The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1009: pull you in

Killed a guard by hand.

When these words were spoken, the man lying there stood up instantly and looked directly at Xia Xia in front of him: "Are you Xia Xia?"

Called summer's name directly.

Hear the other person calling his name.

Summer is also stunned.

"Am I famous?" Xia Tian asked.

"It was not famous before, but it is famous enough now. In the battle of the eighth party Golden Sword Gate, you killed a guard. Many people in the Tianxian Temple already know about this. It has been many years that no guard has died. And the people who participated in the war at that time, except you, I have seen others." The man explained.

He saw Summer for the first time.


Using the method of elimination, he could also guess that the person in front of him was the legendary summer.

"I don't know what tasks I can do?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, this task is the most suitable for you." The man took out a colorful sign.

All other brands are white light.

This sign is colored.

When the colorful sign landed in Xia Tian's hands, he also waved his right hand, and a line of words appeared on it.

Details of the Battle of the Golden Sword Gate.

"The task of colored signs belongs to the tasks issued by many major forces. If they leave a sign here, if they can complete it here, they can also earn a high fee for the middleman, and they can also know the detailed information, so They are also willing to let other major forces place the task of the colored sign." Ying explained.


"Okay." Summer nodded.

"The quest rewards are all here, you said, take the rewards, and give me the brand." The man said.


Xia Xia also told the details of the war at that time, but he did not say the means of himself and Shenwei, and what he said was that they joined forces to kill Shenwei in the end, not that he killed it alone, And concealed the information of Grandpa Tie Xin.

His concealment is not a foul.

Because he has already said all the main information.

"Okay, it's very detailed, this reward is yours, and your brand already has a color mark on it." The man said.


"Is there anything else I can do?" Xia Tian asked.

"No, I don't dare to let someone like you complete the task." the man said.

"Why?" Summer asked in confusion.

"You can try it. The other people here should not dare to let you do the task, unless those top forces." The man said.


Summer bowed.

Then went out.


The next few.

He said that when it was summer, those people were all interested, especially when they found that there was one less colored sign, they understood that the summer in front of them must have completed this task in someone else's house.

Those people's attitude towards him was also much better.

But when he asked those forces if there was a task he could do.

Those powerful people all shook their heads.

"What's going on?" Summer asked in confusion.

"Does it feel weird?" Shadow asked.

"Of course it's weird, they already recognized me, but they didn't let me do the task." Xia Xia felt very speechless. If he was a newcomer and those people didn't recognize him, he had nothing to say.

But now.

These people already knew that it was summer, and although those people were interested in him, they didn't want to give him the task.

"Actually, it's not very strange, think about it, you killed a **** guard, although other **** guards won't retaliate against you, but they are not sure, and the death of **** guard will cause a lot of trouble, and you also People like you can disappear in this world at any time. If they hand over the task to you and you suddenly have an accident, it is also an unpredictable thing for them, although Tasks are all time-sensitive, but many tasks are either not done or done, and they want to complete them with absolute certainty, and your existence is an uncertain factor." Ying explained.

It does.

a stable person.

and an uncertain factor.

Which one do you want to choose?

Such a simple question.

While uncertainty may also get the job done, they don't want to gamble.

Can't even gamble.

"So, I can't take the task now?" Xia Xia asked.

"It can't be said that it is completely unacceptable, it can only be said that most people will not choose you, unless there are some tasks that need people like you to complete, of course, after your reputation has settled for a few years, maybe There will be more people looking for you to do the task, ten years later, a hundred years later, even if everyone hears your name, it will be a guarantee, but now is not the time." Ying said.


Xia Tian nodded slightly, he already understood.

I told him before Thirteen that China is very big, and many times, fame needs to spread for a period of time, and everyone will also think, whether you are a flash in the pan or not, a real celebrity, it takes time to precipitate.

"Then let's have a good stroll." Xia Xia's eyes looked in front of him.

This place is still very big. He thought that this Tianxian Temple was the size of a small town.

after all.

There are only so many masters from all directions in Shenzhou. If there are too many people, the city will not be able to stay.

But now.

What he can see will definitely not be smaller than those big cities.


They also started walking around.


He saw a huge room of light.

There are two words "Shenwei" on the top of this light house.

Two big words.

"Want to go in and see?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah, these two words are so attractive, how could you not want to read them." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face, and then he walked in directly.

Inside the Lighthouse.

Xia Xia looked at the old man in front of him.

"Mr. Xia, you came to me, don't you want a mission?" The other party asked first.

"You know me?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

When he went to someone else's he reported himself.

come here.

Before he could speak, the old man had already recognized him.

"What's so strange about this, the news of your coming here has spread, and people here will soon know that you are here, and there are not many people here every day, only people like you have This kind of momentum." The old man explained.

Summer awkwardly scratched his head.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings at this time.

He was actually viewed as a monkey.

"Then do you have any tasks here that I can do?" Xia Xia asked.

"There is one!!" said the old man.

"What mission?" Xia Tian asked.

"Pull you in!!"

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