The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1087: King's Dignity

Black hole!

It should be a place similar to the teleportation array. He entered the site of the fairy beasts in the summer before, and he had already seen it. If he flew by, he would not be able to fly to the position of the teleportation array in a few years, so He can only rely on the origin of the earth or some teleportation formations hidden here.

He will not use the source of soil easily.

After all, this is the land of fairy beasts.

If he accidentally flies into the territory of a terrifying fairy beast, he will become a living target.

And want to find those hidden teleportation arrays.

It is necessary to find the king of an area.


The Lion King will be found in summer.

Of course.

It was also the Lion King who found Xia Xia. If he didn't want to eat Xia Xia, then as long as he didn't show up, it would take at least a few months for Xia Xia to find him.

"It seems that your immortal beasts are still very realistic!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"This is the rule of the immortal beast clan. No matter where the king is, they can't admit defeat. Unless they surrender to a king in a place like me, they will be expelled from their own territory and go to other places. If this king admits defeat, then I am not qualified to continue to be the king here, and they will not obey me, they will think that I cannot protect them, so I can only leave here." The Lion King said helplessly.


Each has its own rules.

They are the same here.

He lost.

Then he lost everything.

The fairy beasts here no longer trust him.

no longer admire him.

"It's not bad, your strength is already the realm of a half-step Venerable. If you continue to stay here for retirement, it will be more difficult to break through after a long time, but if you go inside, or some dangerous places, there may be opportunities for breakthroughs. "Xiamen believes that this is also a good thing for the Lion King.

Otherwise, if the Lion King stays like this, he must have lost even the heart of a strong man in the end, and he would not even dare to face the breakthrough.

In the end, you can only die of old age here.

"No, you don't understand," said the Lion King.

"What's wrong?" Summer asked.

"It's really dangerous inside. I ran out of it back then, ran here, defeated the king here, and then lived here for retirement," said the lion king.


"You are already very strong, are the immortal beasts stronger than you?" Xia Xia asked.

"Of course there are stronger ones, and they are more vicious and unruly. The more immortal beasts inside, the more terrifying their strength, and the more **** they are. Inside, if they are unlucky, they will suffer a round. Another round of attacks, it is very possible that you did not die in the hands of a powerful fairy beast, but in the end you were attacked to death by an ordinary fairy beast.


"Sounds exciting!!" Xia Xia said.

"You expelled me this time, I have nowhere to go nearby, and other immortal and beast sites can't tolerate me either, I can only survive by luck, but if you want to get in, what will happen to you? It will also be very miserable." The Lion King obviously still hated Xia Xia.

Although he brought summer here.

But he also hoped that Xia Xia would be killed by the fairy beasts inside.

"You said this, can't you order it behind my back? Your life is still in my hands." Xia Xia was also very upset.

"I have already conceded, you have no reason to kill me, and our fairy beasts will never cover up!!" said the lion king.

"But I'm a human, I don't need to tell the rules of your fairy beasts." Xia Xia said.


The Lion King snorted and said nothing more.

that's it.

He took Xia Xia all the way to the location of the black hole.

"It is indeed a teleportation array!!" Qu Xi checked.

"Where is this black hole opposite?" Xia Tian asked.

"On the opposite side of the black hole is the Dark Night Forest, where the sky is dark, because all the flying monsters above it have covered the light below." The Lion King said.

"Black Night Forest, is this here?" Xia Xia saw that Bai Di marked a black area on his map, and at first he thought it was a mountain range.

"Yes, it is here," said the Lion King.

"Then you have to go in. Entering here can save at least a year." Summer doesn't want to fly little by little.

"You choose!" said the Lion King.

"Okay, let's go, these pills and equipment are the compensation for bringing me here." Xia Xia said.

"I will not be grateful to you," said the Lion King.

"I didn't make you grateful, let's go!!" Xia Xia did things, just asking for a clear conscience, but he never thought of letting anyone thank him.

He never thought of letting the Lion King appreciate him.

The Lion King turned and left.

"You're a person." Qu Xi shook his head.

She is really speechless about summer.

Xia Xia didn't say anything: "Let's go, go through the dark night forest quickly, we can go to the next place, it would be better if we can find the teleportation array there, and we are getting farther and farther away from that small teleportation array. near."

Fifth party at this time!

A large number of masters poured in here.

They are recruiting those scout masters who are loose cultivators everywhere.

As long as anyone can provide news about summer, they can give each other millions of fairy everyone.

Both are investigating the news of the summer.

Every teleportation array is also guarded by experts.

They don't know.

Summer has entered the territory of fairy beasts.


Summer passed through a black hole.

when it reappears.

All he saw was darkness.

If he didn't know the situation here, he would still think that he had fallen into the turbulent flow of time and space.

"It's so dark!!" Qu Xi said.

"It feels like life has reached its peak!!" Xia Xia continued.

"What did you say?" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

"It's okay, follow me. You don't need to use anything with light, otherwise it will be discovered by the flying fairy beasts above." Xia Xia also understands that although there are many fairy beasts living in this forest, these fairy beasts are because of The perennial darkness here has become accustomed to it, and they have evolved to the point where they do not need eyes to perceive their surroundings. Those fairy beasts who don't know how to evolve and still rely on light to move forward should have been killed by flying fairy beasts.

Look up.

Xia Xia saw the black fairy beasts, just above him, there were hundreds of thousands of flying fairy beasts flying in the overlapping space.

No light can shine down.

that's it.

The two of them started flying fast.

"I don't intend to ask the king of a flying fairy beast if there is a teleportation formation here?" Qu Xi asked.

"Are you crazy or am I crazy? We passed through that black hole, and we are no longer in the periphery. The strongest one in the periphery should only be a half-step Venerable, but we have spanned a year's journey from a black hole. The kings here are generally Venerable. Moreover, the overall strength of the immortal beasts here is stronger and more vicious!!”


When the sound of summer fell, a light suddenly appeared around.

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