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Chapter 1097: Son of Black Venerable 【Supplement】

He can't control that much now. If he gets it right this time, he will have the opportunity to teleport directly to the direction of the patio. If he misses this opportunity, he will have to go to the dangerous place again if he wants to go to the patio.

And it will also attract other masters.

By then, Quxi would be even more dangerous.

Although the space black hole in the Griffin King can also teleport them away, it is not very far in this direction.

"Where did she kill her?" Xia Xia was also very puzzled at this time.

He really didn't understand.

Where did Qu Xi kill him?

"Let's go!!" Shadow said.


Xia Xia can be sure that Qu Xi has received his communication talisman, that is, Qu Xi will not return.

This is not a sign of being trapped.

Griffin Mountain! !

This is the site of the Griffin King, and everything within 300 billion miles in the vicinity is under his control.

Because there is the breath of the Griffin King, the guards here did not stop Xia Xia.

Even the summer is very respectful.

"I am your second king, the Black Eagle King. From today onwards, this place is under my control." Xia Xia took out the token of the Griffon King.

"See Black Eagle King!!"

The guards here are all identifiable tokens that do not recognize people.

Because in this sky, there are too few people who have seen the Griffin King.


Only the token can command all existence.

This token he brought from the Griffin King.


He began to prepare for the Black Zun's son.

Everything is ready.

Three days later.

Quxi sent a message back: I'm fine, I'll go meet you right away! !

Xia Xia also subpoenaed her, told her the plan, and told her that everything should be done quickly.

Just when Quxi came over immediately.

There are fluctuations from the black hole in space.

"Oops, he's here first." Xia Xia understood that the space fluctuations at this time must be the other party coming over. Before, he thought to pick up Qu Xi first, and then pick up this Hei Zun's son.

But now.

The first to arrive is actually the son of Hei Zun.

This is troublesome.

"Pick up Hei Zun's son first!!" Ying reminded.



Three figures came out from inside.

The first one is in a shape-shifting state, only about five meters high, and the other two are also in a half-shifting state, more than four meters, guarding on both sides.

"Two venerable guards, this is the son of Hei zun!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

no matter where.

The existence of the venerable level is very high and respectable.

But now.

Just be someone else's bodyguard.

There is absolutely no arrogance of a normal Venerable.

From this, you can see the dignity of the other party's identity.

"See your lord!!"

"Where's the Griffin King?"

"My lord, there are humans here recently. My eldest brother is going to hunt and kill humans. I'm here to greet you."

"who are you?"

"My name is the Black Eagle King, and I am sworn brothers with the Griffin King!!"

"I haven't even reached the level of the beast, hmph!!"


The other party is very dissatisfied. The people who normally come to greet him should be at the level of the Venerable, but now, the strength of those who come to greet him is so poor.

"My lord, I'll come or you will be on your next trip," Xia Xia said.

"Black Hawk, right? You said just now that there are humans approaching here?"

"Yes, there are humans here." Xia Xia said.

"The human beings who can make the Griffin King come forward should have good strength. It just so happens that I haven't swallowed a powerful human for a long time."


He was interested in humans.

And he wants to devour powerful humans.

Many fairy beasts.

All have this hobby.

"My lord, then I will inform the elder brother and let him catch the live one." Xia Xia said.


"Lord Black Eagle King, traces of human beings are found up and down!!!"

A subordinate reported.

"not good!!"

When he heard this, Xia Xia understood that Quxi must have come over.

It just so happened.

Quxi is late.

If Quxi had come earlier, then he would be able to bring Quxi into everything.

But come now.

It's too late.

See in summer.

When the son of Hei Zun heard the word "human", his eyes also lit up, obviously it was more like eating Quxi.

"Sir, I'll go down and kill her!!" Xia Xia wanted to take the initiative to ask Ying, and then made up an excuse to let the humans run away.

This can also deceive the son of Hei Zun.

"I don't even have the rank of beast venerable. If you go, people must have run away."

heard here.

Summer knew trouble was coming.

"I just asked about a dangerous place nearby called Baigu Pond from the Griffin King. It is very dangerous. You can let Quxi run there. When you get there, everything will be easy to say." Ying reminded.


Xia Tian's eyes also lit up: "This method is ok, is there any terrifying fairy beast in that Baigu Pond?"

"There is a Sea Bone King, his strength is very terrifying, and there are corpses everywhere. Those corpses can be transformed into warriors. When the Griffin King had a conflict with him, there was a **** battle. As a result, the Griffin King Hundreds of millions of subordinates died, and I almost died there." Ying explained.

"Sea Bone King, you should be able to use it." Xia Xia also secretly sent a communication Qu Xi had been hiding up and down before.

When she received Xia Xia's summons, she knew that she had been exposed.

"Bone Bone Pool!!" Qu Xi also ran in the direction given by Xia Xia.

When they flew down in the summer: "Where are the people?"

"Lord Black Eagle King, run away, our people are following!!"

"En!!" Xia Xia looked at the son of Hei Zun.

"Chase!!" said the son of Hei Zun.

During the raid, Xia Xia discovered that this son of Hei Zun was really young, he should be only a few hundred years old, but his realm was already a half-step Venerable. Obviously, his own talent was very good, coupled with Hei Zun's Cultivate vigorously.


They chased directly in the direction of Baigu Pond.

"Hei Da, your speed is fast, go after him first!!" said the son of Hei Zun.

Yes! !

Hei Da disappeared in place in an instant.


There was an explosion ahead.


Hei Da and Qu Xi fought.

"It's so fast, I'm catching up, and being entangled by a Venerable-level expert, Qu Xi won't be able to run to Baigu Pond." Xia Xia frowned.


He quietly released a force behind him.

This power is nothing for now.

But after ten seconds.

It exploded instantly.

"Protect the adults." Xia Xia hurriedly shouted.

The huge explosion was very loud, but in fact, the power was nothing.

Hei Er also looked around vigilantly and was very careful.

at the same time.

Hei Da rushed back from a distance.

"Sir, are you alright?" Hei Da hurriedly asked.

"What are you doing back here? Didn't I ask you to catch that human?" Hei Zun's son said very dissatisfiedly.

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