The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1074: Chase's growth

Qu Xi instantly came to Xia's side.

Xia Si protected the two of them in the middle.


The endless attacks around him came, but Xia Si's thread didn't move.

"Master, I caught up." Xia Si's voice appeared.

"Nice job." A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

Since the last time Xia Si retreated, Xia Si appeared to help for the first time.

Xia Si is an emperor-grade thousand silk beast.

And it's always being upgraded.

at this time.

Xia Si's defense has also become very strong, so many attacks outside cannot make him tremble in the slightest.

"So strong." Qu Xi was also taken aback.

"How long can it last?" Xia Tian asked.

"If they are just this kind of attack, it should be fine to persist for a few years." Shas said very casually.


several years.

When I heard this word.

Qu Xi and Xia Xia understood how terrifying Xia Si's defense was now.

Simply put.

These attacks around them are just scratching the itch to them.

She couldn't hurt Shath at all.

"Then let them consume the consumption first, and then we will raid." Xia Xia also planned to take a break. He was also a little tired from the battle just now, no matter how strong he became.

It is impossible for him not to feel the slightest fatigue after fighting that kind of battle for a long time.

"That's right, I'm taking a break too. I've been running just now, and I'm exhausted." Qu Xi also sat down to recover.

In this case.

She also doesn't need to waste the realm king pill.

that's it.

The people outside attacked for a while and found the problem.

"Thousands of silk beasts, damn, he is actually guarded by thousand-silk beasts." The quasi-exalted leader said angrily.

Just now their team was clearly formed.


You can get them in summer soon.

But now.

Summer actually used Qiansi beast for defense.

"Boss, why not, anyway, Xia Xia can't fight back. Let's leave here first and finish the above tasks." One of them reminded.

"The task is not urgent, don't we want this kind of credit? If we kill Xia, then we will make a lot of money, and the above will reward us." The leader said.


He is the one who makes the decisions.


Now what does he say.

Others have no right to refute.

The other people next to him wanted to say something, but when they saw that their boss had said so, they could only reluctantly accept it.

"Attack, attack with me. Even if it's a thousand silk beast, if it keeps attacking, it will definitely be able to hit its limit attack. If we can't even figure out a living target, then we're not fools." The person in the lead believed that the Qiansi beast's defenses were strong, but now they were attacking live targets.

They can completely unleash their own attacks, and then keep recovering.

In this case.

Sooner or later, the defense of the Thousand Silk Beast can be knocked out.


The surrounding attacks kept coming down.

on those threads.

There is no change in the thread.

After they attacked for two hours.

"How could this happen? Our attack has no effect at all." The quasi-venerable leader at the head was finally moved.

He didn't expect it.

This kind of thing actually happens.

"Xia Si, we are going to fight back." Xia Xia said.

"Master, the current me, not only has the ability to defend, but also has the ability to attack, and my defense can be moved and repositioned at will." Xia Si said.

"What?" When I heard this.

Summer is also bright.

This is too amazing.

There is still such a thing.

"Okay, let's move first!!" Xia Xia said.

Xia Si started directly.


When the people who were attacking outside suddenly noticed that the Thousand Silk Beast was moving, they were all stunned. Their attacks were actually missed.

But they haven't waited for them to react.

Xia Xia and Qu Xi's attack had already been fired.

It took hundreds of lives in an instant.

At this time.

The surrounding talents reacted, and their attacks came over in an instant. These attacks seemed to devour Xia Xia and Quxi.


Xia Si blocked it perfectly.

But at the same time.

Shas also moved again.

Summer and Quxi attacked again.

"What's the matter? Why can Qiansi beast move when it is defending?" At this time, those people were all stunned. Many of them have seen records about Qiansi beast, but they have never seen such a thing. scene.

Poof! puff!


Xia Xia and Qu Xi are also constantly killing people.

"Damn, let's gather fire there!!" the quasi-venerable leader shouted.

The surrounding attacks also instantly smashed into the position of the Thousand Silk Beast.

at this time.

The Thousand Silk Beast disappeared in place.

In the summer they suddenly appeared at the back of the opposing team.


Xia Xia and Qu Xi also started to kill right away.

Such a great opportunity.

How could the two of them miss it.

"It's okay!!" A smile appeared on Qu Xi's face. She had found out that with Xia Tian, ​​anything really could happen.

This way of fighting.

It was really the first time in her life.

When the other party doesn't understand what's going on at all.

was suddenly attacked by them.


The attacks of those around were also constantly blocked by Qiansi Beast.

And summer and Quxi.

It also killed the crowd Gate of Hell!

Qu Xi also released his ultimate move instantly.

The law of the sun!

Summer also begins to freeze quickly.

The attack of the two instantly killed everyone around them.

at this time!

Those people with 100,000 points of law power were also killed instantly.


No, their attacks were blocked by Shas.

"Damn, what level is this thousand silk beast, and its defense is so terrifying. After we fought for so long, he was still able to defend against my full blow."

Now these people are also extremely depressed.


In summer, they also disappeared in place again.

at the same time.

In the summer, Quxi killed again.

This counterattack.

Xia Xia and Qu Xi have killed more than 2,000 people in total, and they are still changing positions quickly, constantly surrounding these people.

"Come on together, besiege them, don't give them the opportunity to continue changing positions, block the surrounding laws and all the space." The prospective venerable leader shouted loudly.

at the same time.

The people around also all killed Xia Xia and Quxi.

Tens of thousands of attacks.

It fell like this.


Shas once again perfectly defended against this attack. .

"Master, do you want to see my counterattack!!" Xia Si asked.

"Okay, let me have a long experience!!" Xia Xia's face also showed a slight smile.

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