The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1145: ancient city


Shadow knows this ancient city.

"How much do you know?" Xia Tian asked.

"The ancient city is the edge area of ​​the fourth party, and it is also one of the famous dangerous places in China. There is a very dangerous old woman living here. I think you should not provoke this old woman." Ying reminded.

"Tell me!" Summer said.

"The ancient city was a myth back then. When the Fourth Party was just created, there was a barrier between humans and fairy beasts. At that time, humans were struggling with the fairy beasts. There have been many heroes and many heroes here. It's a terrific story, but in the end, there was a problem within the Human Alliance, so everyone abandoned this place. As a result, there was no one to support the ancient city war for three years, and the roads behind were all blocked. Even if they escaped at that time, they would only be forced. After entering the dead place, all the people in the ancient city died in battle. Only the old woman survived. The old woman also fell into the devil's way. I hate people so much."

Shadow explained.

Of course.

He said only one-sided things.

There are a lot of really detailed processes.

Summer can think of the tragic at that time.

And drive a woman into obsession.

That's definitely not easy.

"It seems that even if I know that there is a source of soil ahead, it is not so easy to get him." Xia Xia said with emotion.

He felt it for the first time.

The treasure is right in front of you, but you can't reach for it.

"The origin of the soil is indeed very important, but what I am most worried about is accidents." Ying worried that he would not be able to come out after the summer.

"It's all here, and it's too unwilling to leave like this. I still have to go in and have a look!!" Xia Xia also understood that if he left like this, he would really be unwilling.

If the source of the soil is taken away by others, it will be even more difficult for him to get it back.


She couldn't let go of this opportunity.


Summer sighed.

"Let's take a look, we're all here, you can't be scared away by a name!!" Xia Xia also strode inside, and he saw that there were many people walking in, and some of them came out. .

That is to say.

The old woman inside will not attack others casually. There must be restrictions on who she can attack. As long as she is careful, there should be no problem.

Be quiet.

Anyway, his realm doesn't look high now.

Shouldn't attract anyone's attention.

As long as he doesn't provoke others casually, he can just be patient.

that's it.

Entering the ancient city in summer.

He soon discovered a situation, that is, not only is he honest here, all the people are very honest, and no one makes trouble.

There was no fight either.

No one even went to destroy everything around.

Of course.

There are fools all the time.

"Get out of the way, blocking my son's way." A guard pushed Xia Tian.

In summer, it is also directly pressed to let go.

Did not cause trouble.

The young man looked like a powerful figure.

With hundreds of subordinates around.

it's here.

This is already a luxurious team.

A team with hundreds of subordinates can definitely attract the attention of many people.

"What kind of ruined place, so desolate, what kind of treasure can there be in such a place?" The young man's face was full of disdain.

His subordinates also stepped forward to compliment him.

"Son, what treasures can be found in such a broken place, it's all the treasures in the eyes of those loose cultivators, and the treasures in their eyes are just some things you throw away."

"That is, what kind of big scenes have these scattered cultivators seen, and if anything appears, it is said that there is a treasure."

"It is an honor for you to be here, and this place has become noble because of your presence."

his subordinates.

The ability to hold stinky feet is still very good.

"This broken place, I'm going to run for nothing, ruin it!!" The young man said very casually.


The two subordinates also stepped forward directly, wanting to use their own attacks to attack the surrounding statues.

Fly Ash!

When the power of these two people is mobilized.

The bodies of the two of them instantly turned to ashes.

"Who is it? Come out for me!!" The young man hurriedly shouted.

The surrounding men also protected him in the middle.

Xia Xia's eyes also looked around, he just didn't see where the attack came from.

"These people are dead!!" Shadow said.

"A bunch of idiots!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Get out of here quickly, I am the young mountain master of Tianya Mountain, and my father has 200,000 men!!" the young man shouted loudly.

no respond.

He was ignored.

See yourself ignored.

The boy's face was full of anger.

"Attack me, he must be hiding among the people around him. If he doesn't come out, he will kill all the people here." The young man said coldly.


This is his favorite thing to do.

If the person who provokes him doesn't come out.

Then he will kill one by one, he likes to see the desperate eyes of these people around likes to see them begging for mercy.

I prefer to see the look of that person standing up as a hero and being killed by him.


The men around him also all started to attack.


Their fate is exactly the same as that of the two people just now.

They haven't even hit their own attacks yet.

Turned into ashes.

Hundreds of men.

In the end, only the son was left.

"What??" The young man's face was also very ugly at this time.

Then started running outside.

He has understood.

There must be a master hidden here.

He can't afford such a master.

that's it.

Everyone can see clearly.

This boy turned into ashes while running.


He died just like that.


All the people around took a deep breath. They had seen what horror is today.

Nobody knows.

Who moved the hand.

No one knows either.

How did these people get killed.

"It's such a miraculous power. I've watched it so many times, but I haven't seen where she is, nor how she did it, but I have already found the source of the soil," Xia Xia said.

"Where?" Shadow asked.

"It's down here!!" Summer said.


"This is difficult." Ying said with emotion.

"Not only is it difficult to do, the source of the earth is the source of strength that supports this earth city. The earth city and the statues are ordinary earth and rocks, not even rocks. If the earth's origin is taken away, the earth city will disappear. , all the statues will also be turned to ashes!!!”

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