The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1319: unleashed a lot of old monsters

Xia Xia guessed that this Lan Zun should be the sixth person, because the person he rescued at that time remembered very clearly, only Lan Zun did not remember such a person.

And since Lan Zun came out of it.

That should be the mysterious sixth person who escaped in the end.

"You are wrong!!!" Lan Zun said lightly.

"Am I wrong?" Xia Xia looked at Lan Zun puzzled.

"Although I succeeded in escaping because you were making trouble in the iceberg area, I'm not the guy you imagined, and I know who the guy you imagined is!!" Lan Zun didn't say it clearly, but he The words have said it all.

The explanation is also very clear.

Summer must be able to understand.

"It seems that I really misunderstood!!" Xia Xia nodded slightly.

He thought before that only those people were sealed, but from Lan Zun's words, it could be heard that the people who were sealed should be more than the ones he rescued.

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"Let's put it this way, when you made a scene in the iceberg area this time, you released everyone who had been sealed there over the years, and even some old guys whose lifespans had reached their limit and sealed themselves by ice sealing were also released by you. In the next period of time, Shenzhou may not be very peaceful, of course, most people will not embarrass you, as long as you say that you are summer, those people will give you a little face!!" Lan Zun explained.

After all, Xia Xia was the savior of those people, although Xia Xia also saved those people unintentionally.

But it ended up saving those people.

No one would deliberately embarrass a savior of his own.

"So, I've made friends with a lot of tough people this time." Xia Tian smiled.

Just kidding.

He doesn't care how many masters he has made.

In his opinion.

Only when you are truly strong is the most effective.

"Forget it, whether you want to admit it or not, you've already done it." Lan Zun glanced at Xiaohong and the old man beside him: "Little guy, I'll give Xia Xia a face, I won't embarrass you today, and don't let me in the future. see you!!"


The face disappeared.

At the same time, Xiaohong disappeared.


In the end, only the summer and the old man were left.

And the gods in the distance.


The old man sighed: "Thank you!!"

"It turns out that a strong person like you can also have a physical sense!!" Xia Xia felt that the current old man was very pitiful.

"It's different, he is Lan Zun. Before he was sealed, he was a powerful guy. After being sealed for so many years, although he could not cultivate, he must have a lot of insights in other aspects. Although I My strength is good, but I'm only a 65th-level Venerable person, and compared to him, it's still far worse!!" The old man shook his head helplessly.

He didn't want that.

He wants to find Xiaohong.

But he also understands.

The next time he goes there, Lan Zun will definitely not let him go, and he will definitely kill him.

He passed.

is to die! !

"Are you going to give up?" Xia Tian asked.

"No, I won't give up, even if he kills me, I won't give up, but I know Xiaohong's personality very well, if he doesn't want me to find it, then I can't find it," the old man said.

"What if I could let you find them?" Xia Tian said directly.


He has already left a mark on Xiaohong's body.


It is not difficult for him to find Xiaohong.


Shenwu is still here, even if Lan Zun's alertness is very high, he can definitely find it.

"Really?" The old man's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Of course it's true, but I don't like to watch others go to death. If you only have such strength, I don't plan to send you there. After all, in that case, it means that I killed you myself!!" Summer said.

The old man frowned, thoughtfully, as if he was calculating something.

Summer didn't interrupt him either.

"I have a quick way to improve my strength, but that's a promise I made to my senior brother..."

"This is your business. It depends on whether you value your brother's promise more, or whether you love that woman more!!" Xia Xia said.

This is a very difficult multiple choice question.

"You really are a weirdo!!" The old man said with emotion.

Summer didn't explain anything.

"Okay, then I'll take a big bet and I'll take you to a place!!" The old man disappeared in place.

Xia Xia and Shen Wu also followed.

that's it.

The old man flew for a long time.

"The front is Kamikaze Mountain!!" the old man explained.

"You want to take me home?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"No, go to the cliffs of the back mountain!!" After the old man finished speaking, his body moved: "Be careful, the cliff below has a strong suction force, it is a natural formation, if you accidentally fall, you will lose weight in an instant. , being sucked down directly, it is absolutely impossible to want to come up."


Xia Xia didn't care about Since the old man has already said so, then he naturally can't care about it.

Follow the old man carefully all the way forward.

It's scary here.

Also very hidden.

The two of them climbed carefully for a long time before they came to a cave.

Inside this cave.

There is a dead bone.

Withered bones sat there.

The flesh and blood on his body had already dried.

"It shouldn't be. When the owner of this dead bone was alive, he must have been a powerful master. If such a master is sitting in a state, his body should not hatch in a short period of time!!" Hongfeng obviously I don't understand what's going on.

"This is my senior brother, the founder of Shenfeng Mountain back then, after the Battle of Heaven and Sea, he was seriously injured, plus the problems of his previous cultivation, so he chose to sit in a squat, and left this withered bone at the same time. ." The old man knelt on the ground three times and nine times.


Summer is also a slight bow.

"The battle of the sky and sea was a mystery to the outside world, but for those of us who experienced it, it was a very tragic battle. Although we have sent a lot of masters over, we still underestimate it. The other party, those people, are simply too strong, and the masters are emerging one after another. If it hadn't been for our people to use despicable means to control the Holy Son of their clan, in that battle, no one of our three clans would be able to leave alive. , but it is precisely because we controlled the holy son, we won, killed the opponent's clan, and shared the fruits of victory equally, but I can't forget the last look of the holy son before his death, as if I'm telling everyone that we, all of us, have to die." The old man looked at the senior brother in front of him, feeling as if this sentence had been verified.

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