The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1087: Sky Strike

"Instructor, what do you mean, someone will kill us when we go up?" Xu Song asked.

"No, you are already under surveillance now, that is to say, once you set foot on the unnamed island, you may die at any time, because you are already the prey of others." Xia Xia looked at the two of them and said.

"It's terrifying." Chen Lin nodded.

"What kind of horror is this, remember one sentence, whether you are a prey or a hunter is entirely up to you. The wolf travels the world to eat meat, and the dog travels a thousand miles to eat shit. As long as your ability is great, then you and the other party will change their angles. You become the hunter, and the other party becomes the prey." Xia Xia said.

"Instructor, I understand." Xu Song said.

"Any slightest sloppiness and mistakes may kill you. I don't want you to fail the first mission, so you two have to be careful, and this treasure won't end in a few days. This paragraph You may all live worse than stray dogs in time." Xia Xia reminded.

So many masters, if they fight, it will not be a simple battle, and he has already seen the situation of Wuming Island. The area of ​​Wuming Island is not small. Although there are many people who go to it, it is not so easy to encounter enemies. simple.

"Instructor, if we encounter an enemy that we can't solve, will you show up?" Chen Lin asked.

"No, because all the people on the island this time are my enemies, and what you are facing is just the tip of the iceberg. If you can't solve even those small difficulties, then the two of you are not qualified to be part of the dragon group. Official members." Xia Xia said.

"Instructor, do you mean that we can become full members if we complete the task?" Xu Song smiled happily.

"Well! This mission is an assessment. I don't need you to kill people, but I need you to not die, and it is impossible for me to protect the two of you, and I don't have the energy. If these people want to get rid of China's territory If I take things away, then I will leave their lives on this island forever." Xia Xia said coldly.

Hearing Xia's words, both of their bodies felt cold, because Xia's words were really domineering.

They also read the list just now.

Those are all the top experts from various countries, but Xia Xia actually said that they want to kill them all. This is simply too terrifying. Even if any one of China's four major experts comes, it can't be done.

So many masters are tired and exhausted all at once.

But summer dared to say such a thing.

However, neither Xu Song nor Chen Lin had any disbelief, because since the head of Huaxia dared to send Xia Xia alone, it meant that the head of Huaxia had confidence in Xia Xia. At this time, the two of them felt that their instructor was even more mysterious.

I have nothing to do, Xia Xia opened the book I grabbed from the greedy wolf, and after looking through it for a long time, there was nothing. The greedy wolf relied on this book to practice so many kinds of internal strength, but Xia Xia didn't care how I looked at it. The mystery does not come out.

In the end, he could only give up, and he directly took out a book from the Witch Gu Sect.

Although no one in the Wugu Sect uses swords, there have been quite a few kendo books in the Wugu Sect over the years, so Xia Xia casually picked up a copy and read: "By the way, what weapons do you two use?"

"Instructor, I use a knife, she uses a dagger." Xu Song said.

"Oh, these two books, you two should study them first, and then I'll get you a good weapon by yourself when you get there." Xia Tian threw the two books to Xu Song and Chen Lin. When the two of them saw the When the title of the book was mentioned, the whole person was stunned.

They can see that this is a secret.

For the current Huaxia, a complete cheat book is definitely a treasure, because too many cheats have been lost now, but Xia Xia gave them two cheats later, and they were even more surprised when they opened it to watch. .

Both of these are super martial arts cheats.

"Thank you, instructor." The two said excitedly.

"Let's take a good look. It's as much as you can watch before you arrive at your destination. When you get there, you two won't have a chance to watch it!" Xia Xia finished and went to look at the kendo secrets in his hand.

This swordsmanship is called Heaven Strike!

The power is indeed very powerful, but the time required for cultivation is also very long. In summer, there is simply no time to cultivate. This book says that those who can cultivate this sword technique within 30 years are extremely talented people.

Moreover, this Heaven Strike technique seems to be able to comprehend a higher level of swordsmanship.

But how could there be thirty years in the summer? If he practiced this swordsmanship for thirty years, he would have been killed tens of thousands of times by others, and his enemies could not wait to kill him ten times a day.

Although it is too late to practice this set of swordsmanship, what Xia Xia sees is the understanding of the way of kendo. These insights are all the hard work of the seniors for a lifetime. Only those who understand the way of kendo for a lifetime can write this kind of insight.

This is the wealth of the predecessors.

"It's terrifying that a person can comprehend Kendo to such an extent." Xia Xia was completely shocked when he saw that every word seemed to hide the meaning of Kendo.

The person who wrote this book is a sword god. He has spent his whole life studying He has reached the realm of the unity of man and sword, he is the sword.

He has no wife, no children and no daughters all his life, all of them are meticulously studying kendo. He has thrown away all desires. In his heart, there is only the pursuit of kendo, and nothing else.

There is no dispute, no competition, and no title, just one sentence, sword!

In his eyes, there is nothing but the sword. This kind of understanding of the sword has surpassed everything. This is the real sword idiot, and Xia Xia will not be able to reach his realm in this life.

This person is not necessarily strong, but his understanding of the sword and the use of the sword are definitely one of the strongest people in history.

Xia Tian slowly closed the book, then closed his eyes.

He has just created the dismantling swordsmanship, and now let him see such an excellent kendo perception, which gives him a new experience. Although he has practiced the dismantling swordsmanship tens of millions of times before, he only has Practice, without insight.

This is the trick!

It simply cannot exert its maximum power.

The same is true for Xia Xia's dismantling swordsmanship. He originally planned to use Tianxingjue's mental technique to use it, but at this time he found that Tianxingjue was always an external force, and could not exert the greatest power of the dismantling swordsmanship at all.

"Hahaha, this is actually possible." Xia Xia laughed excitedly in his heart.

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【】,thank you all!

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