The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1052: Tianlong's trump card


The ground started shaking!


One after another, huge fairy beasts crawled out from the ground.


When they saw this scene, everyone around was stunned.

at this time.

Tianlong actually summoned so many immortal beasts.


These fairy beasts do not look weak.

"What's going on?" Tian Chao's expression also changed. He never thought that Tianlong actually had such a means. It can be said that the ability used by Tianlong in front of him at this time can only be described as horror. .

They are all well-informed people.

But they didn't think about it either.

Something like this will happen.

"Don't mess around, let your people be careful, these summoned immortal beasts have their own independent thoughts, if I guess correctly, they should be in the same state as Tian Qiu, half their own thoughts, half Tianlong's thoughts, so If so, they will be able to exert greater abilities when fighting," Xia Xia reminded.

No matter when the time comes, how terrifying the enemy shows.

Can't be messed up.

Don't mess, you still have a chance.

messed up.

You are lost.

Just like the battle at the Golden Sword Gate.

The strength shown behind the shadow can no longer be described as tough.

At that time, the Venerables were in chaos.

Because in the past, they always thought that they were invincible when they cultivated to Venerable. Although they also knew that the divine guard was more powerful, they did not expect that there was such a big gap between themselves and the divine guard.

that moment.

They have already given up.

If there is no summer.

They can even be killed by Shadow Slayer.

But it is because of summer.

They just stabilized.

Look for weaknesses and break down opponents.

"I've never heard of this ability, and I don't know there is such a combat method." Ying is also a little confused now. In his cognition, there is no summoning.

And it's a full body call.

Spirits are not summoned under control.

"Neither do I." Earth Spirit said.

He is already a master of the older generation. In their era, there were many masters, and there were countless people with various means, but even so, no one in their era could master this ability.

"Damn." Tian Chao also ordered immediately.

But actually.

He is starting to feel weak now.

I even wondered if I should run away first.

After all, the ability that Tianlong has shown is too strong, and Tianlong also controlled a first-class Celestial Clan, and killed a second-class Celestial Clan.

He didn't want to die.

I don't want to be controlled by Tianlong.

"This coward, he is actually afraid." Xia Xia cursed in his heart.

If Tianran himself still has a strong heart, then Xia Xia can really find a way to use him to fight his father.

But now.

Even the sky is chaotic and he is afraid of how to let him fight in the summer.

"Don't be messed up, although he controls more and more fairy beasts now, his energy is limited and distracted so much, his body is a space, let some of your subordinates resist the fairy beasts, and some raid him body." Xia Tian reminded.


The chaos was really messed up at this time, and when I heard Xia Xia's words, it was like grabbing a life-saving straw.

The scene was temporarily restored.

But the chaos has been distracted.

On the one hand, he is dealing with the enmity in front of him, and on the other hand, he always wants to observe the situation on the side of Tianlong.

"You can't be distracted, otherwise, Tianqiu will not give you a chance." Xia Xia said.

"He summoned so many immortal beasts, who knows if he can still summon immortal beasts. If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that we will be the first to be consumed. If we are consumed very seriously, then we may also be consumed. The other side calculates."

What Tian Chao is most afraid of now is that he will be suddenly attacked by Tianlong, and then he will become the same person as Tian Qiu.

"Do you mean not to fight?" Xia Tian asked.

"You must fight, but you have to see hope and then fight. At the beginning, we crushed each other, and it was no problem to fight, but now, we are evenly matched, so there is no need to fight, you help me first Think of a way to retreat, and then we will leave here first, and then I will continue to mobilize more experts to come over, in this case, it will be much easier to kill Tianlong." Tianran means that he is underestimating Tianlong now. .


He intends to leave here first.

Then regroup and fight with Tianlong again.


Fighting takes courage.

The brave who meet in the narrow road wins.

Once you dodge for the first time.

Then next time even if you bring more people, as long as you lose a little, you will retreat again.


Your courage is gone.

"Okay!" Xia Xia understood that his father won the competition between him and his father this time.


Xia Xia gave him a retreat plan, that is, he retreated while fighting, and then let his men raid Tianlong twice, when Tianlong thought they were going to fight back.

Full retreat.


The mighty Celestial Clan team.

So retreated.

Ha ha ha ha!

"Tianran, aren't you going to take me back? Why are you running away with your tail between your legs?" Tianlong said with a big laugh.


The sky snorted loudly.

He is a first-class Celestial Clan.

Running away now.

It's really embarrassing.

But he also understands.

If you don't leave now, I'm afraid there will be real danger.


In order to save his life, he had to retreat first.


"Sir, it's not good, the communication talisman can't fly out, we have been arranged with a formation and a space seal." A subordinate reminded.

"What's going on? He's alone, he's been here all the time, what's going on with the formation?" Tian Luan frowned.

"I don't know, he should have a helper!!"

As soon as I heard there was help.

The chaos became even more panic.

At this time, he recalled Tianlong's words, and suddenly felt that they seemed to be hooked, and he might have jumped into Tianlong's trap.

"Let's go, leave ten people behind, swear to resist, protect me and leave first." Tian Chao began to abandon the car to protect the handsome.

this time.

He chose himself Yes!

Those Celestial Clan guards are all very loyal.

They can all die for the Celestials.

"Idiot, at this time, if he died alone, he would lose a little fighting power, but he actually left ten brothers behind so that he could escape smoothly." Xia Xia cursed inwardly.

In his opinion.

More like this.

The more you can't abandon any of your brothers.

Although the Heavenly Clan guards are very loyal.

But this kind of loyalty looking down is different from everyone working hard to survive.


Just as they rushed forward, two figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

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