The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1083: land of beasts

"Who's talking?" Qu Xi's expression changed, and he hurriedly looked around.

But she found nothing.

This made her even more vigilant.

In her opinion.

An invisible enemy is a truly terrifying existence.

"Don't be so nervous, it's a formation. I estimate that this is a very large formation. No matter we enter from any direction, we will touch this formation, and this sound will appear. This sound is a This kind of reminder is also a kind of warning, telling us human beings, don’t enter the territory of the immortal beast clan casually, and the consequences will be at your own risk!!” Xia Xia already understood the meaning of the existence of this formation.

I also understand what the purpose of this formation is here.

"It's really amazing, but this is the fairy world in my mind." Qu Xi said with emotion.

over the years.

They have been mixing in China.

What I see most is intrigue.

She didn't have the kind of longing for the fairyland in her heart at all.

But now.

She also has a feeling of entering the fairyland.

"Summer, whether it's a fairy beast or a monster, there are rules. If you are a human below the Venerable, they will treat you as if you are going in to collect medicine or hunt for treasure, so the fairy beasts on the road will not be too difficult for you, of course. It is only a part of the thoughts of immortal beasts; but if people above the venerable come in, they will think it is a provocation. If a large number of venerables and those who have been famous for a long time come in, they will think that they want to fight. ' Shadow reminded.

Humans, fairy beasts, and demons.

They all have their own rules.

They normally don't disturb each other.

"It just so happens that neither of us have been to the Venerable. After entering, we will not be targeted." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.


It wasn't that His Holiness helped him a lot.

And even if there are those top venerable masters who find out that he has come in, they should not care about chasing after him.

Because those Venerables came in.

will be targeted.


When they entered the site of the fairy beast, the first feeling was that the blood was very heavy.

"The territory of the immortal beasts is more violent. The immortal beasts here also kill each other all the year round. They all have their own territory, and they often occupy each other's territory, so the killing of each other is very serious. It is precisely because In this way, the killing experience of the immortal beasts is very sufficient, of course, their experience is for immortal beasts, not for humans." Ying reminded.

"I knew I would choose the demon clan." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"The demon clan is more troublesome. They worship humans, so they often transform into humans and learn human combat methods everywhere. Although they will be transformed into pure power after death, their local fairy power is stronger, but facing them , even more dangerous than facing humans, they will study human combat methods and find a way to deal with humans." Shadow reminded again.

Saying so.

Good luck in summer.

Picked a good path.



They also began to rush in.

"Humans, there are humans who have entered our territory. I haven't tasted the taste of human monks for many years." A huge immortal tiger rushed over directly.


In a minute! !

Xia Xia and Qu Xi have an immortal tiger mount.

"It's really yours!!" Qu Xi looked at Xia Tian with admiration.

"Hurry up, let's chat, how can you listen." Xia Xia knocked on the head of the immortal tiger.


He has already tamed this fairy tiger.

"His speed is not bad, and he is the king of the surrounding area. If he follows, the surrounding immortal beasts will not dare to mess around." Xia Xia said.

"Master, when did you let me go!!" Xianhu was very stubborn before.

But he was thrown into all kinds of things by summer, and he was honest all of a sudden.

Under normal circumstances, with the arrogance of a fairy tiger.

Even if he died in battle, he would not give in like a human like Xia Xia.

"Out of your territory, you can leave." Xia Xia said.

The immortal tiger is also fast rushing.

His territory is still very large.

After running for half a day.

The fairy tiger stopped.

"Master, it's here, and in front is the Black Immortal Bear's territory!!" Immortal Tiger said.

"Okay, these medicinal herbs are helpful to you, and this set of armor and equipment is for you." Xia Xia is not that kind of ruthless existence, and Xianhu sent them so far, so naturally he would not treat Xianhu badly. .

"Thank you, master!!" Xianhu's eyes also lit up.

At first, he was forced to give in by Xia Xia, and his heart was resistant, and he had always hated humans very much, but he did not expect that Xia Xia actually gave him such a precious gift in the end.

"Let's go!!" Summer also flew forward.

"What are you doing?" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

"Respect, no matter whether the other party is stronger than you or weaker than you, you must learn to respect everyone. He has sent us so far, which has saved us a lot of time. It is normal for us to give him some gifts~www Xia Xia now has quite a few fairy crystals and treasures on his body, and most of the treasures were taken by him from the Tianshuang Palace Master.

Although the things sent out are also good things, for summer, it is also a drop in the bucket.

"Okay!!" Qu Xi couldn't understand the meaning of summer.

But she thinks.

Maybe do this in summer, it will be beneficial in the future! !

Summer doesn't have much to explain either.


As the two of them advanced, a huge slap clapped.

"The second mount has appeared." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face, and then quickly rushed towards the Black Immortal Bear.

The Law of the Moon!

Summer instantly uses the law of the moon to boost his own strength.

Then he grabbed the black immortal bear's skin and directly slammed the black immortal bear to the ground.

All kinds of things!


In a minute! !

"Master, where do you want to go!!" The Black Immortal Bear was also honest.

"Run in this direction and keep running out of your territory." Xia Xia said.

"Okay, Master!!"

Qu Xi was very speechless when she saw Black Immortal Bear running so hard. She thought that after entering, there would be a massive battle, but she didn't expect that since they entered.

It's always been so peaceful.

Although also played two games.

But they all deal with these kings, and then tame the kings as their mounts.

"Master, the front is the territory of the Monkey King. I can't go there. This Monkey King is not easy to mess with, and his strength is much stronger than me." Heixianxiong reminded.


Xia Xia gave him medicine pills and weapons and equipment: "Goodbye by fate!!"

"Thank you, Master!!" The Black Immortal Bear said respectfully.

"Monkey King? I want to see how strong you are!!"

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