The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1313: mysterious man

"What's the matter?" Summer asked.

"I feel that Ye was a little bit ferocious, and his condition at that time seemed to be the constant tearing of his soul!!!" Shenwu explained.

He saw this at the time.

Also very surprised.

But because their traction was too strong at the time, he didn't have time to see much.

"Is it something like two souls?" Xia Xia asked.

"Almost!!" Shen Wu nodded slightly, he didn't know how to explain it.

If you say that in summer, it's really pretty much the same.

At that time, it really seemed like two souls were fighting.


"It seems that Ye has a lot of secrets!!" Xia Xia nodded slightly.

"In those days of our group, everyone had some secrets about them, and everyone had their own experiences, but in our eyes, that night was very inconspicuous, and none of us even thought that he would survive until Finally." Shenwu has now recovered the memories of that year.

That is their history and memory.

Although it's all in the past.

"By the way, didn't I tell you before, let you find your own life? Why do you want to come back to me!!" Xia Tian remembered that when they separated, he had told Shenwu .

Let Shenwu find his family and friends in the future.

"My life doesn't exist anymore. Maybe there was before that incident, but since that incident, everyone thought I was dead!!!" Shen Wu smiled.

"All dead?" Xia Tian asked.

"Even if they are still alive, I don't know where they have fled!!!" Shenwu tried to find his family, but it has been so many years, trying to find his family in Shenzhou is like looking for a needle in a haystack what.

As for his life.

Also no longer exists.

That was a long time ago.

"En!!" Summer also saw it.

Shenwu can't find his life direction for the time being.

"By the way, Master, I came across a weirdo!!!" Shen Wu suddenly remembered something.

"What weirdo?" Xia Tian asked.

"The man ran away when he saw me, and the speed was very fast. I was very curious at the time, so I kept chasing him, but he would escape every time, and I found that every time I found him, his strength improved a bit. , Although it doesn't skip a lot, but growing up so many times in a month makes people feel that there is a problem." Shenwu said with emotion.

he thinks.

This growth is clearly abnormal.

"Can you still find him?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, but it will take a little time. My ability to search is much stronger than before. As long as it is someone I have seen, and their realm is not as high as mine, I can almost find a way to find him!!" Shenwu said .


"Then find this person for me." Xia Xia also became interested in this person.

one person.

within a month.

Improve your cultivation many times.

This is absolutely not normal.

However, this ability of Shenwu is really a bit against the sky.

Find someone for this later.

It's much more convenient.

But Shen Wu also said it.

There are limitations. First of all, the realm of the other party cannot be higher than him, and what he said is almost, that is to say, there are still accidents.


Just when Shenwu wanted to conduct a thorough search, his eyes lit up: "It's such a coincidence, that person is actually nearby!!!"

His quest is.

The closer the distance, the faster the search.


Even if he has the ability to find each other, it will take a long time.

"The recent extremely cold place is really uneasy!!" Although Xia Xia had dealt with the situation in the extremely cold place, he did not expect that there are so many outside the extremely cold place. matter.

"Master, I have determined his position. It is very close and is moving. I can lock his exact position within ten minutes!!!" Shenwu seemed to be a child.

I want to express myself in front of summer.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Okay, I also want to see who this weird person you are talking about is."

ten minutes.

Shen Wu locked the man.

Summer took a look.

This is a young man who looks weak and weak.

The young man was very vigilant, although he was very careful when they observed each other in the summer and didn't reveal anything.

But the young man still seemed to sense something and ran away instantly.

"It's interesting!!" Xia Tian's eyes lit up.

He can be very sure that he has absolutely not exposed any breath.

"It's very strange, this person is very alert. I was almost escaped by him a few times before. Every time I felt that I was hiding well, he ran away!!" Shen Wu said.


Summer looked up slightly.

Shen Wu also looked over: "Master, what are you looking at!!"

"Hair!!" Summer said.

"Hair?" Shen Wu was puzzled.


Xia Xia's fingers moved and cut off a hair in front of him directly.

The middle of the hair seems to be connected by thousands of threads: "He has discovered us!!"


Shen Wu obviously didn't expect that hair can also be used for investigation. If it wasn't for Xia Xia here, he probably would never know that the other party was relying on hair to investigate him.

"Come with me, let's bypass the hair!!" Xia Xia's body moved and disappeared directly in place.

Shen Wu also looked at the summer with admiration.

Follow the summer quietly walked past.


They saw the man again.

This time.

The men did not find them.

"Shenwu, the last time you saw him, what realm was he in?" Xia Xia asked.

"Half-step Venerable already. When I first saw him, he was still a third-rank quasi-exalter!!" Shenwu said.


"The speed of this improvement is very unbelievable. In this way, you can use the strength of an ordinary Venerable to try him!!" Xia Xia said.

Shen Wu instantly disappeared in place! !

boom! !

The opponent's reaction speed is very fast.

It collided directly with Shenwu's attack.

"Who, why are you attacking me?" The other party obviously couldn't recognize the Shenwu after Yi Rong.

Shen Wu did not reply.

Instead, keep attacking.

"This person is so bloody!!!" Hong Feng said with emotion.


Xia Xia also frowned. When this person made a move, it was as if he had climbed out of a pile of dead people, giving him a natural blood that made people shudder.

Seeing Shenwu's attack gradually put him in danger.

But at this moment.

As soon as his body moved, he came behind Shenwu in an instant, and directly grabbed Shenwu's two arms.

Then a thin tube appeared on his body.

Want to pierce Shenwu's body.

"Not good!!" Hong Feng hurriedly shouted.

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