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Chapter 1062: find the throne

"The whole of China, all the secrets?" Xia Xia frowned.

This sentence is very general, but it has extraordinary meaning.

"He knows some secrets that even the Celestial Clan people want to know, so the Celestial Clan people will never let him die easily before they drain his secrets. The next four years will be a battle of fate. Whether the Heavenly Dragon is stronger or the Heavenly Clan people are better, then it depends on fate." Xiao Xuanfeng said with emotion.

In fact, he is also very much looking forward to the next collision between Tianlong and Tianzu people.

because of this battle.

No matter what the outcome is, it will break the future pattern of Shenzhou.

all the time.

The horror of the Celestial Clan has been reflected in the hearts of the people.

Not to mention the killing of the Celestial Clan, he would not even have the heart to resist.

Even in their hearts, the Celestial Clan people are already invincible, invincible existences.

But one day let the people of China find out.

Celestial people are also human.

Celestials will die too.

There is no great time for the people of the Celestial Clan.

Shenzhou is really lively.

"What are your plans for the future?" Xia Tian asked.

"I'm going to find the throne of the void," said the little whirlwind.

Void Throne?

When he heard this, Xia Tian was also taken aback: "What are you looking for that?"

"Before, I heard that it is a throne that no one can step on, and it is the pinnacle throne of Shenzhou, but I suddenly heard some time ago that someone sat on that throne, I really want to try it out, how big is the relationship between me and the other party? The gap." Little Whirlwind said directly.


"You are an immortal beast, what are you arguing with a human being?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"You don't know me well enough!!" Little Whirlwind smiled.

Then turned to leave.

Looking at the back of the small whirlwind in summer, I feel very interesting.

This little whirlwind is really hot.

"The Throne of Void represents extraordinary significance. Over the years, this is the first time I have heard of a person sitting on it." Ying is also well-informed, but even he is.

It's really just the first time I heard that there is a person sitting on the Void Throne.

this kind of thing.

"I have also heard of the throne of the void. It is said that it is a legend of Shenzhou. The balance of ancient times does not allow anyone to truly become a throne established by the king of the fairyland. Now there is someone on the throne, which proves that Shenzhou, There will be a real king." Earth Inspiration said.

Although he is already an older generation.

An existence abandoned by the times.

But even so.

Many legends.

It is also spread to this day.

on summer.

He has seen so many changes in the world.

"What can I do if I become a king?" Xia Xia asked.

"When you become a king, you can rule all worlds and look down on everything!!" Ying said.

"So what?" Summer asked again.


Shadow was asked by Xia Xia, and suddenly he didn't know how to answer.

That's right.

Even if you are king.

How can it be?

"I never thought about it so much. I thought very simply, that one day, I can bring my wife back to our hometown and live the life we ​​like. It's that simple." to Earth.

Four years later.

It must be that day.

If he can rescue his mother, then he will maliciously reunite with his wives. At that time, they can find a way to find the coordinates of the earth from the fairyland, and then use the relationship of the elder sister to go back.

"It's really a simple idea, but have you ever thought about it, your strength is already so strong, can the space where your former home was located still accommodate such a powerful body and laws?" Ying asked.


When hearing this.

Summer is also stunned.

He seemed to forget the question.

It is precisely because the spiritual world cannot carry his body, so he will soar. If his current body returns to the earth, the earth will not be able to withstand this kind of pressure at all, and he will directly destroy the earth like a shooting star. .


That's how the dinosaurs went extinct.


The power of his own huge law can already shatter everything. If he doesn't control it well, he can return to the earth and take a breath, and he can absorb all the spiritual energy on the earth.

if that's the case.

All plants on the earth will wither in an instant and become a waste star.

He pointed a little.

Space would shatter, causing a major earthquake.

"I'll think of a way later!!" Xia Tian smiled.


A communication talisman fell in Xia Xia's hands.

"Do your gods still have such a thing?" Xia Xia was also stunned when he saw the communication talisman in his hand.

This one was sent one by one.

She has been investigating the news of Shenwei.

Now the news in Xia's hands is about Shenwei.

It reads: Most of the people who guard the gods have special hobbies, especially with regard to women.

"Individually, there are two people, it has nothing to do with me." Ying said awkwardly.

"Let me take a look. It's inconvenient for you to say more about Shenwei, but she should have already investigated a lot. I'm also curious, what kind of existence you Shenwei are." Xia Xia smiled slightly.


Ying sighed: "Actually, I don't recommend that you continue to investigate, but it's really inconvenient for me to say more, and I can't say it either."

Their guards have a layer of seal.

It is used to seal the memory about themselves, if they want to say this memory themselves, or if they are forcibly opened by others.

Then they will destroy themselves.

Soul shattered.

Not even rebirth.

It is precisely because of this that he has never told Xia Xia about Shenwei.

Summer naturally understands this.

It didn't bother them.

Eighth Party! !

"Let me tell you, when I recently investigated the news of the Shenwei, I found that a new Shenwei appeared." Qu Yi said.

"It's the eagle!" Xia Xia said.

"How do you know?" Qu Yi asked in confusion.

"Because I killed all his competitors." Summer said very casually.

That's right.

There are only three candidates for the guardian, and Qiong Ying was ranked third before.


The first two were killed by summer.

Shadow was also killed by Summer.

It can be said.

It was Xia Xia who carried the eagle up with his own hands.

Without summer.

Qiong Ying wants to become a divine guard, unless God is helping him.

"Okay, you defiant guy." Qu Yiyi was also used to Xia Tian's defiant look.

"Is there any important news?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, they have been investigating the news of the ancient demon clan. According to the information I have compiled, they seem to have an altar for sake. This altar can help them better integrate the ancient demon clan and make the ancient demon clan become them. A part of strength, the source of strength in the body." Qu Yi said.

"Summer, I think you have to keep your distance from this woman, otherwise, she will bring disaster to you," Ying reminded.

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