The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1198: nothing to be afraid of

Four Great Realm King Pills.

He was completely digested.

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

His current Venerable level is twelve.

"The second one is increased by nine levels, the third one is increased by eight levels, the fourth one is increased by seven levels, and the fifth one is increased by six levels, which is decreasing!!" said Di Ling.

The first Great Realm King Pill he took at that time.

The realm has been improved by ten levels.

Then began to decrease.

Although it is decreasing.

But for other people, this is already very heaven-defying, because their highest first, none of Human Earth Spirit's fifth has risen much.

"In other words, you are now the forty-two Venerable!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.

Earth Spirit is too arrogant.

With one jump, he went directly from a person of the second level of the venerable to the forty-two of the venerable.

This growth rate can be said to be against the sky.

"It's still the Great Realm King Pill. If it weren't for the Great Realm King Pill, then no matter how much potential or talent I have, it's useless!!" Di Inspiration said.

he thinks.

His own potential is a maximalist.

But the Great Realm King Dan is Bole.

this world.

The most indispensable is the Maxima.

But what was really missing was Bole.

And summer.

It is the person who created Bole.

"It's going to be level 50 soon. If Senior Earth Spirit also reaches level 50, there will be three people in our team who reach level 50." Thirteen said excitedly.

their team.

It's growing faster than expected.

"Senior Earth Spirit, don't you need to rest?" Ying asked.

"No need, my body is completely adapted to this realm, and I have a lot of experience in the past, so there is no such thing as adapting to the realm, not only me, but also Emperor Jinyu." Xia Xia looked at Emperor Jinyu .

"That's right, I am indeed like this," said the Golden Feather Emperor.

"It seems that your re-cultivation is not entirely a disadvantage!!" Ying found that although he did not re-cultivation, he still had to understand his current state and adapt to his current state.

But Emperor Jin Yu and Di Ling were both top-notch experts back then.

Neither of them have to adapt to anything.

Seeing their luxurious team in the summer, a smile appeared on his face.

With such a luxurious team, who are they afraid of in the future?

The level of the White Dragon King is: Venerable Fifty.

The rank of Thirteen is: Venerable Tenth.

The rank of Emperor Jinyu is: the tenth rank of Venerable.

Shadow's level is Venerable Ninety-one.

The current level of the Earth Spirit is: Venerable forty-two.

Qu Xi is the Half-step Venerable.

Summer is the power of law 110,000 points.

"Xiamen, what are your plans?" Ying looked at Xiaxia.

The leader of this team is Summer.


They also want to ask what they think about summer. After all, the next step is also very important to them.

"Plan!!" Xia Xia looked into the distance, he was going to return to the human world.

It's not a good thing to hide in the fairy beast all the time! !

Just when he wanted to say something.

A formation appeared in front of them.


The light flashed.

Pig Zun appeared.

Everyone was on alert instantly.

Xia Xia also waved his hand, indicating that everyone should not be so nervous. If Zhu Zun really wants to deal with them, then the people who come here should not only be Zhu Zun himself, but also a large number of masters of the fairy beast family.

"Your name is Summer, right!!" Pig Zun looked at Xia Xia.

"Yes, Senior Pig!!" Xia Xia said.

"Very polite!!"

"I only respect those who have helped me." Xia Xia had to admit that if Zhu Zun hadn't suddenly appeared at that time, he might have been in danger.

It was because of the appearance of Zhu Zun that he was able to resolve the crisis there.


Now when he is facing Zhu Zun, he is also very polite.

"Not much nonsense, I came to you this time to drive you away!!" Pig Zun said.

"I understand!!" Summer said.

"No, you don't understand, this time I drive you away, not just to let you go!!" Zhu Zun said.

"It seems that Senior Zhu Zun is trying to impose a ban on me!!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, you are a smart person, but you are too smart. This time you deliberately brought them here, hoping to use the rules between the immortal beasts and humans to resolve your crisis. This is the use of our immortals. The beast clan, using the rules between the immortal beast clan and the human race, if you do this, if you do not handle it well, it will cause a war between the human race and the immortal beast clan, and you should be able to imagine the consequences." Zhu Zun said.


"I did come in with this mentality!!" Xia Xia did not deny it.

"And anyway, you and the people around you are too much above the level of the venerable. There are many rules between the immortal beast family and the human race, one of which is that it is not allowed to be above the venerable, especially the famous venerable. Entering the territory of the immortal beast family, you should understand this too!!" Zhu Zun said again.

"Okay, I promised, no matter how many people I am chased and killed in the future, I will not easily step into the fourth-party fairy and beast clan's Of course, if there is really a very important thing , I will still come, but I will inform you first!!" Xia Xia said.


Pig Zun nodded, and then disappeared in place.

He came here this time to notify Xia of these things. Now that the notification has been completed, there is no need for him to stay here.

He believed.

Summer will do what it says.

"Let's get ready to leave here, everyone has ordered the expulsion of guests, and it's not like that if we don't leave." Xia Tian received everyone in the crowd.


The origin of the earth!

Summer opens the source of soil.

The crowd disappeared.


It reappears in the human zone in summer.

"Aren't you afraid of being chased by humans?" Qu Xi asked.

"I have so many reliable masters of you here, what am I afraid of." Xia Xia is really not afraid now, even if the former high priest comes back, he is not afraid at all.

His current team.

Very luxurious.


Not only are they powerful, they also have their own special abilities.

"The Celestial Clan has been killed this time. They claim to kill you within three days, but now that so long has passed, they haven't killed you yet. This is really a shame." Thirteen said with emotion.

That's right.

This time.

The Celestial Clan lost six Venerable masters above the 50th level.

It can be said.

They have lost their reputation and lost their soldiers and generals! !

That big sacrifice must be half-dead from anger now.

"Didn't you ask me what I want to do before? Then I'll tell you now, the first thing I have to do is..." Xia Xia looked at everyone: "Declaring war on the Celestial Clan!!!"

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