because the result is the result. Most importantly, one result might change the entire pattern of Shenzhou." Ying also found out.

Eighth party now.

It was an eventful autumn indeed.

In recent years, the Eighth Party has not been calm at all, and things can often happen beyond their expectations, and everything is out of control.

Summer didn't say anything.

Fortunately, Qu Xi left.

Otherwise, Qu Xi would be seriously injured if he didn't die.


Summer just keeps disappearing.

Finally found a temporary safe place.

He also wanted to investigate the situation ahead.


It's too far, and he can't detect anything at all.

"The current battle should be two-on-two. Hookhun and Tianlong fight against Tianqiu and that second-class Celestial Clan. Although Tianlong and Hunhun have not cooperated, they have a common enemy, so they will definitely fight together. The other three are probably I know all about his strength, but this Tianlong is simply an unknown, I have no idea what ability he has and how much energy he has." Ying believes that Tianlong is a person who is not in the calculation.

He really couldn't imagine it.

How powerful is someone like Tianlong?


Tianlong also has the means and ability to kill Tianzu people.

He holds the biggest secret of the Celestials.

in this case.

A lot of uncontrollable accidents can happen.

"I don't know, now I don't dare to think about what kind of battle broke out in front of me, but what is certain is that they really fought, with such terrifying power, no one's messenger can be released, that is, Said, they have almost no reinforcements." Xia Xia said.

Fight like this.

The space was destroyed too badly.

And they all stopped, it was not a small-scale destruction at all.

but massive destruction.

in this case of destruction.

Any messenger is useless.

"Yeah, the communication talisman must not go out, but I don't know how long they will fight. If they fight for too long, it will be unimaginable. At that time, the scope will be too wide, even if there is no communication talisman. , people outside will also know what happened." Ying reminded.

That's right.

The situation here is definitely not going to spread.

Because everyone who could sense the battle, except Xia Xia, was beheaded.

All shattered instantly.

Under normal conditions.

The city was destroyed.

It can be seen in the Tianshuang Temple.

But the Tianshuang Palace Master has not been here at all recently, so even if they can see it in the Tianshuang Palace, they will not know what happened, and they will not dare to mess around. , it's all over.

By the time.

There is nothing left.

What about support.

"The most important thing to consider now is that the people of the Celestial Clan have a lot of escape skills, right!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, although the power of the world of the Celestial Clan people is strong, whether it is the soul hook or the dragon, they are definitely not afraid of their world power, but their means of escape are very powerful, there is no way for the soul to stop them from escaping, But Tianlong may be able to, and the next step is to see how much surprise Tianlong can bring us." Ying is also very confident in Tianlong.


Tianlong is the one who dominates the Battle of Heaven and Night.

If it weren't for Tianlong, the Battle of Heaven and Night would not have erupted at that time.


Tianlong also almost destroyed the entire Celestial Clan.

Although now Tianlong is reborn strength has not reached its peak.

But now the Tianlong means and other knowledge are all there.

There may still be surprises.


Xia Xia's eyes looked into the distance like this. It was too far away. Not only could he not detect anything, but he couldn't see anything. He couldn't be sure what was going on inside.

"It's too passive." Xia Tian was thinking, how can he get over there, if he can get over, then he can know what happened inside.

What's the fight in there.

But now there are four top masters fighting.

The power is too terrifying. If he goes in, his body will not be able to withstand so much impact inside.

"I do have a way!!!"

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