The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1060: Tremble, Celestial


Tianlong's voice is very loud, but it is not his voice that really makes all the horror, but the content of his words.


The following Celestial Clan people all looked at Tianlong angrily.

over the years.

No one has ever dared to challenge the majesty of the Celestial Clan.

but now.

Tianlong dared to stand in front of them and say such things to them.

This is the greatest disrespect to the Celestial Clan.

"A group of ants, if I don't kill you now, it doesn't mean you are strong, but I want you to live in fear. Every day is the countdown to your death. After four years, the Celestial Clan will be destroyed." personal heart.


The only person who dares to say such a thing here is Tianlong.

The content of his words is also very terrifying.

Four years later.

The Celestial Clan will be destroyed!

He actually dared to say such a thing.

"Tianlong, within four years, our Celestial Clan will destroy you!!" Those Celestial Clan people responded.

"Destroy me? I'm in front of you, and you can't destroy me. After four years, how will you destroy me?" Tianlong's face was full of sarcasm.

That's right.

The Tianlong people are right in front of him.

These people can't do him any harm now.

After he left.

How did the Tianlong people deal with him?

This is simply talking big.

"Shenzhou has no place for you, no matter where you escape, we will find you and kill you."

"Really? Then take a gamble. Starting today, I will kill every dog ​​of the Celestial Clan. If the subordinate city of the Celestial Clan does not stand on its own, I will destroy it. None of the people who came out of the Celestial Clan can go back alive." Tianlong said loudly.

go to war.

This is a full-scale war.

Even the dog of the Celestial Clan will be punished.

The subordinate cities of the Celestials will also be attacked.

To know.


Sixty percent of the city is governed by people from the Celestial Clan.

Tianlong said this sentence.

It is almost an enemy of most of China.

"Tianlong, the time is up." The white-haired old man said lightly.


Tianlong didn't say anything, just swiped his right hand.

in the air.

A light appeared.

"The power of the source!!!"

All the people on the scene were stunned.

The Sibatians of Shenzhou are masters who possess the power of the four sources.


Tianlong actually has the power of the source.

It can be seen from here.

The source power he possesses should be the source of light.

"It's no wonder that his strength is so powerful. It turns out that he has the power of the source of light. In this case, he has the same powerful strength as the Sibatian."

"Even if he has the strength of the Four Tyrants, it is impossible for him to fight against the Celestial Clan."

"That's not necessarily true. Tianlong is a legend in Shenzhou, and he is going to take action on the dogs of the Tianzu people. Maybe, this will be a big cleanup."

The people here in the Tianxian Temple are all experts, and they are all people from all major forces.


This news will spread all over China.


Everyone will know the news of the war between Tianlong and Tianzu.

The dogs of the Celestial Clan people outside must also make a choice.

If they don't leave the Celestial Clan, Tianlong will not let them go, but if they leave the Celestial Clan, not only will they lose everything they have now, but the Celestial Clan people will not let them go.


This is forcing them to stand in line.

Although Tianlong left.

But Tianlong's words echoed in each of their minds.

Every word of Tianlong.

Can change the current pattern of China.

Ha ha ha ha! !

"The pattern of Shenzhou is about to change. This day, maybe it's really going to change hands." A laughing voice came.

"Who?" the Celestial Clan people shouted angrily.

Tianlong just left.

There are still people who dare to provoke their Celestial Clan people.

at this time!

A man came out from behind.

This man was the one who had just sold it to Xia Heishi.


He had already changed his mask by this time.

That is to say.

No matter what he says here, no one knows who he is.

"What? The people of the Celestial Clan can't take care of the Tianlong, so they came here to show off their power with us?" The man also said with great disdain.

"Don't let us know who you are, or we will definitely kill you." The Celestial Clan man scolded.

Today's Celestials.

Just about to explode.

Really, anyone would dare to provoke their Celestial Clansmen.

The authority of their Celestial people.

It's not something that can be trampled on casually.

"You don't know who I am, do you?" the man asked.

"You better not let us know."

"I didn't know you were still pretending to be your grandma's leg." After the man finished speaking, he turned around and ran.

Ha ha ha ha!

The people around were all amused.

This is talent.

Just when Tianlong arrived here, the anger on the scene became very tense.

And this time.

The appearance of this man, although not for a long time, made everyone relax.

That's right.

Anyway, wearing a mask, it is impossible for the Celestials to know who he is.


They are afraid of the Celestials.

Don't dare to provoke the people of the Celestial Clan.

But here is the Tianxian Temple.

What are they afraid of, as long as they use masks to disguise themselves, the Celestials will have no way to take them.

"The source of light!!" Xia Xia finally understood what ability his father used before, but he also discovered that what his father used was not just the source of light.

Those Celestial Clan guards who just disappeared were not completely killed by the power of the source of light.

No one else saw it.

But summer can see clearly.

The source of light is only used to block everyone's sight and senses, while restraining those heavenly guards.

The ability to really make those Celestial Guardians disappear.

is similar to the ability of space.

those people.

It is received into a space.

"It seems that Shenzhou is going to be in chaos. If it is someone else, the major forces will not care, but this is what Tianlong said, and the weight will be different. All the major forces in the entire Shenzhou will be nervous, including Shenwei." Ying also understood that even when their Shenwei heard Tianlong's words.

Must have been very shocked.

at the same time.

The guards must also be prepared.


No one could have predicted the outcome of that battle four years later.

"It seems that my appearance made him make a decision in advance, but how many people will die if he does so, is it really fair for him to do so?" Xia Xia frowned.

He had to praise his father.

Chongguan turned into a red face in anger.

Really a peerless hero.

Is it really necessary to involve the entire Shenzhou in the war?

"I don't think things are that simple!!" Di Ling said suddenly.

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