The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1101: Hei Tianya

"What?" Xia Xia looked at the son of Hei Zun in surprise: "Sir, do I have that qualification?"


Summer said that on purpose.

"What qualifications?" Hei Zun's son asked.

"I have always believed that only the beast is qualified to mix with you, and my strength is too far from the beast." Xia Xia said.


"Your strength is indeed a little worse, but you are loyal enough and able to complete the tasks I set well, so I can accept you exceptionally." Hei Zun's son was highly praised by Xia Xia.

There is also a sense of flutter now.


He also assumed the attitude of a superior.

Xia Xia also hurriedly knelt down on one knee, expressing very excited: "Thank you, my lord!!"

That excited look.

Let the son of Hei Zun look very satisfied.

"Well, my name is Hei Tianya, you can call me the boss of Ya in the future!!"

"Yes, Boss Ya!!" Xia Xia said respectfully.

"Remember, I only like people who do things quickly. If you want to make me look up to you, just behave well and let me see how talented you are. I don't like people who can't complete tasks." Hei Tianya said directly.

"Don't worry, adults!!!" Xia Xia promised.


The endless flying fairy beasts attacked directly.


Summer has found out.

It is useless to attack these flying fairy beasts. Although they can temporarily destroy the white-bone flying fairy beasts by their numbers, they cannot destroy the white-bone flying fairy beasts, but the white-bone flying fairy beasts can kill them and absorb their flesh and blood. and essence.

Then evolve.

The bones of the dead flying fairy beasts gradually turned white, and finally turned into one of the white-bone flying fairy beasts.


A figure fell to Hei Tianya's side: "Sir!!"

"Hei Er is fighting that guy in the sea, go and help!!" Hei Tianya said.

"Sir, I'd better stay here to protect you!!" Hei Da saw that this place was also very dangerous at this time, and he was worried that Hei Tianya would be in any danger.

after all.

They were sent by Hei Zun to protect Hei Tianya.

If there is any danger in Hei Tianya, then they will be miserable.

"I'll ask you to help!!" Hei Tianya was even more proud of Xia Tian's praise.

Now that Hei Da dared not listen to him, he was also a little angry.

Especially summer is still here.

This made him feel that his majesty was being challenged.

If he can't order Hei Da, how can he let Xia Xia serve him and worship him in the future.

"Yes!!" Hei Da glanced around, and finally glanced at Xia Xia: "Black Eagle King, protect the adults well, if the adults are injured, I will kill you."

This is a warning.

It's also an intimidation.


This summer is a black world.

Hei Da reprimanded Xia Xia in front of Hei Tianya, which made Hei Tianya feel even more shameless, and his expression turned completely cold: "Do you want to kill me?"

"Don't dare!!" Hei Da also felt that Hei Tianya seemed very angry now, and he hurriedly turned around.

rushed to the sea.


His attack fell in an instant, breaking all the bone seals on the sea.

It is very difficult for this seal to rush up from below, but it is not particularly difficult to rush down from above, as long as the attack power is sufficient.


Hei Da didn't waste much energy and broke the seal directly.

that's it.

Hit it layer by layer.

"Hei Er, I'm here to support you." Hei shouted.


His attack went straight down.

Hei Er also flashed his body and let the attack fall.

Then he wanted to rush up.


But at this moment.

He suddenly found out.

The above seal actually appeared again. The seal that had just been broken by Hei Da was reorganized like this, and this time even Hei Da was sealed underneath.

"I'll hold him back, you break the seal, we go up to fight, we can't fight here." Hei Er understood that he must not fight here, this is the opponent's home court, and playing here is too unfavorable for them.

After going up.

They can play their strengths better.

Can kill this enemy.

"Okay!" Hei Da did not expect that the other party's Bone Seal was so powerful.

He had just broken open, but it was formed again.


His attack also hit the bone seal above it again.


He is down there now, not the same as before.

when he attacked.

Those bones and sharp blades were also smashed down frantically.

"Damn, he's weird here!!" Hei Da also found out that something was wrong.

The white bones and sharp blades above are constantly falling, too dense, and the attack power is also very powerful.

"It really doesn't work, the two of us will join forces and kill him first. As long as we kill him, the white bone seal on it will be gone." Hei Er also found that the seal on it was not easy to break.

The more they attack the seal on it.

The seal on it will be stronger.

Instead of touching these seals, it is better to fight with this guy.

"If you want me to fight, then you are destined to fall here." Sea Bone King shouted loudly.

at the same time.

The battle above is also very countless birds swooped down.

"Sir, otherwise I'll let the birds break the seal from above, or I'm worried that the two of them will be in danger. Although they are disrespectful to you, they are the ones who protect you after all. Just teach them a lesson." Xia Tian suggested.


He saw that Hei Tianya had been looking at the seaside.

Obviously, Hei Tianya was also beginning to worry about the situation over there.

But Hei Tianya wants face.

refused to speak in person.


Only deliberately opened in summer.

"Well, that's fine!!" Hei Tianya nodded slightly.

What Xia Xia said went directly to his heart, which made him appreciate Xia even more.


The overwhelming birds began to attack the seal.

Kuro Dai and Kuro Er, who were desperately below, sensed the situation above.

"Get ready to leave here." Hei Da reminded.

Although they have been desperately prepared just now, after all, this place is not suitable for them to fight. If they can leave here, they naturally want to leave here.


Countless birds died.


The bone seal on it was broken.

Those birds used their lives to block where the bones were about to appear.

Buy time for Hei Da and Hei Er.

Swish! Swish!

The two figures flew up directly.

The two of them fell in front of Hei Tianya.


A **** slap hit Xia Xia's face.

This slap can be avoided by Xia Xia, but Xia Xia did not dodge it, because this slap will leave a very deep impression on Hei Tianya's heart: "Why didn't you let those birds attack earlier? Do you want to watch the fun? Only a fool like you will not know how to let your subordinates attack earlier!!"

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