The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1108: 20 black stones


Xia Xia also directly flipped the table: "It seems that my adults don't get the respect of Hei Yefeng."

Turn your face!

Hei Tianya didn't turn his face.

But Xia Tian turned his face.

This made the people around them hurriedly get up.

With an identity like Hei Tianya, it is not suitable to directly turn around, nor is it suitable to directly say that you want good things.

But this subordinate can do it in summer.

"Black Hawk, don't talk nonsense, let's go to rest!!" Although Hei Tianya was trying to stop Xia on the surface, in fact, he appreciated Xia's actions very much.

When he was on the road with Hei Da Hei Er before, he could not feel this sense of superiority at all.

Because Hei Da and Hei Er didn't understand his mind at all.

I don't even know what he wants.

Although he lacked everything, what gift the other party gave him represented the level of attention they paid to him.

What he wants is face.

It's the respect these people have for him.


He wants to take over his father's position in the future. If these people don't respect him at all, how will he convince the public in the future?

"Sir, I have prepared twenty black stones here!!" Hei Yun said loudly.


When I heard this.

Hei Tianya was stunned.

Blackstone is definitely the most versatile thing.

This kind of thing can not only make weapons, it is powerful, but also the most common currency of the fairy and beast family.

Generally speaking, a black stone the size of a palm is very valuable, equivalent to hundreds of billions of immortal crystals.

These real top beings, it is inconvenient to carry too many fairy crystals when they go out, and in the fairy beast family, the role of fairy crystals is not that much, only when they go to trade with humans, they will use fairy crystals.

But when it comes to trading with other immortal beasts, the black stone is obviously the real universal thing.


Bringing the black stone also saves space.

It's even more fun to take out.

"Twenty dollars? How much?" Xia Tian asked.

"They're all about the size of a normal human head!!" Heiyun said.

The size of the black stone is divided into several levels.

The smallest level is the value of tens of billions of immortal crystals; then the value of 100 billion immortal crystals is the size of a fist; the latter is the value of trillions of immortal crystals, each of which is the size of a human head.

Twenty black stones of this size.

The value is 20 trillion immortal crystals!

This time, the black cloud was bleeding profusely.

To know.

The gifts that his subordinates sent just now are worth tens of millions of immortal crystals, or hundreds of millions of immortal crystals.

The things he took out were worth ten thousand times, or even one hundred thousand times, than those of his subordinates.

"Black Hawk, I apologize to you soon." Hei Tianya glanced at Xia Xia.


He is satisfied.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, I was abrupt just now." Xia Xia bowed slightly.

"It's because the people below don't know how to do things, so hurry up and change to better food and drink." Heiyun said.

The subordinates also made arrangements in a hurry.


Nothing was changed.

It's still those things just now.

"Good wine!!" Hei Tianya raised his glass.

There were also smiles on everyone's faces.

The same wine, which was trash just now, is now good wine, which is enough to prove everything. What he really doesn't like is not wine and food, but gifts.

"Mr. Blackhawk, those gifts just now were all for you, you're welcome." Heiyun also gave all the gifts from his subordinates to Xia Xia.

Although it looks very ordinary in summer.

But his eyesight was very different.

He understands.

Being able to be Hei Tianya's subordinate itself represents Xia's identity.

at the same time.

The performance of the summer just now was also very difficult.

Such a person who doesn't even seem to be at the level of a beast is the most dangerous. If he talks nonsense, it is likely to bring disaster to them.

"Boss Ya is here, how can I take your things." Xia Xia waved his hand.

"Take it, don't let everyone down." Hei Tianya said.

"Thank you Boss Ya, thank you gentlemen!!" Xia Xia bowed his hands.

The atmosphere at the scene became harmonious all of a sudden.

"What's your plan next?" Heiyun asked.

"What? You're not welcome, and you're in a hurry to let me go?" Hei Tianya's eyes widened.

"I didn't mean that, I just wanted to see how to make the best arrangement for your lord. You finally came to me. If you don't stay for thousands of years, how can I be worthy of Lord Hei Zun." Hei Yun explained.


Hei Tianya nodded: "I heard that the black cloud on the head is a great treasure!!"

"Yes, this is my natal treasure. It belongs to the ancient fairy treasure. It is a real good thing. I am almost immortal, indestructible, and invincible under this black cloud area." Black cloud has nothing to hide.

Because this black cloud is what he became famous for.

Hei Zun also knows about this.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

is his biggest trump card.


"How did you get this?" Hei Tianya asked.

"Back then, I went to the Tiankeng with some brothers. In the end, all the brothers were buried in it, and I almost died in it. Finally, I got this black cloud. Brothers' names." Heiyun explained.


"There is love and righteousness!!" Hei Tianya said.

Xia Tian glanced at Hei Tianya.

Hei Tianya nodded slightly.

"Mr. Heiyun, Boss Ya wants to go to the patio, it's convenient for you!!" Xia Xia said.

"Don't you plan to stay for a while longer?" Heiyun asked in confusion.

"There are some important things to do." Hei Tianya said.

"It's convenient for me here, but something seems to have happened in the patio recently, which is quite turbulent. I'm afraid there will be some danger if I go at this time!!" Heiyun said.

As soon as I heard that something special was quite turbulent.

Hei Tianya is a bright spot.

In his opinion.

This must be something that humans do. First release https://https://

And he.

Exactly what needs to be found for those humans.

"It's okay, who dares to touch me here?" Hei Tianya said very confidently.

The entire immortal beast area is his father's territory, including the current Black Night Forest, which is only a part of his father's territory. Any immortal beasts here are his father's subordinates.

Who would dare to harm him in his father's territory?

"That's right, then I'll make arrangements for your lord." Hei Yun said.


Hei Tianya's gifts have been received, so there is no need to stay here: "Get ready, I'll set off now."

"Yes!" Heiyun nodded to his subordinates.

Afterwards, all the subordinates also started to make arrangements.

Hei Yun also handed over twenty third-class black stones to Hei Tianya.

Hei Tianya nodded in admiration: "I heard from my father before that Mr. Heiyun is his most powerful helper. When I see him today, it really lives up to its reputation. After I go back, I will definitely tell my father, Mr. Heiyun is right. How faithful my father was."

"Thank you sir." Hei Yun said respectfully.

Xia Tian looked to the sky: "It would be nice if you could get rid of such a good thing."

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