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Chapter 1007: Enter the Tianxian Temple


Xia Tian nodded slightly, and then his body quickly disappeared in place.

The light of the teleportation array lasted about five seconds longer than usual.

"What a miraculous teleportation." Xia Xia said with emotion.

He felt that this teleportation array was completely different from usual.


He quickly sensed that the power of the immortals around him was bursting, and everything here was completely different from before.

"This is..."

"It's amazing, isn't it? Everyone who came to the Tianxian Temple just felt this way, because the Tianxian Temple, like the Tianzu, is still in Shenzhou, but it is above the sky of Shenzhou, and this It's not an ordinary sky, but the heaven of Shenzhou. The power of immortals here is more intense and mysterious. This is also the place opened up by the Celestial Clan. Moreover, it is said that here in the Tianxian Temple, as long as you go out of the city and keep walking, you will have the opportunity to directly No one has ever made it to the Celestial Clan," Ying explained.

Now summer has come here.

He can also let the summer feel for himself.

Before Xia came here, he couldn't explain it to Xia Xia, because if he didn't experience it himself, he wouldn't know how terrifying it was.

Now it's the same here.


Summer is also personally felt.

The pores all over his body were already open.

The air around him made him feel sweet.

An indescribable feeling of restraint.

It was like a newborn baby in the arms of its mother.

"It's really comfortable." A slight smile appeared on Xia Xia's face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes turned to the front of him.

in front of him.

A guard in silver armor came over: "Token!!"

"There is no token, there is a recommended jade from the eighth party." Xia Xia took out the recommended jade.

The silver-armored guard took the recommended jade and placed it on a jade plate in his hand.


On the jade plate, rays of light shone in all directions.

Straight to the sky.


A token appeared in his hand, and he directly handed the token and a storage device to Xia Xia: "This token will be yours in the future, and there is a mask inside. The mask is used to hide your identity and breath. If you don't want to be known, put on a mask, there are rules here, look carefully and don't cause trouble."


His words were very simple.

Like a robot.

Just leave after speaking.

Poker face.

Summer doesn't care either.

He knows very well that outside, many top and famous people will also suffer from this attitude of the other party here. No matter how good you are outside, you have to keep a low profile here.

Even Shenwei and Tianzu people are the same.

"It's really interesting here. Although I just came here, I have already begun to be interested in it." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


Ying Wei nodded: "Tianxiandian is a very developed place, it's very big, but most of the place is controlled by the Celestials, there are more opportunities for the Celestials, and there are often quests that reward the treasures, but for the Celestials, there are more opportunities. It's still very unpleasant for people from the Celestial Clan to do things."

"Yeah, it's really unpleasant to do things for the people of the Celestial Clan." Xia Xia also understands that when these top experts go to work for the people of the Celestial Clan, they seem to be the subordinates of the people of the Celestial Clan. This kind of thing will make them very difficult to accept.

If it is just some ordinary quasi-venerable people and people with 100,000 points of the power of the law, they naturally don’t care. They even think that doing things for the Celestials is their opportunity. If they perform well, then the Celestials will take their fancy to them in the future. .

Become the dog of the Celestial Clan people, in this case, their path will be completely different in the future.

Celestial people will give them endless glory.

"It doesn't matter, there are many places of great power, and there are places of mysterious people. There are also strongholds of our divine guards, all of which have tasks. You can walk around slowly and pick up the tasks you are interested in. It is estimated that the investigation will be carried out. You will also have some tasks and tasks to investigate the detailed battle of the Golden Sword Gate, you can sell this information while you are now, and you can also exchange for a lot of wealth." Ying reminded.

it's here.

Wealth is just a number.

But if you have the intelligence, you can get a lot of people to buy it.

Especially first-hand detailed information.

If Xia Xia went to sell his own information, the authenticity would be impossible to say.

One of the rules here is that the information you sell must be real. If people here find out that the information you sell is fake and intentional, they will kill you here.


cannot be destroyed.

"Not bad." A slight smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


He started walking inside.

He was not wearing a mask.

Now that he has come to such a place, there is no need to hide himself. He is different from ordinary people in China. People here want to hang out in China all year round, so many people wear masks.

But after four years in the summer, it is time to hit the Celestial Clan.

There is no need for him to hide at all. If he hides it deliberately, it will attract the attention of others.

The absolute hegemonic power of the Celestial Clan will naturally not let a mysterious person appear casually.

But if the summer is always exposed, they can see the summer.

Hidden away in the city.

In their eyes, they will not feel the danger.

"Then let's take a good look at this legendary Tianxian Temple!!" Xia Xia saw that there were many people coming and going here, and 70% of them were wearing masks, but under his eyes, These masks are useless.

Easily seen through in summer.

"I finally know the horror of your eyes, no wonder you can see through us see through us people, these masks have never been seen through, not even the Celestial Clan, but you actually saw through. All this." Shadow said with emotion.

He also felt more and more that he was not wronged at all for losing.

own loss.

is inevitable.

Meet an opponent like Xia Xia.

He is also convinced to lose.

"After leaving my world, do you still want to be my enemy?" Xia Xia smiled slightly.

Since he dared to let Ying know all this.

Not afraid of shadow revealing his trump card.

"I don't want to, I don't want to be an enemy of you in my whole life, even if you let me be an enemy of the entire Celestial Clan, I don't want to be an enemy of you, but even if I leave you, the guards will have no place for me. Shenwei does not allow failure, I am already a loser, and a new Shenwei will take my place." Ying also shook his head helplessly.

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