The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1028: scary merchant king


Garbage again.

"Grandpa, that's enough!!" Shang Biao couldn't bear such a lot of pressure now. He felt that he was about to collapse, and he had really become a sinner of the Heaven and Earth Sect. Feeling can't speak.

He didn't know how to describe his current mood.

"Continue!" The merchant king's face still did not show any fluctuations.

But he looked at the summer.

Shang Biao didn't say anything, and he also calmed down.


that's it.

Shang Biao has opened ten boxes.

He has now lost 900 billion immortal crystals.

"Grandpa, that's enough!!" Shang Biao's current consumption concept has also collapsed.

The merchant king glanced at Xia Xia next to him, and then said, "It's alright."


Shang Biao sighed, his grandfather taught him a lesson.

He taught him the most expensive class with 900 billion immortal crystals.

"Let's go!!" Shang Biao said.

"Wait!!" said the merchant king.


Shang Biao looked at his grandfather in confusion.

at this time.

Summer also went to the treasure chest behind.

Everyone looked at him.

They all understand.


It's summer's turn to buy.

"The price of the treasure chest will not be reduced, will you still buy it?" asked the Celestial Clansman.

Although there have been ten consecutive top-level treasure chests that have not opened anything of value, they still will not reduce the price. Even if they want to reduce the price, it will take a few days.


Shang Biao just lost ten, if they cut the price directly now.

Then I'm a little sorry for Shang Biao.

"Buy!!" Xia Tian's eyes turned to the treasure chest in front of him.

This treasure chest is still a famous item.


Just now, Ying deliberately let him show it to the merchant king. The merchant king's eyesight was also very terrifying. In an instant, he could see what Xia Xia meant, and then told Shang Biao to stop.

Heaven and Earth Sect is a large sect that has been established for a long time.

Although a trillion immortal crystals have been spent.

But for them.

Immortal Crystal is just a number.

He will not miss the fairy crystal of this treasure chest, even if he guesses that Xia Xia lied to him, he should give it a try.

But he stopped.

"Don't worry, he won't shoot, this famous tool must be yours." Ying reminded.

While everyone is staring at the summer treasure chest.

They saw it.


In the summer, the second famous weapon was opened.


The scene was boiling again.

during the day.

One person opened two famous instruments.

in China.

Fame is a hard thing to find.


Famous tools seem to be free of money.

"What?" Shang Biao's eyes widened: "Why, why is this happening!!"

He kept shaking his head.

Run fast.

The merchant king didn't say anything, as if everything was in his expectations, and then he let his men stay here to prepare for Xianjing, but he chased after him.

Watch this scene.

Xia Xia finally understood what Ying had meant before: "It's still a terrible person."

"That's right, so, in a place like Shenzhou, these old monsters are not simple. He used one trillion immortal crystals and a famous tool to break the most vulnerable side of Shang Biao's heart. If Shang Biao can If he passes this level, he will be a real venerable person, and his personality will change greatly in the future. It will no longer be the character of the second ancestor. If he can't get over it, he will also find a way to help Shang Biao realize his enlightenment. Through cultivation, we can get through this calamity of concern." Ying explained.

He also understands.

Although a person like Shang Biao has already broken through to the venerable level, his realm was achieved with resources. Whether it is his overall strength or his temperament, he cannot be regarded as a true venerable person.


As a person, the second generation ancestor's character is too serious. If you hand over the Heaven and Earth Sect to him, let alone one trillion, ten trillion may be lost by him, and even the Heaven and Earth Sect may be destroyed in his hands. .


The merchant king used this incident to make Shang Biao grow up.

Let him grow up completely.

"It's amazing, but for their big forces, doing this should also be the most effective way to make Shang Biao grow the fastest." Xia Xia was also impressed by this businessman king.

There is this merchant king.

Shang Biao's future.

It's really limitless.

Got the summer of the second famous weapon.

I don't want to stay here anymore.

Now everyone here is looking at him like a monster.

And the people here are now very crazy to open the box.


Just let them go crazy.


Summer began to quickly disappear in place.

"Hongfeng, these two famous artifacts are handed over to you!!" Xia Xia threw the famous artifact to Hongfeng directly.

Although famous utensils are good things, if there are too many, summer will be out of control.

This time I came to Tianzu.

His gains are not small.


He wants to keep exploring here.

Although some people here have been eyeing him, he used the random teleportation function of the mask to escape directly, and then changed into a new outfit.

Hongfeng is also very competitive.

He has grown a lot lately.

The two names this time.

It even made him refine into ten colored feathers.

at this time.

There are two more feathers of ten colors on his body.

Fifteen seven-colored feathers.

Thirty five-colored feathers.

Other feathers are also growing.

If it continues like this.

The golden feathers on his body will also continue to grow.

Xia Si has been in a dormant state all the time. Xia Xian doesn't know when he will wake up, but Xia Si is not in a hurry. He will not have any battles in the next period of time.

Thirteen and their side are also very smooth.

The Golden Knife Gate is being rebuilt.

The Liberty Alliance is also expanding and growing.

"The number of masters here is really large, and there are many people at the venerable level." Xia Xia found that he could often see some masters at the venerable level here.


"If you are here for a hundred you can see 80% of the venerables in the entire Shenzhou, because almost all of them come to the Tianxian Temple, and I will introduce each of them to you one by one. Who is it, where does it belong, what ability do you have, and it is really hard to see these people outside."

Shadow cognition is also an encyclopedia for the current summer.

He has more insight into the world than Thirteen.

And Thirteen only knew a little about the seventh and eighth parties.

Don't know much about other places.

"There is a very interesting task here." Xia Xia's eyes turned to a task of the Celestial Clan people.

"Don't look at it, your strength does not meet our requirements!!" said the Celestial Clan who issued the task.

"Why not satisfied, I can pay the deposit, isn't the reward for your mission 10 billion immortal crystals? I can pay the deposit of 20 billion immortal crystals, if I fail, I will accept your punishment, my deposit It's yours too." Summer was very interested in this task.

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