The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1434: helpless

The Grizzlies just want to break through here now.

As long as he breaks through here, he can reunite the people behind him. With his fame, he can have as many as he wants.

And now.

Losses are not that important anymore.

crazy! !

Those elites in the first level all thought that the Grizzly Bear must be crazy. This is completely for the person in front to die, and there is no choice.

And even those who oversee the work at the back understand that when the people in front are dead, they will be at the back.

"Sir, I'm afraid it's not good for you to do this!!" Finally, some brothers in the first level were unhappy.


As soon as he finished speaking, the head was already flying.

It was the Grizzly Bear.

At this time, the big grizzly bear looked at these people in front of him with fierce eyes: "Who still has problems?"

"Sir, you are forcing all of us to oppose you..."


Before that person could finish speaking, he was beheaded by a grizzly bear: "What about this time?"


These people in front of him are all his core subordinates and have followed him for many years, but now, he does not hesitate to kill these people. At this time, no matter who speaks, he will directly attack and kill them, here If you don't want to die, then there is only one way to rush forward.

"Crazy!!" Those foreign experts all thought that the Grizzly must be crazy.

If he does this, even if he passes here, he will lose his heart.

"I'll say it for the last time, from now on, give me your all, if you want to live, let me pass this barrier!!!" The Grizzly obviously doesn't care about anything.

Now I just want to break through this barrier.

"See, this is your king, your boss, following such a boss, they will only let you die. I said, as long as you attack him now, even if you don't hurt him, I will let you escape. Opportunity." Xia Xia's voice appeared again: "How to choose your own life and death, you should have already decided!!"

His voice appeared.

As if it gave everyone a reassurance.


If the grizzly bears say it, no one will dare to resist.

but now.

These people seem to see the hope of life.


I don't know who, suddenly attacked the grizzly bear.


This blow.

It was to confuse everyone. Although it was said before the summer that as long as the grizzly bear was attacked, he would not pursue him if he escaped, but no one dared to attack the grizzly bear. After all, the grizzly bear was the first pass. King, the real powerhouse.

But now.

These people can't take it anymore.

They all understand.

The death rate is 100% if they charge forward again, and if they flee, the death rate is also 100%, but if they attack the grizzly bear and then escape, the death rate may only be 50%. From this, they will naturally choose. If they want to give birth, they will Must choose to attack the grizzly bear.

"I killed..."

Before the big grizzly had finished speaking, another attack hit him.

boom! boom! boom!

If someone takes the lead, someone follows. If there is a first way, there is a second way, and a third way.

Fourth way.


The people around all began to attack the grizzly bear one after another.


There are also people who want to charge the bills and run away without attacking.


The person who escaped without attacking was also directly beheaded by Xia Xia: "Whether each of you attacked, whether it was really an attack, I can see clearly, if anyone thinks they can escape my eyes, it is really It's ridiculous!!"

Summer words.

is warning people here.

Don't play tricks.

"The first level is over!!!" When Hongfeng saw this scene, she understood.

The first level is over this time.

"Originally, I thought that it would take three hours to complete the first level, but the Grizzly bear is courting his own death, so he can't blame anyone else." Xia Xia didn't expect that the Grizzly Bear was such an idiot. Looking for a dead end.

his men.

He was forced to go down this road.

"Come back, come back to me, or I'll kill you all!!" The grizzly bear grabbed the two closest to him.

Directly pinched their heads.

"Forget it, there is no need for us to follow such a person!!" Those foreign experts are now completely disappointed with the Grizzly.

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They also don't plan to follow the Grizzly anymore.


They have launched their own attacks.

One attack after another hit the grizzly bear.

Then they also ran away.

Even those who used to have a particularly good relationship with the Grizzlies gave up at this moment.

They all started throwing attacks at the Grizzly.

The grizzly bear suffered so many attacks, but he lost his temper and could only resist: "I want you to die, you wait for me, wait for my revenge!!"

He speaks harshly now.

No one has listened.

"I'm sorry, boss, I don't want to die!!!"

The most loyal people around the Grizzly.

I couldn't help it at this time.

They all understood that if the others were gone, they would be the ones who died next.

"Damn you all!!!" Grizzly's eyes were red.

Jin Hua looked at the grizzly bear in front of with disappointment all over her face, then turned and left.

When watching Jinhua leave.

The grizzly bear is in a hurry.


His venerable defense appeared, and at the same time, the broken star struck directly into the ranks of his once most elite subordinates.



The bodies of these people shattered in an instant.

"Give me death!!!" the grizzly bear shouted angrily.

"Sir, is it really necessary for you to do this? We have been dying for you for so many years, can't you just let us go?" The elites around the first level looked at the grizzly bear angrily.

They just want to live.

What's wrong?

Now the Grizzly is actually starting to kill them with a Star Smash.

"Those who betrayed me should be damned!!" The Grizzly Bear looked at Jin Hua who was leaving, as if he was also warning Jin Hua.

But Jin Hua, who left, didn't look at him at all.


at this time.

The head of the golden flower that left flew up.

"I said that anyone who doesn't attack the Grizzly Bear will die if they leave, including you, the golden flower's clone, of course." Xia Xia's voice appeared again.


Seeing that Jinhua's clone is dead.

The grizzly bear fell into despair: "Golden Flower!!"

This means that the cooperation between him and Jinhua is completely useless.

"Grizzly Bear, have you admitted it yourself now?" Xia Xia's voice appeared, and now he was slapping the Grizzly Bear in the face. The Grizzly Bear didn't admit it before, but now, he has recruited himself: "When you From the moment you cooperated with Jinhua, you were doomed to have such a fate!!!"

"Tianxia, ​​I must kill you!!!"

"Really? Let's survive first, the last one is you!!!"

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