The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1004: In the ring

The vice sect masters of Baiyun Sect did not dare to say anything. Although they had a cooperative relationship with the Tianshuang Temple, to put it bluntly, they were still subordinates of the Tianshuang Temple, but their status was very high. Now that the deputy hall master of the Tianshuang Temple said so, it means no matter what.

Of course he couldn't force it.

in the tavern.

In the summer, all you need to do is wait for the recommendation of the deputy hall master of Tianshuang.

"Didn't you see what's in that storage gear?" Shadow asked.

"Headless entrustment is very troublesome. He didn't tell me who to give it to. This is the most troublesome. If he tells me who to give it to, when I'm not busy, I really don't care about helping him. , after all, with my current ability of the source of the earth and my identity, I can quickly teleport, and it won't take long to go anywhere." This is how Xia Xia is.

Encountered, some things, since he met, he thinks this is fate.

He will do it.

But he has used his eyes to see the contents of the storage equipment.

It doesn't say who to give things to.

"Then forget it!!" Ying said with emotion.

"Don't worry, maybe it will be a matter of course in the future, but no matter what, I can't give things to the White Cloud Sect who killed that person." Xia Xia still has principles.

Since that person handed things over to him.

Then even if he can't find who to give it to, he can't give things to that person's enemy.


in the tavern.

The vice sect master of Baiyun Sect came directly to him: "Summer!!"

At this moment, his face was full of anger.

And behind him are the masters of the White Cloud Sect, there are dozens of people.

"Want to fight?" Xia Xia looked at the vice sect master of Baiyun Sect.

"Do you know what that thing is? It's Tianjiyun, something that is related to the future of our White Cloud Sect. If you don't hand it over to me, our White Cloud Sect will never let it go!!" The vice sect master of the White Cloud Sect also stated. its own position.

They can tolerate other things in the White Cloud Sect, but they absolutely cannot tolerate this matter.

He looked at the summer in front of him so firmly.

"Okay, what I'm waiting for is that you don't give up." Xia Xia responded.

Both sides have made their position clear at this point.

Bai Yunzong would not give in.

Summer is also not a little face.

The two sides are incompatible, and one of them must admit defeat or perish.


Xia Xia looked at the vice sect master of Baiyun Sect in front of him, and then slowly got up: "I'm waiting for you in the ring!!!"

Waiting for you! !

Summer's words are very simple.

He didn't mean to wait for you.

It means that he is going to take action against these people.

At this time, these people in front of him will be his targets.


Hearing Xia Xia's words, the vice sect master of Baiyun Sect also frowned. He never thought that this would be the result. Although he was ready to turn against Xia Xia, when he really wanted to go shopping, he hesitated. .

If Xia Xia has been very cowardly, then he will take the initiative to shout and fight.

But now.

If Xia Xia takes the initiative, there will be taboos in his heart.

"Vice Sect Master..."

The people around all looked at the deputy sect master of Baiyun Sect, and they all wanted to see what the deputy sect master would do next.

The vice suzerain is the manager here.

His words are orders.

what does he want to do.

The people here have to do it.

"Are we afraid of Baiyun Sect?" The deputy sect master of Baiyun Sect scolded. Although he was a little hesitant, he couldn't admit it, especially with so many subordinates behind him. How to mix?

How to raise your head?

Fight in summer.

Then they will fight.

It was said in the summer just now, let them go together, then if they go together, it is not a foul.

King and loser.

The world only cares who wins in the end.

Nobody cares how you win.

Xia Xia's recent fame is not small, and he just wants everyone to understand that although there are many famous people in this world, these people are also short-lived, compared with their real power.

Nothing at all.

Only the real top powers can last for a long time.

"Kill?" asked the people from the White Cloud Sect.

There are so many of them, naturally they are not afraid of Xia Xia alone, but they all know that there are famous masters like Thirteen and Tie Xin behind Xia Xia, and they heard that Xia Xia is outside and has some friendship with many top players.

If they killed Xia Xia, those people probably wouldn't just let it go.


What they do next is simple.

Just waiting for the order of their vice suzerain.

"Try not to kill, but if you can't do it, then kill. The majesty of our White Cloud Sect is not allowed to be touched by others," said the Deputy Sect Master of White Cloud Sect.

He also understands.

Summer is not so easy to kill.

But he wanted it too.

He wants to sign a life and death certificate, and he wants Xia Xia to take the initiative to say that no revenge is allowed.

In this way, even if people like Thirteen and Tie Xin came to the door, he would have something to say.

"Okay!!" Everyone nodded.

The arena.

There are people here all year round.

Fighting here, not only are there bets below, but they will also have rewards, and they also have some bets in private.


Xia Xia landed directly on the ring: "Brothers, my name is Xia Xia, I want to jump in the team, I apologize to everyone here first, and I will compensate each of the people in line with one million immortal crystals."


The words of summer suddenly made everyone stunned.

When someone suddenly rushed into the ring, they were all very angry, but when they heard the name Xia, they didn't dare to mess around. After all, this is the Tianshuang Palace, and many people here are I've heard of the name Summer.

In addition, Xia Xia said that each person would be compensated with one million immortal crystals.

such a high compensation.

Of course they wouldn't say anything.

Although Tianshuang Temple has many opportunities.

There are many places to make money.

But one million immortal crystals is also an astronomical number for these people.

At this time the two people in the ring bowed to Xia Xia and fell directly.

Xia Xia threw out a group of storage equipment directly, and fell precisely into the hands of those queuing around.

After those people took over the storage equipment, they all bowed to Xia Xia.

Nobody is talking anymore.

at the same time.

They were all very curious too.

Who the **** is going to duel here in the summer?


They will know.


Bai Yunzong is very famous here, so they all want to see who Bai Yunzong wants to send.

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