The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1154: 8 Qi Excalibur

Although the Lion King's next attack became very fast, the White Dragon King was equally powerful.

His attack power is also to defeat the Lion King!

that's it.

You come to me on both sides.

In the end the Lion King was defeated.


The situation of the White Dragon King is not very good either.

Obviously, this battle has caused him a lot of wear and tear, and there are wounds all over his body.

Xia Xia had already given the White Dragon King Realm King Pill and Recovery Medicine Pill, and the White Dragon King also took out the Realm King Pill and a large number of healing medicines for treatment at this time.


Because neither of them are trying their best, so although both of them are injured, they are not the kind of fatal injury: "You lost!!"

The Lion King fell to the ground.

"I lost!!"

Although he is very arrogant, he believes that he is not wronged for losing.

this battle.

He also used all his strength to fight.

"I came here this time just to find a Beast Venerable to fight. I don't mean to **** your territory, but just now the two of us seem to have a gamble!!" The White Dragon King was also interested in the biggest secret that the Lion King said.

The Lion King is also convinced of the loss.

No complaints.

Before he wanted to win the White Dragon King, he could help someone like the White Dragon King.


Failed now.

"A very powerful bird came to me some time ago!!" said the lion king.

"How powerful?" The White Dragon King became interested.

"I didn't even take a single blow from him!!" The Lion King shook his head helplessly.

He also thinks that he is a master, but it is very embarrassing to be defeated by someone else.

But the opponent's strength.

It's not something he can provoke casually.

"So powerful!!" The White Dragon King was someone who had really fought against the Lion King. He knew how powerful the Lion King was.

Although the lion king and each other are not in the true sense of life and death.

It's just that he was defeated by one move during the competition.

But it's also a very scary thing.

at this time.

He really felt that all this was a little scary.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to encounter such a terrifying existence here. At first, I thought he was a top expert from inside, but later I found out that he was not from inside, at least not from our side. people," said the Lion King.

"Such a powerful existence, why are you here?" The White Dragon King was very curious. Normally, such a powerful existence should not come to this kind of border.

There won't be anything here to attract that kind of powerhouse.

"He is here for the Yaqi Divine Sword!!!" The Lion King explained.

"Yaki Divine Sword? What is that? Why have I never heard of it!!!" The White Dragon King had never heard of this.

"I haven't heard of it. I suspect it is some kind of secret treasure of human beings, and it must be a top-level treasure. Otherwise, such a top-level expert will not be allowed to come forward in person." The Lion King is just guessing now.

After all, he really had never heard of such a thing.

However, in the human world, there are everything, and the names of various weapons also exist.


He guessed that it should be something in the human world.

But what it is, he doesn't know yet.

"It's possible!!" The White Dragon King nodded.

He really hadn't heard of what it was.

But he will remember it silently, and then go back and talk to Xia Xia.

"After he defeated you, what did he ask you to do?" the White Dragon King asked.

"That is to say, let me inform him of any news about the Yagi God Sword, and promise that my reward is very high, saying that as long as there is news, he will give me a famous weapon, if he finds Yaqi God Sword, just give me three famous artifacts!!" The Lion King was also interested in so many famous artifacts.

"Can a master of that level be trusted?" The White Dragon King thought, who could believe anything that kind of person casually promises.

"He showed me three famous instruments, and swore with his soul that everything he said would be done." The Lion King said.

"It's no problem." The White Dragon King was obviously chatting very well with the Lion King at this time.

The two of them didn't even know each other.

Such is the case among the beasts.

If there is no hatred, fighting will only make their relationship better.

"Actually, I also really want to complete the task, so I sent all my people out, but there is no news yet." The Lion King is also really interested in the three famous artifacts.

It is a pity that these three famous tools are not meant to be obtained by getting them.

It is necessary to find the Yagi Divine Sword.

"Okay, I won't bother anymore, let's go now," said the White Dragon King.

"Okay." The Lion King didn't force him to stay. That's how the immortal beasts are. They won't be as polite as humans. Of course, if the White Dragon King wants to have a drink with him here, he will also throw a banquet directly. of.


The White Dragon King just left.

Finally, when he returned to Xia Xia's side, he briefly talked about what happened.

"Yaki Divine Sword, I really haven't heard of Shadow is trying hard to remember, but no matter how much he recalls, he just can't think of such a thing.


Something that can be used as a reward for three famous objects.

Should be some really good stuff.

Although there are many good things in China.

But if he is really so famous, he should have heard of it.

Even a little bit of news will do.


He just hadn't heard anything about the Yagi Excalibur.

"Senior, could it be something from your era?" Ying also looked at Di Ling.

He always believed that if it wasn't something from his own era, it should be something from the Earth Spirit's era.

"I haven't heard of what this is. Maybe it is the treasure of some clan, or some hidden forces, monster clan forces, etc., which have never appeared in the human area." Earth Spirit has never heard of it either. What is this.

he thinks.

In this day and age, if it is really a famous weapon, it is impossible for Ying to have not heard of it.


It can only be the kind of weapon that has not been taken out and used.

Just like the Tianhan sword in summer.

It can be regarded as a famous weapon, but no one has heard of it, but if it continues to be used in this way for more than a hundred years in the summer, the Tianhan Sword will become famous in China.


Seeing that they hadn't heard of it in the summer, there was nothing they could do.

"Ask that one!!" Hong Feng reminded.

The one he was talking about was the Golden Feather Emperor! !

"Yes, I forgot about him." Xia Xia's consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

He also looked at Emperor Jinyu in front of him: "Do you know what the Yaqi Divine Sword is?"

"I know, of course I know." Emperor Jin Yu said hurriedly.

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