The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1115: Bloodworm Threat

"No, except for my father and Tianjing ten warriors, no one can approach in the courtyard. This is the rule. Even if it is me, I have to go over and apply first. Well, I will bring this blood worm over there, and then I will go to Tianjing ten. Let's discuss it with the samurai." Hei Tianya also understood the rules here in Tianjing.

Although he is the son of Hei Zun.

But he also understands.

There are many rules, even his father is difficult to change casually.

Because if you do that, it will be difficult to convince the public.

What do people think when your son casually lets his subordinates approach a place that others will guard for a lifetime?

This will chill the hearts of all those who guard here.


"Alright." Xia Xia temporarily sealed all those blood worms and handed them over to Hei Tianya.


The two of them walked towards the patio.

Although the fighting outside is very fierce.

But the Ten Samurai of Tianjing have been sitting very steadily: "Sir, it is so dangerous, you should leave here first."

"I won't run away, and I have already investigated the reason why these fairy beasts are crazy, it's this kind of blood worm, they are penetrated by this blood worm, but for the time being I can't think of how to save those fairy beasts." Hei Tianya said .

"As expected of an adult, you discovered the problem so quickly."

Their praise also comes from the heart.

Because if it weren't for the black world.

Relying on the guards here to study, maybe it will take a long time to study the results.

"Do you have any ideas, sir?"

"I think that since they are trying so hard to rush to the patio, is it because the water in the patio has a huge temptation for them, or is it because the things in the patio are tempting them, so I want to apply to you. Let's see if you can let me try it!!" Hei Tianya also said very politely.

"If it's an adult, it's no problem." Tianjing Ten Samurai is not the kind of person who is not friendly.

Especially Hei Tianya is so polite.

In addition, Hei Tianya really has his own ideas.

rather than fooling around.

If Hei Tianya was just messing around, then they would rather offend Hei Tianya than agree.

"Thank you!!" Hei Tianya glanced at Xia Tian, ​​"Tell me how to test."

"Use the least amount of water from the patio, infiltrate a little bit, and then observe to see if there are any different effects, and see the reaction of the blood worms!!" Xia Xia said.


Hei Tianya also walked to the side of the patio.


He started directly according to the method that Xia Xia said.

The water from the patio was poured directly on the blood worm.

very small amount.

The blood worm seemed to suddenly become excited.

As if to break through at any time.

Hei Tianya also hurriedly poured more water from the patio on it. Although the blood worms were also very active, they did not change much.

That is to say.

Using more patio water didn't make him die, and it didn't make him more active or grow.

At this time, the distant summer is also observing the situation inside.

Although normal people can't see through the formation there.

But in summer it can.

Hei Tianya also tried various methods.

In the end it was all in vain.

"No, I've tried all the methods, but I still can't kill him, I can't kill him." Hei Tianya said disappointedly.

He also understands.

This blood worm is now a very big threat to their immortal beast clan. If he can handle this blood worm, then he has made a great contribution.

"It doesn't seem to work." Xia Tian shook his head.

"Do you still have any good solutions? If this blood worm is not fundamentally resolved, it will be a devastating disaster for our fairy beast family." He is also very trusting in Xia Xia now.

Want to get some clues from summer here.

"I don't have a good solution for the time being. Let's fight against these immortal beasts together, but be sure to inform the guards to be careful. When killing these immortal beasts, don't let blood worms enter their bodies, otherwise, they will also be mad. changed." Xia Xia knew how terrifying the penetrating power of these blood worms was.

If accidentally infected.

Then next.

The crisis will only be greater.

"Okay!!" Hei Tianya also ordered immediately.

Summer is also helping out.

at the same time.

He is thinking.

How to deal with these bloodworms.

"Have you found anything?" Qu Xi asked.

She knows Xia Xia very well. Xia Xia has been observing for so long, and it is impossible to find nothing at all.

"I found something, but it's not very useful for the time being." Xia Xia said.

"What did you find?" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

"Although the water from the patio is not useful or harmful to the blood worms, when the blood worms approach the patio, they obviously become more active and excited than before, that is to say, their target must be something in the patio. ” Xia Xia explained.


Qu Xi nodded: "It seems to make sense."

"Let's take a look at the situation first and see if the fairy beasts have any important If you only see it once or twice, you may not care too much, but now it's the third time, and this blood Insects can actually make fairy beasts lose their minds, this is very scary, I have to figure it out, otherwise I will encounter it in the future, and it will be troublesome." Xia Xia also wants to find out the situation of these blood worms.

Especially the weakness of blood worms.

If he can figure it out, then even if he encounters it later, he doesn't have to be afraid.

"Boss Ya, be careful." Xia Xia has also been guarding Hei Tianya, and he will use Hei Tianya next.

Do a full play.

He also has to protect the black world well.

"You don't have to worry about me, these guys, it's impossible to hurt me." Hei Tianya really felt the change in his strength at this time. Before, he was just a person who had just entered the first change of Quasi-Beast Venerable.

But now.

He already has the strength of a half-step beast venerable.

"The talent of the adults is really against the sky. At a young age, it is already the realm of a quasi-beast venerable."

"Yeah, this kind of talent is already more terrifying than the Black Venerable back then."

"Recently, the power of the adults has been spreading. I am still worried about the dangers of the adults. Now it seems that I am overthinking it."

Tianjing Ten Samurai also praised Hei Tianya.

They all think.

Hei Tianya was extraordinary both in terms of strength and bearing.

Especially investigating bloodworms.

He actually found the problem right away.

This can save a lot of brothers from dying.

And can play a lot of preventive role.

Not like other second generation ancestors.

They only know how to cause trouble, they have no real ability, and they are always trying to save face, giving orders indiscriminately, and killing many brothers.

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