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Chapter 1135: Fire Leopard Mountain Base Camp

"This is the Fire Leopard Mountain. Everything on the mountain has something to do with fire. Although you are hiding very well, you forgot to fake the fire, so only the place where you hide is without fire, how could I not find it!! "The beast venerable said very disdainfully.


Summer finally understood what was going on.

Although he is usually very shrewd.

But today.

He really ignored the environmental factor.

These are all experiences. If he encounters such a situation in the future, he will also find a way to change it as soon as possible.

"This is troublesome!!" Qu Xi glanced around.

At this time, a large number of fairy beast masters have rushed over.

"Prepare to throw out all the array plates and things that consume attacks on you. We can't delay the time. The longer we delay, the worse it will be for us!!" Xia Xia reminded.


Qu Xi also understands that it doesn't look easy here.

"Did you teleport to a very terrifying place again?" Qu Xi asked again.

"Yes!!" Xia Xia did not explain in detail.

But this time!

He has already started.

The law of the sun, moon and stars!

The Law of Light!

The red phoenix attacked.

Ivy! !


When summer's attack hits the moment.

The immortal beasts around were also hit in an instant.

at the same time.

A large number of red phoenix feathers also killed the beast in front of him.

Qu Xi also threw out all the fighting supplies on her body at the same time. At this time, she has no time to think.


When the beastmaster thought that he could easily break the attack of the red phoenix.

He suddenly found out.

Hongfeng actually left a scar on his hand.

Although the scars are small.

But it had surprised him.

He is a master at the level of the beast, and can leave scars on his body. What kind of attack is this?

Such an attack is obviously a bit terrifying.

"It's interesting!!" There was a slight smile on the face of the beast.

at the same time!

Summer and Quxi also began to retreat quickly.


from the very beginning.

Xia Tian never thought that he would really fight with this beast.

Because the masters at the level of beasts are not something they can deal with temporarily.

The longer you play.

The more masters rushing around, and it will make the beastmaster feel dangerous. When he asks his beastmaster companion to come over, it will be even more troublesome.

"Why so many terrifying breaths!!" Qu Xi frowned.

At this time, he also sensed a lot of horror around him.

"This is their old nest, Fire Leopard Mountain, there are dozens of beasts here!!" Xia Xia still told Qu Xi about the situation here.


Qu Xi's eyes widened.

"What's your luck?"

She doesn't know how to describe her feelings now.

She is now.

Really completely speechless.

She couldn't understand why this happened.

She was still thinking just now that Xia Xia's luck this time was good, and she didn't fall directly into that kind of dangerous land. As a result, Xia Xia actually flew directly into the other party's nest this time.

"Let's go, it's too late to say this now!!"

Summer also feels very speechless.

He also understands.

It's useless to say anything else now.

He can only try his best to find a way to escape from here.

As long as you can escape from here, there is still a chance.

If you don't escape from here, it's all for nothing.

"I threw almost everything on my body, and many of them were thrown far away, which could create riots in different places!!" Qu Xi said.


"That's it, as long as this place is messed up, there will only be one beast lord chasing us for the time being, as long as we find a way to escape from him." As long as Xia Xia breaks through from this beast lord, he can quickly Kill the ordinary fairy beasts around, and then quickly use the source of soil to leave here.

it's here.

He is not afraid of being seen by the things here to see the origin of the soil.

Just don't be disturbed by them in the first place.


The two kept running away.

After the ivy in the summer.

It is also very convenient.

In this kind of place, Qingteng completely follows her mind to attack.

Endless vines keep raiding.

The power is enormous.

All are destructive forces.

"Humans, you can't escape, this is Fire Leopard Mountain, our territory, and everything here is up to us." The beastmaster shouted loudly.


at this time!

Summer showed them what it means to be really tough.

Although Beast Venerable's voice is very loud.

The momentum is very strong.

But since the summer came over.

They have already killed more than 30,000 of their immortal beasts.

And this is still in a state of escape.

Although the treasures thrown by Quxi could assist the attack, they were basically wasted because they escaped.

But it can't be said to be a waste.

Because it bought time for the two of them to escape otherwise.

the road ahead of them.

All of them are fairy beasts.

There is no room for escape at all.

That would be really troublesome.

Just come over to another beast venerable, they can't escape.

"I'll open the way, you block the guy behind." Qu Xi also opened up and closed, releasing his attacks continuously.

Don't care about consumption at all.

It's cool to have more resources.

When she fights now, she doesn't have to worry about anything.

There is summer behind him.

She doesn't have to think about the situation behind her.

Hongfeng's attack is also constantly attacking the beast.

"No, he's already learned to be smart and doesn't give me a chance to raid. Although I have destructive power over those quasi-beast masters, this power is not enough for real beast masters." Hongfeng also understands , although he has fused so many black stones, but the fusion of so many black stones can only make him more powerful when dealing with quasi beasts.

But it couldn't let him break through the defense of the beast venerable quickly.

Unless it's a sneak attack.

but now.

This beast is also very strict.

Don't give him any chance.

"It doesn't matter, our task now is to hold him down, not kill him. If he really dies, all the beasts in it will run away, but it will be troublesome." Xia Xia also understands that once there is a beast here When Zun dies, the people inside will be even more dangerous.

"There are more and more immortal beasts ahead. If this goes on, we may not be able to escape." Qu Xi said anxiously.


It is the base camp of others. If these fairy beasts let the two of them escape so easily in the summer.

Doesn't that mean that the immortal beasts here are all waste.

"I'll find a way!!"

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