The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1126: direction

Xia Xia didn't know how strong she would be when she grew up to the realm of a quasi-venerable one, and she never imagined how strong her strength would be when she was raised to the level of a venerable one.

Because he hasn't had that long.

Less than four years left.

The final battle is about to break out.

By the time.

what he's going to face.

It's the whole family.

No matter how well he and his father calculated, it was impossible for them to leave the Celestial Clan alive in that battle.

They send it up.

The Heavenly Clan would never let them leave alive.

But summer has to go.

Because this is the battle to save the mother.

"The results have been reviewed. Our direction is wrong. The left is the nearest exit direction, but it is very far away. If we can't find the space teleportation array, we will continue to fly like this, and we will not be able to fly out for tens of thousands of years." Xia Xia reminded.

far away!

"How many bosses' sites do you want?" Qu Xi asked.

"Eight, eight are like the boss's territory like Black Cloud!!" Xia Xia said.

"Why so far?" Qu Xi was also taken aback.

"Actually, the location of the patio is very far from the outside. Although we only passed the sites of the two bosses at that time, in fact, the space teleportation we used is a large teleportation, so we can reach the patio so quickly, otherwise, we have been flying straight, At least thousands of years, even thousands of years." Xia Xia explained.

Go to the patio.

He found Hei Tianya, and calculated the people around Hei Tianya, step by step to become the most trusted person in Hei Tianya.


He will have the opportunity to do it all.

Only have the opportunity to use the space black hole to teleport.

to reach the patio so quickly.

"What should we do? Are we still looking for those space black holes?" Qu Xi asked.

"No, I have inquired. The space black hole is very far away from us. It will take a long time to fly over, and each space black hole is guarded by a beast." Xia Xia said.

If you fly like this.

That's a huge waste of time.


They have to think of a way to save time the most.

"What's wrong with the beast, just kill him." Qu Xi said very violently.

It's really hard to imagine that this kind of words came out of Qu Xi's mouth in the summer.

Qu Xi is really becoming more and more violent now.

In the face of the terrifying existence of Beast Venerable, what he actually said was to kill it.


"Courage is a good thing, but it also depends on the situation at the time. Once we start a war with the beast, let's not say how many of his men will surround us. If he asks for help, there are space black holes there, and then a few more will come over. Beast Venerable, we can’t run away even if we want to run, and it’s the opponent’s territory, how many quasi-beast venerables will there be, how many will have 100,000 points of law, and how many will have 80,000 points of law?” In summer, you can see how many fairy beasts are here.

Inside so many fairy beasts.

There is a quasi beast in one million, and the number is impossible to calculate.

Don't talk about so many quasi beasts.

As long as there are enough people with more than 80,000 points of law power.

That's not to be messed with.

"Then what should I do?" Qu Xi asked in confusion.

Since you don't look for the teleportation array, you have to fly out, and in 10,000 years, you will really have to die.

"You first enter the forest, and I will use the source of the earth to teleport directly, so that we can teleport over long distances, we are gambling!!" Xia Xia said.

He has already decided.

Now only the source of the earth can help him get out of here quickly.


The origin of his soil only has the power of four clones.

But now the longest distance teleportation is also very terrifying.

"Is your life good?" Qu Xi asked.

"It's not very good. Before the random teleportation, it usually fell into the monster pit." Xia Xia said.


The black line on Qu Xi's face.

"Forget it, with Xia Si here anyway, play whatever you want!!" Qu Xi said helplessly.


What I miss most in summer is the greedy wolf.

If there is a greedy wolf here, then his teleportation will never be a problem. Even if he teleports to some special places, it will only be a treasure house.

This is the greedy wolf.

The true air transport owner.


In the summer, Quxi was received into all kinds of things.


He also let out a sigh of relief, as if he wanted to prepare.

The origin of the earth!

His hand swiped against the air, and the air was directly cut out by him.

When I saw this ability for the first time.

He was also very shocked.


He can finally use it freely.


His body instantly disappeared in place.


when it reappears.

He came to a bare mountain.

Xia Si was also the first to wrap him up.

"I haven't been attacked, it seems that there is no danger." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"No." Shadow reminded.

Xia Xia was just about to take back Xia Si's defense, but when he heard Ying's words, he didn't take it back either: "What's wrong?"

"Aren't you curious? Why is there a bare mountain in the land of fairy beasts?" Ying asked.


When hearing this.

Summer's eyes also looked around.


It's bare around here.

No grass grows.


this kind of place.

The seeds of perennial grass and trees are fluttering in the wind, so there should be no place without grass and trees.

But now the vegetation here.

There are so many.

"This is not a mountain!" Xia Xia finally discovered the problem. The position he was in was not a mountain.

But a fairy beast.


He suddenly found out.

He is now standing above the eyes of this fairy beast.


at the same time.

All over the mountain, thousands of eyes appeared.

Directly shrouded summer in it.

"No, it's a thousand-eyed beast. The strongest ability is the law of illusion, and from the color of the eyes of this thousand-eyed beast, it can be seen that this is a thousand-eyed beast at the level of a beast!!" Ying reminded.


The beast!

When hearing this.

Summer is completely silent.

Although he knew that his luck was not as good as greedy wolves.

But not so much!

It landed directly on the body of a beast.

distortion! !

The surrounding space is forcibly distorted.

For a moment.

Summer's body seems to have fallen into an endless abyss.

His body fell into reincarnation.

what he could really feel.

Only death.

endless death.

"Don't fall into illusion, or you will die," Ying hurriedly reminded.

Because they are in all kinds of things, they don't belong to the same world, so they didn't get caught.

Summer's body is constantly twisted.


"That's not right, a thousand-eyed beast at the level of an ordinary beast can't have such a terrifying illusion." Ying also hurriedly hurried to the quasi beast at the guard.


His face changed greatly: "Xia Xia, this is a big forbidden area for them. The specific level of this thousand-eyed beast is ominous, but according to their description, the overall strength should be higher than me!!!"

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