The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1408: play big

"Summer, you are really summer!!!" The third child said in surprise.

They have always been the believers of the summer, listening to the story of the summer, let their lives have a purpose, even, they will create a small ancient city.

"Yes, I have seen your little ancient city!!" Xia Xia said.

He has now returned to his original appearance.

Coupled with his hand just now, no one will think that he is fake.

"What?" Everyone was stunned.


Actually saw their small ancient city.

You know, the small ancient city now has been destroyed beyond recognition.

"As a person, I don't need any believers, and I don't need others to worship me, because I myself am a loser. The reason why I work so hard is because my mother is in the hands of the Celestial people, and my wives are in the hands of others. Under the control of my father, who is fighting with the Celestials, I have no way out, and I have no choice, so I was forced out. If I could choose comfort, I would never take this road today. !!!" Summer said lightly.

He thinks he is not as great as the legends say.

What a happy arena.

What is Xiao Sa's life?

all fake.

"This is the real man." Everyone admired Xia even more in their hearts.

from their perspective.

A man, for his wife and mother, went to fight a behemoth like Tianzu.

This is the real man, the real man.


In other words, when I heard the name of the Celestial Clan, I was already scared.

How dare you even think about fighting.


Xia Xia walked to Xiao Huoyu's side and put his finger on Xiao Huoyu's body: "I think you already know Xiao Huoyu's identity, right?"

"I know, Mr. Xia!!" The boss said respectfully.

If it was someone else approaching Xiao Huoyu, they would definitely disagree, but if it was summer, they wouldn't have to be so nervous.

"Let me put it this way, this time the Blood River Valley is open, and there are many people staring at Jinhua. Jinhua is likely to use Xiaohuoyu, so this time Xiaohuoyu is just as bad as luck!!!" A mass of pure power appeared in his hand.

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It directly enveloped Xiao Huoyu's whole body.

at the same time.

The bodies of several other people were also wrapped in a kind of power.


They found that their bodies were gradually recovering.

"She will wake up in half an hour!!!" Xia Xia looked at the people in front of her.

"Thank you Mr. Xia!!!" Several people said respectfully.

"I give you a mission!!" Xia Xia said.

"Please order!!"

"Keep her, no matter what kind of enemy you face next, no matter who shoots her, you must protect her and survive this Blood River Valley incident!!" Xia Xia said.

"We will definitely do it!!" Several people said firmly.

"I can't give you any cultivation methods, and I can't give you any powerful ultimate moves, but I can give you my combat experience. Although it may not be completely suitable for you, as long as you slowly integrate, you will become you. My own!!" Xia Xia waved his right hand, and the six flowers of the sea of ​​consciousness fell into the souls of these six people.

For a moment.

The vast knowledge and combat experience began to appear in their souls.

when they wake up.

Summer is gone.

The boss got down on one knee.

Several others also knelt down on one knee.

"Mr. Xia, we have been your followers all our lives!!!" said the boss.

Xia Xia didn't think so much. He just felt that he had a fate with these people, so he just helped them, but he didn't know that his unintentional action created the biggest legend behind the Scarlet Forest. Of course, At that time, the Scarlet Forest was completely different from now.

Of course.

All this is an afterthought.

After finding Xiao Huoyu in the summer, he sent a message to Old George and the others.

Notify them that it's done.

Old George went to see Jinhua.

"Old George, do you know what that Tianxia is about?"

"I don't know yet." Old George said.

"You don't know? Then why did I investigate the news that he had contact with Xiao Huoyu before!!" Jin Hua obviously had already investigated some news himself, not only Old George and the others could use it.

"It's just a coincidence!!" Old George said.

"Blood River Valley is about to open, I don't want any accidents to happen, you guys take action, get him for me, and grab the key!!" Jinhua said.

"His strength is not simple, and he has a lot of methods. When he doesn't know the situation, he will shoot directly, I'm afraid..."

"What? You don't want to cooperate with me anymore?" Jinhua asked directly.

Of course.

here he is.

But it's not just a matter of non-cooperation.

There is a deeper meaning, that is, if they don't cooperate, Jinhua will find a way to kill Because they know a lot about Jinhua, and it is because of Jinhua's help these years that they can Gou live in the world.

"Okay, let's find a way!!" Old George said.

"What I want is not to think of a way, but to kill him. In the Scarlet Forest, such an awesome person is not allowed to exist!!!" Jin Hua's attitude was very firm.


Old George withdrew.

After leaving, he also sent a message to Xia Xia for the first time to discuss countermeasures, because something went wrong now, and Jin Hua was the first to focus on Xia Xia, and let them fight Xia Xia to the death.

"It's very simple, he suspects you!!" Xia Xian glanced at Old George and said.

"What we did was very covert, and we didn't reveal anything!!" Old George thought that he didn't reveal anything.

"No one believes that a person like him can live to this day. As long as there is anything that makes him suspicious, he will be vigilant. The reason why he let you do it is to test you. If you can't do it When you arrive, he will suspect that you have a problem, and if you are half-arrived, then he can also take the key directly in his hand!!" Xia Xia believes that people like Jinhua are relatively shrewd.

"This is troublesome!!!" Old George frowned.

"How about a fake one?" Bai Chuan said.

"No, with his alertness, it's impossible not to find it!!" Old George shook his head.

Xia Tian didn't speak, as if he was thinking about something.

a long time.

He raised his head: "You guys help me investigate, how many big people are here this time, I want to be detailed, the more detailed the better, and the speed is faster!!!"

"What do you want to do?" old George asked.

"I want to play bigger!!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

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