The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1099: 0 Bone Pool

Just at that moment, Xia Xia's protection of him was obviously an instinctive behavior. In his opinion, this was called sincerity, not the kind of sincerity that Hei Da and Hei Er pretended to be.

He is very happy with the summer now.

Seeing those injuries in summer.

He was even more satisfied.


Hei Er also rushed back immediately: "Sir, are you alright!!"

Hei Zun's son's expression turned completely cold.


Hei Er also understands that the most annoying thing about Hei Zun's son is that others don't obey his orders. Just now, he was worried that Hei Zun's son was in danger, so he instinctively ran back. Now he also remembered that Hei Da was scolded like this just now. of.

"I will continue to chase!!" Hei Er said.

"Sir, don't chase, he has changed direction. If Lord Hei Er goes after him, he may go in the wrong direction." Xia Xia said.


"Follow us!!" Hei Zun's son is now more and more dissatisfied with Hei Da and Hei Er.

at the same time.

He also understands.

These people did not accept him, on the one hand because he was not strong enough, and on the other hand because these people believed that they were the people who fought with Hei Zun in the past, and were of the same generation as Hei Zun.

Of course, you don't need to be too polite to Heizun's son.

It is also very normal to disagree with the son of Hei Zun.

So if he wants others to truly convince him, he must create his own team.

at this time.

He looked towards Summer.

Although Xia Xia's strength is not strong, but his methods are good, and he is loyal enough to him. If such a person develops, he will be very useful to him in the future, and he can even become his own team.

This time he went out for a tour.

That is to say.

Be sure to find a few similar ones.


Along the way, it was the Venerable who picked him up, and it was useless for these Venerables to win over, and these Venerables had their own bosses and would never go with him.

But summer is different.

Summer doesn't seem to belong here, but just sworn to the boss here.

"This guy is not bad!!" Hei Zun's son secretly said in his heart.

Of course.

He wasn't in a hurry either.

He intends to take another look.

Continue to observe Xia Xia, whether he is really so loyal to him, will he continue to be so protective next time when danger arises, and how he will react in front of a truly powerful enemy.

"Sir, we are getting closer and closer to her." Xia Xia reminded.


Hei Zun's son is obviously also bright.


After he was born, he only ate it twice, and it was all distributed to him by his father.


He could finally taste it again.

Moreover, the strength of this human cultivator is obviously not weak. After he swallows it, he will definitely be able to obtain great benefits.

"Okay, catch up with him!!" Hei Zun's son said excitedly.


Summer also picks up speed.

Quxi, according to the agreement with Xia Xia, is also rushing in the direction of Baigutan, and she is very fast.

"Summer, I'm waiting for your performance!!" Qu Xi said excitedly.

She also understands.

Summer definitely has its own plans.

It can be said.

The battle that follows is sure to be very intense.


It's not the time to say that yet.

She has to keep running.

Bone Pool.

Bones are everywhere here.

However, the bones are not human, but flying fairy beasts. Normally, the bones of these flying fairy beasts are different in color, but here, they all turned white.


The owner here can make the bones white.


When Quxi came to Baigutan, she also looked around, and finally hid in a hidden place and marked Xia Xia.

This is her agreement with the summer.

After coming here, don't go deep, just find a place to hide nearby, you will find her in the summer, and bring her to all kinds of things as soon as possible.

By then it will all be over.

The rest can be left to summer.

"It's here, it's here." Xia Xia said.

His eyes looked around, and soon he saw Quxi's mark, and also found Quxi's hiding place: "Sir, let me search around, she should be hiding nearby."


When he came to Quxi, he directly included Quxi into everything.

"nailed it!!"

Summer is also relieved.

At this time, he finally guaranteed Quxi's safety.


After Qu Xi entered the midst of all things, he also found the shadow and the earth spirit, and drank with the two of them.

It was not the first time she had come in.

So very knowledgeable here.

"What does he want to do?" Qu Xi asked.

"Look at it, it must be very lively." Ying Yi smiled.

They usually find it very interesting to watch the performance of the summer, and it is the same now.

"My lord, she rushed into the pool in front of her!!" Xia Xia said.

"Hei Er, catch him out for me!!" Hei Zun's son shouted loudly.

Hei Er also hurriedly ran out.

Xia Xia stood in front of the son of Hei Zun and looked around vigilantly: "Sir, I feel there is danger here, be careful!!"


The son of Hei Zun also found that this place is not Rumble!

When Hei Er rushed over, the surrounding bones suddenly burst into flames.

Directly smashed to Hei Er!

Hei Er's reaction was also very fast, easily smashing the surrounding bones.

at the same time.

In the summer, the bones around them also erupted for the first time.


Summer also hurriedly crushed the surrounding bones.


There are more and more bones around. Seeing that there are more and more bones around the son of Hei Zun, Xia Xian also gave up defending his side and went directly to smash the bones around the son of Hei Zun.

puff! puff!

The blood on his body was blurred.

But it was his intention.

These bones can't break his defense normally.

But he deliberately let go of his defense, just to let the son of Hei Zun see his loyalty.


"Not bad!!" Hei Zun's son nodded with satisfaction.


He is very appreciative of summer.

He also showed the appreciation of the superior at this time.

"What is he doing? Can't stop this attack?" Qu Xi was also very puzzled.

"It's not that I can't stop it, but I deliberately don't stop it and let go of my defense." Ying said.


Qu Xi looked at the shadow in confusion.

"He wants to mix with this son of Hei Zun, so that he can use the big teleportation array to go to the patio." Ying explained.


Qu Xi understood.


at this time.

The bones on the ground rose quickly, and the surrounding bones all flew over.

When these bones gathered together, they formed a terrifying shape.

The overall power has also become completely different.

"The Sea Bone King is coming."

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