The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1055: he can handle it


The third-class Celestial Clansman was also stunned. He has always been very unhappy with Xia Xia, so he just broke out, but he didn't expect that Tianlong actually caught up.

He also understands.

When such a thing happened, the chaos must have been very dissatisfied with him that day.

Because he has always been doing things and talking about summer.

No evidence yet.

Now it's summer let's run away.

He procrastinated.

"grown ups..."

"What? Am I embarrassing you?" Tian Chao's expression turned cold.

Usually, when he ordered those Celestial Clan guards, those Celestial Clan guards did not dare to say anything, even if they knew they were going to die, they would definitely go.

But now it's different.

Now these two people are third-class Celestial Clan people.

Although not as high as him.

But it is also a very high-level Celestial Clan.

They are also afraid of death.

If he stayed now, he might really be killed by Tianlong and Tianqiu.

"No!" The two third-class Celestial Clan people looked at each other.

They all understand.

At this time, you can't help but listen to the words of chaos.

So they also agreed directly.

"Ghost Shadow, let's go!" Tianran still brought Summer, because he felt that Summer was more reliable.


It was Summer who did everything for him.

deal with the impending crisis.


when the two of them left.

The two people from the Celestial Clan nodded to each other: "You stay here and block Tianlong and Tianqiu for me."

They both ran away.

It's just that the direction they run is not the same as the chaos.

They also understood that if they continued to follow the sky, they might be the ones who died in the end.

And if Tian Chao finds them, even if they are not allowed to come back, the next time there is danger, they must be let both of them go up.

So the two of them must not continue to follow.

"Ghost shadow, if we run like this, can we escape the crisis?" Tianran asked.

"No, my lord, when we went to investigate just now, I found that we seemed to be trapped in some kind of formation." Xia Xia said.

"Formation? Kunming Cave, how could there be a formation?" Tian Chao asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but this must be a natural formation. It is impossible for normal people to set up such a terrifying formation. If we want to break out of this formation, we must look for opportunities." Xia Xia said.

"Do you have any good solutions?" Tianran's mind is very confused now, and he has even forgotten what he is going to do next.

He didn't dare to think about what he had to face next.

"Not yet, but I'm looking for a way. As long as we find it, we can leave. Once we leave, then we are safe, because Tianlong is also trapped in the formation. This formation does not belong to Tianlong, so he It's impossible to catch up with us," Xia Xia explained.


When hearing this.

The chaos is also in sight.

As soon as he heard that Tianlong could be completely thrown away, he was in a very good mood.

"Okay, Ghost Shadow, as long as you can take me out, I will reward you well." Tian Chao looked at Xia Xia with admiration.

"Thank you, sir!" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

at this time!

Tianlong and Yin Nie have already joined.

"Did you get it?" Tianlong asked.

"Almost everything is done. These people don't run when they are fighting. Although they are all desperate, they are dying, not the kind of desperate, even 50% of their own strength is not used." Marco explained.

"Well, the Celestial Clan guards are like this. They all understand that they must sacrifice their lives for the Celestial Clan people in the future, so they have already prepared for this day. Similarly, they can't escape, or they will be executed when they go back. , In their opinion, they are all about to die anyway, it is better to die early and die happily." Tianlong has long seen through the thoughts of these Celestial Clan guards.


These Celestial Clan guards are fighting.

It's hard to show real power.

"Tian Chao is still running, do we need to stop him first?" Yin Nie asked.

"No, Xiaotian is by his side." Tianlong said.

"Xiaotian!" The two of them were stunned.

"Yes, the person following Tianran is Xiaotian!" Tianlong said.

"His disguise is so terrible now? I didn't even see it." Yin Nie said in surprise.

"I didn't see it at first, but when I fought later, I was too familiar with his eyes and smile." Tianlong said.

"Why did he come to this muddy water." Brother Xiao Ma frowned.

"It seems that he is the one who took over the mission in the Tianxian Temple." Tianlong said.

They have long known that someone in the Tianxian Temple has already taken the task, and it is specially designed to deal with their task.


They will be so well prepared.

"It's really fate, but he shot, you have a lot of trouble." Yin Nie smiled.

"It's not just trouble, I was almost ruined by this kid, but I also understand him. He must be trying to force out my methods, and he wants to see who the war will be four years later." Tianlong nodded.

"This kid has a lot of fame recently. He was the one who killed the weather last time," Yin Nie said.

"Don't worry, there are still four years, let's see what it will look like in four years, if he really exceeds our imagination, after four years, we will split up, if he can't do it, then throw him away Let's go to Tiankeng." Tianlong said.

"Don't we really need to chase the chaos? The gap between Xiaotian and the chaos is huge." Brother Xiaoma said.

"No, he can handle it." Tianlong trusted his son very much.


Although they have been fighting before.

But the summer has been cultivating the credit between the chaos and the chaos.

He also understands.

Since summer dares to intervene, he must have the ability to clean up the mess.


"Then let's deal with the others first, there are still two third-class Celestial Clan people running."

"Let them run for a while, and when they get tired of running, we'll just kill them."


Xia Xia and Tian Chao have also been running: "When are we going to run?"

"Come on, Master UU reading, I feel that there should be a way to break the formation nearby. As long as we can break the formation, then we can go out." Xia Xia reminded.


Tian Chao nodded.

He was also looking forward to escaping at this time.

When it first came.

He was thinking about how to catch Tianlong and go back to collect the merit.

But now.

He thought it was simpler.

That's how to escape.

"It's just ahead, it should be there!!" Xia Xia shouted.

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