The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1200: Kill the dog of the Tianzu people first

Summer doesn't want the team to be separated.

On the one hand, he believes that the dogs of the Celestial Clan people have not yet separated from the Celestial Clan people. On the one hand, it is because they are afraid of the Celestial Clan people. On the other hand, it is also because they may have some cards and means. If so, there may be an accident.

It will be troublesome then.

on the other hand.

Now he has not found out how the Celestials tracked him. If this matter is not clear, then he will never be safe.

Teams cannot be separated.

Maintaining the status quo! !

"I know this Haoyuemen, they occupy an immortal vein, and it is the only way to go to a star belt, so people who usually pass by, they will charge a fee, which is considered a dominant existence." Ying explained.

"A prospective Venerable, in the eighth party, I still believe that there is such a large amount of energy, but this is the fourth party, such a profitable place, it should not be his turn!!" Thirteen said.

he thinks.

It is normal for a quasi-exalted person to occupy such a natural place in the eighth party.

But in a place like this, the overall number of masters is much more than that of the eighth party.

And there are more hidden masters.

The number of prospective Venerables in the fourth party is very large.

"Normally speaking, it's really impossible, and he's only a fourth-class dog from the Celestial Clan, so it's not enough to have the identity here, but I have inquired before that he is a ruthless person, and when he mastered the Haoyue Sect, he paid a lot of money. The price, and there are people behind him!!" Shadow said.


"It seems that the next thing is interesting, then let's fight directly!!" Xia Xia brought everyone into the crowd.

Then use the source of earth.

After having the source of the earth, he is absolutely against the sky in terms of rushing.

that's it.

have coordinates.

When they are on their way, it is much more convenient.

Haoyue Gate.

"Should I go up first?" Thirteen asked.

"En!!" Summer nodded slightly.


Thirteen rushed up directly.

"Who dares to run wild at our Haoyue Gate, isn't he impatient?" the Haoyue Gate's guard shouted loudly.

puff! puff!

The two of them just wanted to get closer to Thirteen.

As a result, Thirteen was completely killed.

He is here to kill this time, no nonsense at all.

It directly killed and wounded the base camp of Haoyuemen.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" Haoyuemen's alarm system also sounded completely.

For a moment.

All the people in Haoyuemen ran out.

They follow in the summer.

The people who came up and down, when they were halfway there, were killed by a few of them in the summer.

"Leave it to me here. If there are still support, I will keep them." Qu Xi glanced at Xia Xiaxia.

it's here.

They all want to show their worth.

Including Quxi! !

that's it.

There are thirteen open roads ahead.

There is a curved stream at the back.

Summer took the others and began to walk upwards.

"The formation has been done, and no one will know about anything that happens here!!" Ying said.


Xia Tian nodded slightly, and then he also began to speed up.

at this time.


Thirteen's lethality is very terrifying. When hundreds of people rushed to him, he also directly killed hundreds of people with one blow.

Those people in front of him are not enough to see.

"There is no one who can fight!!" Thirteen looked at the people in front of him with disdain.

"Who are you?" The people in front of them all looked at Thirteen angrily.

They don't think they have provoked such a master.

"The word Xia on my mask already represents my identity!!" Thirteen said.


They obviously don't understand what the word Xia means: "Our Haoyue Sect's sect master is the dog of the Celestial Clan's people!!"

Those people seemed to want to use the reputation of the Celestial Clan to suppress Thirteen.

This proves that they really don't know what the word Xia represents.


They won't say anything like that anymore.


Xia Xia has declared war on the Celestials, and the dogs of the Celestials are sure to die.

"That's right, I'm here to kill the dog of the Celestial Clan people!!" Thirteen said very casually.

puff! Dozens of people in front of him were instantly killed.


at this time.

From the top of Haoyue Gate.

Three figures were left behind, and the man in the middle was very powerful: "My friend, Master Haoyue doesn't seem to have offended you at all!!"

He didn't remember knowing the masked powerhouse.

Although he is usually very strong here.

If those people in the past wanted to do something, he would kill without mercy, which would make the other party die very miserably.

But he really didn't offend any masters.

Not only did he let those masters and identities pass for free, but he even deliberately made friends.

He was just going to bully those ordinary people.


He shouldn't have offended any top-notch enemies.

But now.

The enemy in front of him was so powerful.

"You are the dog of the Celestial Clan, and this identity has already offended us!!" Thirteen said!

at the same time.

Summer also fell on Thirteen's side.

When he saw the summer, Haoyue's eyes lit up: "You are the summer!!"

Xia Xia's wanted orders are everywhere, and naturally a dog like him has also received it.


He recognized Summer at a glance.

"Do you now know why I attacked you here?" Xia Xia asked.

"You really declared war with the Celestials?" Zhenren Haoyue didn't want to provoke an existence like Xia Xia.

Although the summer bounty is high.

But in his view.

High bounty means high risk.

He does not lack those now, so there is no need to go all out for those fairy crystals.

"As long as you are still the dog of the Celestial Clan, then I will kill you!!" Xia Xia said very casually.

Haoyue Zhenren glanced at it, and then said: "Xia Tian, ​​if you want to pass by me, I won't embarrass you, and I won't spread your news. How about we don't embarrass anyone?"

"You are still too naive, this world has to make a choice, you either choose to continue to follow the people of the Celestial Clan, or you choose to give up everything, and now you choose to follow the people of the Celestial Clan, and you don't want to abandon it all, then you Be prepared to be killed by me at any time!!!" Xia Xia said.

"I quit, I'm not the dog of the people of the day!!" said Haoyue Zhenren.

Of course.

He's really just a trick.


He is waiting for help.


Xia Xia saw through his little thought. From the very beginning, Xia Xia knew that he had called a helper, and there was a teleportation array here, and the helper should come by teleportation array.

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

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