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Chapter 1069: extreme speed

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When the weight was thrown to the ground in the summer, a hole was directly smashed into the ground. Read the latest novels on TripAdvisor

"What? He has been fighting with such a heavy load all the time. Could it be that his speed just now wasn't his all?"

"With such a heavy load, it smashed the ground into a hole. How heavy is this? He has been fighting with such a heavy thing all the time. Isn't the strength doubled?"

"It's really amazing. Wearing such a heavy thing, you can still kill three masters in the middle stage of the prefecture level so easily, and play tricks on the masters in the later stage of the prefecture level."

When the people around saw the weight on the ground, they were all very surprised. They didn't expect that Xia Xia was actually fighting with such a heavy thing, and he fought for so long.


This is the only word to describe this summer.

If a normal person wears such a heavy load, I am afraid it will be difficult to even walk. Even those masters who suddenly wear such a heavy weight will definitely not adapt, and they can't even use half of their strength.

What about summer?

At this point he takes off the weight, what will his speed be like?

Everyone looked forward to summer.

"You still have a hand." The Thai master frowned. The previous summer's speed was enough to give him a headache, but he didn't expect the summer's speed to be even faster.

He was actually fighting with himself wearing something so heavy just now.

"It's more than one hand." Xia Tian smiled slightly, and then the whole person disappeared in place.



The Thai master hurriedly hit back, but Xia Xia's body had disappeared and it was in front of him when it reappeared there.


The people around seemed to realize that they had seen immortals, and the Xia Yunxian step was fully unfolded. At this time, he was an immortal descending to the earth, and his footwork was like an immortal walking there.

This footwork has gone beyond human limits.

They simply do not believe that humans can walk out of such heroic footwork.

"In the world, there is only one person whose speed is faster than mine." Xia Xia's voice spread throughout the black market, and everyone heard his words: "His name is Bai Yu, and no one can beat my speed except him. "

"Bai Yu, Bai Yu of quicksand, the fastest person in the world."

Suddenly someone said.

"You have always been curious about who I am? In fact, the question is very simple, I am summer, and there have been many powerful enemies on the road of my growth, but they all fell at my feet in the end, and I destroyed Yin Yin. Bat, slaying the disabled Wudang Sword Saint, and attacking the ancestors of Maoshan with all-out force, beheading the No. 3 master of North Korea, stealing the relatives of the mountain Yunzong in the hidden door, sweeping the left and right masters of the mountain Yunzong, this is my way, now I am One of the twelve guards of the black market is also the manager and guardian of Kyoto, no matter who dares to run wild in the black market of Kyoto, then I don't care who you are, how many backers are behind you, kill!" Xia Xia's words came out. , The entire black market was surrounded by the strong murderous aura of Xia Xia.

"Xia Xia, he is actually Xia Xia, he is actually the legendary Xia Xia, he actually has such a brilliant record, I was very surprised when I heard that he killed Hidden Bats and disabled Wudang Sword Saint, but I didn't expect it. He was able to attack Maoshan's ancestor with all his strength, and he actually swept the Mountain Cloud Sect in Hidden Sect."

"Is he still human? This is too terrifying, he is summer, then he is eighteen years old this year, and he has such a proud record at the age of eighteen. He is even more evil than his father, he is old Dad became famous all over the world at the age of 20, but he has become one of the powerhouses at the time since he was 18 this year."

"I've heard about Maoshan before, and recently I found out that there was a great change in the hidden door. Someone swept the Shanyun sect, the second largest sect in the hidden door, and robbed him. I didn't expect this person to be Summer. "

Suddenly a well-informed person confirmed Xia Xia's words.

As soon as I heard the word Xia Xia, the scene was completely boiling. Xia Xia was actually one of the Twelve Guardians. So what is the level of the more advanced characters in the black market?

The level of China's four major masters?

I am afraid that only a master of this level can let Xia Xia be willing to be a subordinate.

Although Xia Xia has so many halos, the Thai master doesn't know these people. He only sees the number one master in Thailand, so he doesn't take Xia Xia seriously. He thinks that if Xia Xia is not suitable for running away, He can kill the summer in an instant.


Xia Xia appeared in front of the Thai master in an instant, and the Tianhan sword in his hand was directly cut off. The Thai master hurriedly blocked it, but Xia Xia's body appeared behind him Another sword.

Xia Tian did not use any swordsmanship, but the most basic swordsmanship.

Stab, chop, slash!

It's that simple, without any fancy, but the world's martial arts, only fast can not be broken, when Xia Xia's speed reaches a limit, even if he uses the most common moves, the power is very powerful.

The Thai master was also in a hurry for a while. There were not too many bells and whistles in the swordsmanship in summer, and his strength was not very large, but his speed was too fast. This kind of person is the most difficult to deal with.

Especially the Tianhan sword in Xia's hands.

If a Thai master is stabbed by the Tianhan sword, he will definitely die, so he does not dare to be careless.

"Stop, weren't you arrogant just now?" Xia Xia's body quickly appeared from different angles.

"Perverted, this is simply too perverted, is this still human? I'm almost unable to see him, how can I fight this, who can survive this kind of sword?"

"That Thai master is worthy of being a powerhouse at the late prefecture level. It's also amazing that he was able to survive such a quick attack without getting hurt."

"Why doesn't he use swordsmanship all the time? At this level, if he uses those exquisite swordsmanship, then this Thai master will definitely not be able to withstand several attacks."

While those people around were feeling Xia Xian, they were also curious, why Xia Xia didn't use swordsmanship, isn't he Yin Nie's apprentice? But he has already used it, Dong Weng's Kongming, Beijun's Frost, Xiyin's Lingxi Finger, but why can't he use Yin Nie's swordsmanship?

"Do you really want to see my swordsmanship?" Xia Xia turned to look at the crowd: "That's good."


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