The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1192: Shadow Returns


The person who fell in front of Xia Xia at this time was Ying.

A mask covers his face.

"Looks like you are all ready." Ying said with emotion.

"Why are you back?" Xia Xia was very curious.

Ying is different from other people. Even Emperor Jin Yu has been dead for a long time, but how long has Ying Cai been dead?

Such a little time is no different from retreating once.

Nothing about him outside should have changed.

"Outside, I am already a dead person, including in Shenwei, I am also a dead person, Shenwei has a new person to replace me, this world has no place for me, I have already considered it, think I want to go see your life with you, walk your path, even if one day I really fall, I will not live in vain!!" Ying stretched out his hand: "Would you like to take me? "


Xia Xia's hand and Ying filmed together: "Let's go together!!"


At this time, Ding San had already been killed by Xia Xia. He never dreamed that such a thing would happen.

in his impression.

He should be able to hold off Xia Xia. No matter what means Xia Xia had, it was impossible to hurt him, but he never dreamed that he would fall here like this.

"Take a Great Realm King Pill first and see how much you can grow." Xia Xia threw a Great Realm King Pill to Ying.

Shadow is also the first time to use it.

The effect should be good.

And he is different from Thirteen.

He should have accumulated a lot of talent and strength over the years.

He was also the top talent back then.


Ying Ye was not polite, and directly took the Great Realm King Pill.

"Let's go, let's go to support Shisan and Quxi first, help them get there, and then talk about it!!" Xia Tian thought about defeating them one by one.


He soon found out.

Several other people are gathering.

As if they already knew the news that Ding San had died.


This kind of thing should not exist.

Because they have completely opened the battlefield.

The entire battlefield is also very scattered. If the top three died, they may know about it later, but it should be unknown for the time being.


The two sides gathered together again.

Xia Xia also gave another Great Realm King Pill to Emperor Jin Yu, who was closer to breakthrough.

at this time.

Here they are.

Seven people: Xia Xia, Thirteen, Qu Xi, Ying, Di Ling, Golden Feather Emperor and White Dragon King.


Top one, top two, top five and top six.

There are six of them, and now there are only four left.

This time.

In the summer they filled the gap in numbers.


Ding Yi also thought about letting Ding San hold Xia Xia down, and then they would kill the others first, preferably those who could be caught alive, and threaten Xia Xia, but in the end, Ding San was actually killed by Xia Xia.

This kind of thing shocked them very much.

"I said, I will keep you all here." Xia Xia looked at the four people in front of him with a blank expression.

"If we run away wholeheartedly, you can't leave us!!" Ding Yi said with great disdain.

He hates it like this in summer.

Although they are not from the Celestial Clan, they are the top guards of the Celestial Clan, and their status is higher than that of the ordinary Celestial Clan.

Usually they are high above the existence.

How can you allow others to speak arrogantly in front of them?

"Escape, let's see if you can escape before the immortal beast clan arrives, just as there is a pig Zun outside, he should also be waiting for you." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "Of course, you guys This kind of **** Celestial Clan people will not have any beliefs, and it does not matter if the task cannot be completed."

The easiest way to strike.

It should be used at the most critical time.

"Xiamen, don't think that you can beat us with one more expert." Ding Yi looked at Xia Xia coldly.

"Whether you can beat it, you won't know until after the fight, and you should also understand that there is not much time left for you and me. You always think that you are the one who dominates the battlefield in this battle, but in fact, you are wrong, and you dominate the battlefield. It should be me, if it wasn't to kill the six of you, I wouldn't stop, as long as I keep running, you won't be able to catch up with me until I die." Xia Xia said.

"You want to figure out how we tracked you!!" Ding Yi already understood what summer meant.

Summer has been from the beginning to the present.

There is only one purpose.

That is to figure out how these people tracked him down.

"That's right, if I don't figure this out, I'll always be passive!!!" Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, you can't wait for this opportunity. Even if we die, we will only tell this method to the immortal beast family, not to you." Ding Yi said very proudly.


Di Ling walked behind and came over: "Xia Tian, ​​there is a problem with that top two."

"What's the problem?" Xia Xia kept his eyes on the people in front of him. When Di Ling said that there was a problem with the top two, obviously those people were a little moved.


They are well hidden.

That feeling disappeared instantly.

"When I was fighting with him, I found that although his realm is very high, his overall fighting quality is not as good as that of other people. This does not mean that he is weak, but that he seems to be distracted to do other things. I suspect that he has a big secret!!" Di Ling said his guess directly.


When I heard this.

Xia Xia looked at Ding Er in front of him: "Then you will be my It's simple and clear.

This is the attitude of summer.

The purpose of what he said directly was simple.

It is declaring war with the opponent.

at the same time.

It is also necessary to see the reaction of the other party.

Sure enough.

The other party responded immediately.

They protected Ding Er in the middle.

"Even an experienced person like you will show your flaws at such a time. The more you are like this, the more I will try to get rid of him!!" A smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.


He and his brothers behind him.

They rushed up together.



Ps: The new contract was signed yesterday. According to the requirements of the contract, the book will be updated with 100,000 words a month from now on, and a chapter is 2,000 words. In other words, it should be updated once or twice a day in the future.

However, I will still update normally this month, and I will update it once in October, and then I may leave according to the contract.

I have to abide by the contract, please forgive me.

The content will be more essential, and there will be more exciting parts that everyone wants to see.

However, this also gave me more time, and I will start to formally refine the new book next month.

The new book has been promised to everyone before, but it has been unable to be released due to contract issues.

Now it's finally done.

The new book is tentatively set to be the apprentice of the greedy wolf, and the subject matter is different. Don't worry, you can revise it slowly in order to produce a high-quality book.

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