The Best All-rounder

Chapter 1451: there is 1 way

Is there a way?

When they heard this, everyone looked at the God of Fire.

"Mr. Xia, tell me quickly, what's the solution?" Hei Ya hurriedly asked.

This is what he likes to hear the most now.

There is a way.

"Open a river channel from the blood pool, and introduce the blood in the blood pool to other places to take it. In this case, the ruthless sword will be exposed!!!" When Cao Huo Shen said this, he also felt that Xia Xia was simply a ghost.

This method is the easiest.

But no one thought of it.

The people here are masters, and it is precisely because they are masters that they fall into a misunderstanding. In their eyes, only the stronger the strength, the better the chance.

Only with absolute strength can the blood pool be broken.

But in fact.

There is no need for them to confront the blood pool head-on.

If you can't fight, you can drain the blood in the blood pool.

"Good way, good way!!" Heiya's eyes also lit up: "Why didn't I think of this!!!"


Black Fang couldn't be more excited now, he directly ordered his subordinates to start to open up other river channels, and also dug a big hole beside him.

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deeper pit.

Lead the blood into this big pit.

"Success!!" Hei Ya is very happy now: "Mr. Xia, you are really my lucky star."


The blood water is getting lower and lower, and the ruthless sword under the blood water also appears, but everyone is very surprised.

The ruthless sword is actually hundreds of tall.

It's a giant sword.

Such a huge sword.

how to use?

The ruthless sword at this time, above the sword god, depicts hundreds of figures, these figures include human beings, immortal beasts, and immortal demons, and all kinds of sword qi are vertical and horizontal on it, lifelike.

The entire ruthless sword seems to be standing proudly between heaven and earth.

The sword does not move, the sky stands.

When the sword moves, the world will be destroyed.

This is the legendary ruthless sword, one can't help but kneel at a glance.

This is the real king's sword.

Such a sword, if someone can really stab it, then the whole world seems to be stabbed open.

At first glance in summer.

just feel it.

His whole body seemed to sink into it.

When he went to look at Baichuan next to him.

Finding that Baichuan seemed to have lost his soul, he also hurriedly patted Baichuan on the shoulder: "Come back!!"


Baichuan was also in a cold sweat: "Did I almost sink just now!!"

"It's not possible for the time being with your ability, but if you continue to comprehend, then you don't know what will happen, especially if your spirit is separated from your body, your body is almost in an ethereal state, if someone sneaks up on you at this time Your body is almost a living target!!" Xia Xia had just seen Baichuan's state.

It can be said.

Just now, Baichuan's body was in a state of no defense.

"I still can't control my instincts. I just observed that the figures on the ruthless sword are all the sword intent of a top swordsman, and those swords are also top swords." Baichuan explained.

"Those people injected their sword intent into the ruthless sword?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"No, after they were beheaded, their sword intent was sealed inside, their weapons were cut off by the ruthless sword, and the sword soul was attached to the ruthless sword!!" Baichuan said.

"The swordsman masters who were beheaded were absorbed!!" Xia Xia understood.

"It's a top-level swordsman master, and ordinary swordsman masters are not qualified to be recorded on it!!!" Baichuan explained.

"Top? Do you count?" Xia Xia asked.

"It should be a little worse!" Baichuan said.

"In this way, this ruthless sword is amazing!!" Xia Xia said with emotion.

"There are too many profound meanings in the ruthless sword. Unless a person is selected by the weapon, it is impossible to forcibly control the weapon." Baichuan can't imagine what kind of person can control the ruthless sword like this The presence.

Want to control the relentless sword.

almost impossible.

Unless Ruthless Sword actively surrendered to this master.


When Black Fang's attack hit the chains around the Ruthless Sword, a huge vibration appeared, and thousands of sword shadows appeared in the chains.

Directly cut through the black tooth's skin.

His venerable armor has been shattered, and it is impossible to restore it in a short time.

Otherwise it can still be blocked.

"As expected of a ruthless sword, even the chain that seals it already contains sword intent!!!" Hei Ya looked at the ruthless sword in front of him in surprise.

"The Sword Intent of the Heartless Sword is very terrifying. It is surrounded by the Heartless Sword all the year round, not to mention the chains. The mountains, rocks and trees here also have a powerful Sword Intent. It can be said that everything here is infected by the Heartless Sword. "Grass Vulcan sighed with emotion.

"Our mission is to cut off these eight chains. In this case, the Sword Intent of the Ruthless Sword will explode out completely, and the next thing has nothing to do with us!!!" Hei Ya looked at the eight chains in front of him.

He is also trying to figure out a way.

Exactly how to cut these eight He has already tried it just now. The eight chains are not only extremely hard, but also have a strong sword intent on them. It is very difficult to break them.

"My lord, if we take turns to attack, no matter how much sword intent is in it, it will be exhausted, and no matter how hard the chain is, it will not be able to withstand our attacks all the time!!" Someone suggested.

"This method is feasible, but I don't know how long it will take!!" Black Fang said.

"Let's try it first and see!!"

"Okay, then everyone's hard work, you have to be careful, the sword intent attack on the chain is still very strong." Hei Ya nodded slightly.

They finally saw the true appearance of the ruthless sword.

One by one is worthwhile.

And before coming.

Heiya received the news from Jinhua that he should not bring the swordsman here. When he picked out his masters, he didn't call anyone who used a sword.

He didn't understand why before.

But when he came here, he understood.

If those swordsmen came, they would not be helpers, but burdens.

"They can't break the chains!!" Baichuan has already seen that these chains are extremely hard, and the sword intent inside is accumulated for countless years, and it will take a long time to consume them all.


"It's impossible to break the chain like this, but it's not completely impossible," Xia Xia said.


"You still have a way?" Baichuan looked at Xia Xia in surprise.

He really can't think of anything else right now.


After those people attacked for a while, they all gave up, and they also discovered that they couldn't break these chains at all.

"I have a way, you can try it!!" Caohuo Shen suddenly said.

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