The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1181: It's time for us to perform [Supplement 2]

It worked.

this moment.

Hongfeng finally appeared behind Xia Xia.

In a time of crisis in the summer.

Hongfeng finally broke through.

"It's really timely!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"Tianyu inheritance has just started, it's too late, you can take it slowly later, but the golden feather power of the golden feather and the white crane has been completely absorbed." Hongfeng was very anxious along the way.

Now that he can finally help, he is in a very good mood.

Finally caught up.

What he is most afraid of is that something has happened in the summer, and he has not been able to break through.

"Then let's try the speed first!!" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


The red phoenix moved.

Summer disappeared in an instant.

"What's going on?" Ding Yi looked at Ding Er, they were about to catch up with Xia Xia just now, and even his soul was about to lock in Xia Xia's position.

But now.

Xia Xia actually disappeared directly from his soul lock.

"His speed has suddenly accelerated, and I don't know how many times faster than before." Ding Er's face was also a little ugly.

"Why did his speed suddenly increase? Could it be that he released some kind of ability like blood escape?" In Ding Yi's impression, the sudden increase in speed was the ability of blood escape.

"It is possible that a person like him can survive the pursuit of so many masters, and he must have some ability to escape, but even if it is a blood escape, there is a time limit. As long as we endure his time limit, He is a lamb to be slaughtered." Ding Er analyzed.

"No, who knows how long his blood escape can last, the adults can't wait for us for that long, top three, top four, leave it to you two, stop him at all costs for me!!" Ding Yi ordered directly.


Ding San and Ding Si's bodies instantly disappeared in place.

Bloody rays of light also appeared on the two of them.

This is blood escape.

It is the blood escape of the Celestial Clan.

Everything the Celestial Clan has is the best.

Including blood escape, it is also the top.

In the summer that is constantly moving forward, I suddenly feel that there are two breaths coming from behind: "You can catch up with such a fast speed!!"

"It's the two people who caught up before. The two of them are the fastest among the other six, but I have recorded their flight speed. If they fly normally, it is impossible to reach this speed. I think, They must have used some kind of secret technique or an ability similar to blood escape, after all, people from the Celestial Clan have never lacked various cultivation methods!!" Hong Feng analyzed.

He is always a good helper in summer.


He will record all the abilities of the enemy, and will analyze all the data of the enemy.

"No matter what it is used, if they were to replenish themselves, they would have used it before, but now that they suddenly use it, they must have found that my speed is faster, so they were forced to use this special ability to increase the Their speed, this special ability will definitely hurt themselves, we continue to drag them, not only can we disconnect the two of them from the people behind, but both of them have been attacked before and have not rested. , this will make their state continue to decline, and then it's time for us to fight back." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

Although the enemy is very capable.

But at this time.

The enemy is also stepping into his trap step by step.

If this goes on.

The enemy has never let go of his qi.

Then the pain in their body will get worse and worse.

They are the chasers.

They are a race against time.

But not myself.

Two days is just a deadline for the other party, not his own.

"I will speed up a little bit so that they won't feel the consumption of their increased speed, but over time, their consumption will be very terrible, and it is also the biggest consumption for them." Hongfeng reminded.


"Go, rush in the direction of Thirteen and the White Dragon King, I need the help of the two of them, although both of them are injured now, and they still use the ability of blood escape, they are still not something I can deal with. "Since Xia Xia is flying towards Thirteen and the White Dragon King, it has already proved that he is determined to counterattack.

When he maximizes the consumption of these two people, he will really fight back against these two people.

"These two guys are in a hurry!!" Hongfeng also found out.

The speed of the two men is still increasing, and as soon as he increases the speed, the two men increase the speed.

This proves.

The two were more anxious than expected.

"The high priest is waiting outside, and the cows have already blown down. If they can't kill me within two days, it will not only be humiliated in front of Zhu Zun, but also in the entire Shenzhou. After all, they are looking for me. At that time, I have already stepped into the sea and will kill me." Xia Xia also understood.

These six people are now under a lot of The high priest is their boss.

If they don't work hard, the face of the great sacrifice will be disgraced, then they will not have to live.

"Their speed has increased again, I'll drive at full speed, otherwise, I will be caught up!!" Hongfeng has been able to sense that the opponent's speed is increasing.

"You can't drive at full speed, you have to give them a chance to catch up. When you see that they are about to catch up, they will accelerate again. Every time they are about to catch up, they will accelerate with all their strength. This time is when they consume the most. After going down a few times, their own bodies will be severely overdrawn before they know it." Xia Xia has already calculated everything.

become his enemy.

That starts with the first fight.

They are destined to be calculated by him.

Step by step calculations.

"Thirteen and the White Dragon King are ready, and a day has passed, so let's use the old method to clean up these two people, this time, the two of them have no helpers, and this time, the two of them's bodies The situation does not allow them to use the previous method again." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

He finally waited for this moment.

"Finally, I can have a good time." Hong Feng said.

When he watched the Xia Xia War before, he was very anxious and always thought that he could help, but at that time, his body was absorbing the power of the Golden Feather White Crane, so he kept breaking through and couldn't do anything.


He finally had a chance to fight.


Xia Tian nodded slightly, then rushed out: "Next, it's our turn to perform."

"Summer, no matter what method you use, you can't escape from our hands." Ding San shouted loudly.

"Escape?" The corner of Xia Tian's mouth raised slightly.

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