The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1022: Grab the treasure chest


The Venerable was extremely depressed at this time. He felt that everyone around him was laughing at him. He spent Wuyi Immortal Crystal to buy a smelly box and blew him up.

Really embarrassed.

"Damn!!" He thought that Xia Xia had just opened a good thing, but he opened a smelly box.

He was out of breath.

"Stinky boy, it's you who harmed me. You must have given me luck. If it wasn't for you, there must be good things in my space-time treasure chest." The Venerable looked at Xia Xia angrily.

Summer ignored him.

Just ignored him.

Take your space-time treasure chest to the front.

The people around looked at the Venerable with contempt.

a venerable one.

To actually say such a thing, it really makes them feel very ridiculous.

Disgraceful and thrown home.

Especially when they thought of what the Venerable said before.

It felt very funny.


The Venerable also felt the ridicule of the people around him at this time.

At this time, his face was also full of anger: "What are you laughing at, the next one, I will buy the next one. It must be a good thing."

Just bought a space-time treasure chest worth one billion immortal crystals in the summer.

He also gritted his teeth and directly bought a space-time treasure chest worth 2 billion immortal crystals.

He just spends more than summer.

Used to mock summer.

"If you want to get good things, you must be willing to spend Hua Xianjing. If you can't afford good ones, don't play." The Venerable looked at the time-space treasure chest there in Xia Xia with great disdain.

at this time.

The time-space treasure chest in Xia's hands has been opened.

"Damn, what is this?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a top-level heavenly forged stone. Actually, a single piece of heavenly forged stone can make ten top-level divine weapons worth 10 billion immortal crystals."

"The repurchase price here is 9 billion immortal crystals, and I made 8 billion immortal crystals at once. This is too heaven-defying."

The people around said with great excitement, they are eye-opening today, although people open the treasure chest of time and space every day, but there are very few good things, especially this kind of big money scene, which is even rarer.

But now.

This guy actually made big money twice in a row.

This kind of luck is really unbelievable.

The Celestial Clansman inside is also starting to be jealous of Xia's luck.


"Sell!!" Summer said.


The Venerable next to him was even more upset.

He never expected such a thing to happen.

The other party actually offered such good things twice in a row: "You have used up all your luck in your life. People like you will have no luck in the future."

He also looked at the space-time treasure chest in his hand.

According to probability.

The space-time treasure chest he obtained this time should contain good things.

"Please start your performance." Xia Xia said very casually.

That Venerable also put his space-time treasure chest in front: "Today I will show you, what is a piece of immortal crystal for one share, the space-time treasure chest that I bought with 2 billion immortal crystals, the contents must be inside. It's very valuable."

Twenty seconds passed quickly.

this time.

He instinctively opened the defense.

Although he thought that he would definitely produce good things, he had just been bombed, which also made him have some phobias.

Not fried.

When he felt that there was no explosion, he breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time looked inside expectantly.

there is something.


When he saw clearly what was inside, he was stunned.

"Blood bamboo grass, alchemy material, worth 500,000 immortal crystals, we will repurchase 450,000 immortal crystals." The Celestial Clan inside said lightly.

Said very casually.

very simple.

450,000 Immortal Crystals.

The space-time treasure chest purchased by 2 billion immortal crystals finally sold 450,000 immortal crystals.

Lost to death.

At this time, the Venerable also felt a pain in the flesh.

Although he is Venerable.

But he is a person who has just entered the Venerable for a long time. The wealth he has accumulated over the years is not much left when he breaks through the Venerable. These two purchases make him feel very uncomfortable.

at the same time.

He is even more jealous of summer, and he thinks that it is only when summer is here that he will make his luck worse. If it is not here in summer, he will not open the second time-space treasure chest.

He also looked at Xia Xia angrily.

at this time.

Summer goes forward.

Want to get the third time-space treasure chest.


That Venerable also rushed up in an instant, one step ahead of the summer, and snatched the space-time treasure chest worth five billion immortal crystals.

"What are you looking at? It's not that whoever sees it first belongs to whoever sees it first, but whoever gets it first, don't you understand the rules?" The Venerable looked at Xia Xia with disdain.

He has already lost more than two billion immortal crystals.

This time-space treasure chest of 5 billion immortal crystals, he must earn back what he lost before.


Xia Xia has opened two time-space treasure chests, which are full of good things. No matter how much he doesn't want to admit it, he must understand that Xia Xia's luck is indeed very against the sky.


He took the lead and grabbed the space-time treasure chest that Summer wanted to buy.

at this time.

The people here also all focused on his space-time treasure chest.

This is good stuff.

The five billion space-time treasure chest, the quality on it is very good, and you can even see the treasure inside.

good stuff!

There should be some good stuff in there.

That Venerable also cherished the space-time treasure chest in his hand, and then took it.

He also wanted to see it sooner now.

What is inside.

"Look at me!!" The Venerable said with great anticipation.

Because it has just opened two good things here, it has attracted a lot of people, and there are already hundreds of people here.

And after that Venerable bought the space-time treasure chest worth 5 billion immortal crystals.

Also attracted some again.

"So many people are I have to show off the limelight, I have to let everyone see my luck, I want everyone to see the treasure I opened, and then say my name , In this case, my reputation will become very big, and those experts around me will remember my name." The Venerable said secretly in his heart.

This is his chance to turn around and become famous, and he must seize it.

At this time, his eyes were also fixed on the space-time treasure chest in front of him.


Twenty seconds passed very quickly.

But now.

He felt that these twenty seconds seemed to be slower than a century.

His whole heart was suspended.

Hold your breath.

He looked at the space-time treasure chest.


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