The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1206: I have no way out

Ying told this just to let Xia Xia understand that their opponent this time has a backer and is not easy to mess with.

If Xia Xia still wants to deal with this person, it will inevitably lead to Dong Batian.

I have seen Dongbatian once in summer.

The last time was the death of Dongbatian's son.

This time.

It was a benefactor who wanted to kill Dongbatian in the summer.

It can be said.

This is completely provoking Dongbatian.

"It's him!!" Xia Tian's words were very simple, but it also represented his attitude.

He chose this time.

This is Dongbatian's former benefactor.

But he won't back down either.


He has no way out.

Since he has embarked on this road, he will not give up halfway.

Before the battle of the Celestial Clan, he must cut off all contact between the Celestial Clan and the outside world, so that he can have more chances.

"Okay!!!" Everyone also understood Xia's attitude.

They will only give summer advice.

Will not make decisions for summer.

This point, from the moment they followed the summer, had already thought about it.

If they make decisions for the summer, then they don't have to follow the summer.

Just go with their own life.

"It's getting more and more interesting!!" A smile appeared on Emperor Jin Yu's face.

Shadow also glanced at his fist.

He understands.


It's time to rely on him.

Of course.

He also understands that the current him is not Dongbatian's opponent at all. Although he and Dongbatian are only less than ten levels apart, the difference between the two of them is not a star and a half.

But he will never back down.

"Red Cloud City!!"

This is a secondary big city.

It can be said.

Such cities are ranked top in China.

Normally, to be the city lord here, one must at least have the strength of a half-step Venerable, and there are many masters around, but the level of the city lord here is not even a quasi-exalted one.

It's not that he can't use resources to smash it.

But he wanted to rely on his own ability to cultivate up.

rather than external force.

"City Lord, the next target in summer is you!!"

"Interesting, I don't believe that he really dares to come to trouble me." A smile appeared on the face of the Red Cloud City Lord.

"I have to guard against it!!"

"Okay, then you can help me contact those who have helped me, and those who have promised me. Among those people, there are at least thirty or forty quasi-vendors, and the rest are masters of other levels. There are also many, who can be called, and all the guards outside are called back, and the guards in the city also cheer them up!!" said the Red Cloud City Lord.

"The thing about that Aries before..."

"By the way, all the wives, children, young and old of all the generals will be taken over to me, ready to live my dead father's birthday!!" said the Red Cloud City Lord.

Happy birthday to the dead.

This kind of thing really makes me speechless.


The subordinates obviously did not respond.

"Oh, by the way, arrange a group of killers to see all the family members of the guard captain and above in the city. If you find that any of them are disobedient, or their subordinates are disobedient, do you know what to do?" But a very ruthless existence.

An Aries thing can never happen to him.


He believes that Aries is just a low-level waste in his eyes.

Can't compare to him at all.

Xia Tian dares to make trouble with Aries, and he can still succeed, but if Xia dares to come to him to make trouble, it will be his own death.

"Yes, Lord City Lord!!"

City Lord Red Cloud glanced at the fine wine in his hand: "It's been a long time since something so interesting has happened, but that's fine, if nothing major happens to me, people outside should think that I, the City Lord, have gained a false reputation!! "

Red Cloud City! !

"This city is so big!!" Xia Xia said.

"It's the nearby main city. In this city, there are at least hundreds of millions of people flowing, and the number of the city guards is more than one million. Together with other hired guards outside the city, there are at least two million. ' Shadow reminded.


"Sounds like a good friend!!" Xia Xia said.

"According to the information sent back by Shisan and Quxi, the city lord has already moved. He called in a lot of helpers and began to shrink the masters outside the city. At the same time, in order to avoid the occurrence of Aries, the city lord will also All the family members of the generals in the city are invited to go back to celebrate the birthday of his dead father." Ying almost laughed when he said this.

"To live a life for the dead?" Xia Xia also laughed.

this kind of thing.

It was also the first time he heard it.

he feels.

This is a talent.

"Yeah, and he also arranged killers in the homes of people above the captain level. If the captain and any of the captain's subordinates make mistakes, the captain's family will be implicated, so by doing this, he can prevent the Aries from happening. ." The shadow general also said all the information behind him.

"What a ruthless character." Emperor Jin Yu said with emotion.

"Such a person's methods are really unusual. Compared with the opponents we encountered before, he is definitely the most troublesome one." Di Ling said.

"No matter who he is, go up and kill directly. With the strength of the few of us, it will not be difficult to destroy this Red Cloud City!!" The White Dragon King said very violently.

"We're not here to slaughter the city. It's enough to kill the Red Cloud City Lord. For the others, teach us a lesson and let people outside know our determination!!" Xia Xia said.


"When are you going to do it!!" Ying looked at Xia Xia.

their team.

It's summer.

"Now!!" Summer got up.

Then his hands pinch! !

One after another meteors fell from the sky.

Meteor is very big.

As if to destroy the entire city.

huge destructive power.

enough to burn everything.

Boom! !

"Enemy attack!!!"

All the guards in the city were instantly ready for battle.

They all know summer is coming.

Normally, Xia Xia's battle would never be so flamboyant. He prefers a more restrained way of fighting, just defeating the opponent directly.

But this time.

The battle of summer is all about showing off.

his way.

It is to completely destroy the prestige of the Celestial Clan people.


Xia Xia's body flew high: "I'm Xia Xia, I don't want to die, get out now, whoever blocks me, kill without mercy!!!"

A few simple words.

full of violence.

"Summer, it's summer, the city lord has an order, whoever kills Xiaxia will not only get the rewards of the Celestial Clan, but also become the general of Red Cloud City!!!"

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