The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1447: ruthless sword


Baichuan didn't talk nonsense, and instantly killed the few people around him. His speed was very fast.

Those few people didn't even have a chance to react.

So killed.

"It's not that I don't know how to kill, but a thousand years ago, I mistakenly killed a person who made me regret for the rest of my life, so I started to dislike killing, but now I don't want to do things that I regret!!! "Baichuan proved his determination with practical actions.

He is now.

He was really motivated to kill, and he wanted to kill all the enemies who stood in his way.

"Bai Chuan, your opponent is me!!" Xue Ming shouted loudly.

He also directly attacked Baichuan. Now Baichuan is making a lot of noise. If he is allowed to make trouble like this, no one knows what will happen next, and it will have a great impact on the morale of his team.


He must stop Baichuan earlier.


When both sides attack together.

Xue Ming was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter, you are not cultivating the power of the world!!!"

The fifth, sixth and seventh levels are here.

Cultivation is the power of the world.

Even the blood-named oneself cultivates the power of the world.

Seeing that Baichuan's attack is completely different now, it is not the power of the world, but suppresses the power of his world, which makes him very surprised.

"You always think that the eighth party is the weakest in the eight directions in China, and all cultivation is the most backward, but you don't know that Shibie should be treated with admiration for three days!!!" This sentence is summer Said to Baichuan.

He felt very reasonable.

This person in the summer is often exported.


A few people around who killed the sword ghost were also beheaded by Baichuan in an instant.

"You don't have to worry about me, just deal with the blood name with all your heart!!" Although the sword ghost was injured, it was still not a big problem to temporarily withstand the raids of these people around him.

He was thinking of letting Baichuan escape.

But when he understood the strength of the sword ghost, he didn't say much.

"No, from the moment I got serious, this is my battlefield!!" Baichuan didn't talk nonsense, and instantly launched his own attack.

puff! puff! puff!

One after another, the men who rushed over were killed.

Bloodname wanted to hold Baichuan back at first, but soon he found out that the situation was not right. Now Baichuan is completely serious, he can't stop Baichuan at all, Baichuan can easily repel him, and then Kill those around you.

Although he will not have an accident for the time being, and there is no possibility of death.

But the brothers who follow him will die.

If the fight continues like this, the overall morale of the team will drop, and these people will no longer have the belief in life and death.

"Baichuan, don't be too arrogant!!!" Blood Name shouted angrily.

"I'm not arrogant, but I have this ability. If you also have this ability, you can stop me at any time!!" Baichuan said.


When Baichuan's sword tip was about to pierce Xue Ming's neck, he closed his hand again, patted Xue Ming's neck with the sword body, and smashed Xue Ming flying out.

Cough cough!

This time, the blood name was flushed.

The whole person's qi and blood cannot flow smoothly.

If Baichuan had just stabbed him in the neck, the result would have been completely different.

Even if you can't kill him directly, you can create opportunities for the next attack.

"Bai Chuan, I won't just let it go!!" Blood Name said.

"If you want to fight, I will accompany you to the end!!" Baichuan responded.

"Don't think I'm really afraid of you, I don't want to see so many brothers sacrifice in vain." Bloodname stopped.

He understood, and continued to fight.

It is impossible for him to defeat Baichuan, and the people around him are also a little scared, and their morale has dropped. Rather than letting these people run away, he might as well temporarily admit defeat. Although he admits defeat temporarily, he can gain hearts.

He was under the banner of not wanting those brothers to die in battle.

And let go of your grievances for a while.

Those people must have been very moved.

"Sir, we are not afraid of death!!" A few people stood up with a sense of loyalty.

"Stop, today my blood name is not as good as others, even if I die in battle, I have no regrets." Blood name shook his head: "Although I and you have just known each other for a while, but in my heart, you are all my brothers who were born and died. , I absolutely cannot watch you die here."

Baichuan glanced at the sword ghost: "You go!!"

"Aren't you going?" Sword Demon asked.

"I still have something to do, you can take this for a while, otherwise it will be easy to be disturbed by inner demons here!!" Xia Xia handed Sword Demon a Realm King Pill.

This kind of thing is usually reluctant to take out.

But the other party is his senior brother.

He had nothing to give up.

The sword ghost turned and left.

Baichuan was still staring at the blood name, until the sword ghost completely left, he disappeared in place.

He was very happy today.

He could finally stand in front of his senior brother.

It also allowed his senior brother to see his growth over the and let those who look down on the first swordsman of the eighth party understand what growth is.

Of course.

He also understands.

It's all summer.

If there was no summer, there would be no him now.

"How do you feel?" Xia Tian looked at Baichuan in front of him with a smile on his face.

He understands.

Now it should be a small peak of Baichuan's life.

"Very cool!!" Baichuan responded.

"The blood name will not let it go!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"I know, I'm not afraid of him doing things. If he wants to fight, I will accompany him to the end!!" Baichuan said.

"I just received news that Caohuo Shen and Jinhua have also cooperated. They have obtained a secret route that can bypass the big team and rush to the position of the Ruthless Sword in advance!!" Xia Xia said.

"Come over in advance!!" Baichuan understood what this meant.

This represents.

Have more opportunities than others.

You have more time than others. If you have the ability, you can get the ruthless sword before others have seen it.

"Yes, let's rush over ahead of time, the Vulcan God will leave us a mark on the road, and then we will rush over ahead of time, and then let the people from Black Fang study the Merciless Sword, and we can take advantage of the fisherman!!" Xia Xia said.

"What a shortcut!!" Bai Chuan said.

"Don't take out your sword!!" Xia Xia also understood.

No one can predict what may happen next.

The sword intent near the ruthless sword is very terrifying. If Baichuan took out the sword, it might be directly swallowed by the ruthless sword! !

"I can finally see what the legendary Ruthless Sword looks like!!" Baichuan looked expectant.

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